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Games Development Student in year 2. Studying for a bachelors degree.

Gym, modelling, programming, soccer, gaming
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Toshiba laptop, 3gb ram, 1gb GT230M graphics,2.13GHz core 2 duo
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318 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for lashbandi

You will need to use either loops, or just create more variables and do the same as you have there.

Member Avatar for sandy_5
Member Avatar for Techboy52

You have the cylinder value set to 0. How does it calculate the height of the cylinder without the volume?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for LegendX

normally, a for loop has the following syntax [CODE]for(index=0;index<-sumNumber;index++)[/CODE] Of course, this can change quite dramatically, but this is the basic that you will use alot. Index starts at 0, index++ adds 1 to the index each time the loop runs. The loop will end once index reaches sumNumber One …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gcardonav

[QUOTE=Narue;1343290][B]>Namespaces are a relatively new C++ feature just now starting to appear in C++ compiler[/B] If by "just now" you mean "almost two decades ago", you'd be correct. They're not new, and all decent compilers have a mature implementation in place.[/QUOTE] Seems like a google search for namespaces and a …

Member Avatar for StanleyLau
Member Avatar for Translucentbill

[QUOTE=mangopearapples;1461149]Sorry? I was just giving him an example.[/QUOTE] He was referring to the negative feedback he received, nothing about you. But, you just basically gave the guy cut and paste code. If he just googled mouse listener, from masijades post, he would have [I]had[/I] to learn what a mouse listener …

Member Avatar for goodtaste
Member Avatar for TayKaye

Just incase what you have in a do..while() loop. [CODE]do{//start the loop here cout << "Rock, Paper, Scissors Game\n"; cout << "You are playing against the computer\n"; cout << "Type 1 for rock\n"; cout << "Type 2 for paper\n"; cout << "Type 3 for scissors\n"; cin >> userChoice; //User enters …

Member Avatar for jogosde
Member Avatar for bangor_boy
Member Avatar for Kathy0410

Interfaces can only contain method signatures and constant declarations. this: Employee emp = new Employee();; Is not allowed. What are you trying to accomplish?

Member Avatar for Kathy0410
Member Avatar for arunkumars

I'm not sure of your understanding of polymorphism. Polymorphism is not **method overloading**. Method overloading is a feature which allows the creation of methods with the same name which differ from each other in the type of the input and the output of the function. Each of these methods will …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for juliermills

As a side use for javascript, it is a supported scripting language in the Unity3D game engine! So if you ever want to make cool games, you can do it in javascript, which is pretty awesome if you think about it!

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for pritish.kamath

Hi, simple error I spotted straight away is your class declaration: public class Pritish extends Applet implements ActionListener implements Runnable { } You have the implements keyword twice! To implement multiple interfaces, you just use the " , " character. public class Pritish extends Applet implements ActionListener,Runnable { }

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for RyMarr475

Can you post your getPath() method from your computer class? Most likely you don't have the path setup correctly, which will mean the icon is not found and therefore will be null.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for yup790

The simple way I did my 3D level editor in XNA is create a separate project. Then, when I was finished placing objects in the editor, I saved the data into xml format. The data just consisted of standard things like: position,scale,rotation. In my main game project, I then created …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for king03

Perhaps you can post the code you have already done, that way we can steer you in the right direction or let you know if the direction you are going is fine

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for Akill10

Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to store and search quickly a group of numbers. What I want to do is store a group of Vector3D positions, and then later on, I want to search some sort of array/hashmap based on a current group of Vector3D positions. …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for winki

Just going by the error on the screenshot, the IDE has told you the problem, are you sure you have initialised CurrentControl? Are you initialising after you try to use it?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for emitremmit

`Item Item[] = new Item[5];` You also need to fix this. You dont even have a variable. You cannot use a class name as a variable. EDIT: Apparently you can :D but I have never seen it before nor do I advise to do it, unless of course there is …

Member Avatar for Subliminimalist
Member Avatar for hifistyle

Hi, So what is the actual problem? I have never used DarkGDK before, but if you let us know what is happening/what you expect to happen, we can easily let you know if your theory is off.

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for Torf

Well, to start off, create 2 new files, 1 called Author, 1 called Book. Just make sure they are created in the same package(folder) to avoid any unecessary confusion. Then do exactly what your brief said. Create the variables needed in each class. Java already has it's own LinkedList class …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for witchDoc

One of the easiest frameworks to use is microsofts XNA and C#. It is free to develop for the windows platform(and sell) but if you want to move into the console market, it will cost like 100quid to get your game on xbox live.

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for Akill10

Hi, Been looking about and cannot find an answer to this. Is it possible to view the class diagram for your project in the express edition of VS? If not, are there any plugins etc. for it which would allow me to do so? If not, does anyone have any …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for chiiqui

[QUOTE=firstPerson;1677588]For the most part it should be, especially judging from @OP's post, I wouldn't expect him to be doing any problem that hasn't been solved or has a variant of the solution he needs.[/QUOTE] Unless, of course, your expectations were wrong!

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for pendo826

Of course it is possible! Think of an object as a piece of data. It has a type and it has a value. Exactly the same way you create an array of ints. An int is a type, and it has a value. So, Say your class name is Foo...Therefore, …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Interista
Member Avatar for Interista
Member Avatar for compulove
Member Avatar for Slyvr

Do a search for all references of Window.Title in your IDE. That should tell you where it is being changed. Does the title say paused, before you pause the game for the first time?

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for marvolo1300

An array of size 2 will mean you can store 2 objects. I am not sure why you think it is 3. So, An array which holds 2 objects will looke like this: array[0] = object 1 array[1] = object 2 So, when you create an array of size N. …

Member Avatar for marvolo1300
Member Avatar for Jazerix
Member Avatar for Jazerix
Member Avatar for AndrewConroy

[url][/url] Take a look at that.

Member Avatar for Akill10

The End.