
I created a member file name "ConverterA" but it keep saying has no member. Please help me in this situation. What does it mean?

class Resistance
                string ColorA[9], ColorB[10], ColorC[12], ColorD[12]; 
                int Resistances, Tolerance;

                int SelectedOP2();
                int Option();                
                int ConverterA(string);
                int ConverterB(string); 
                int ConverterD(string);
                int Converter(string);
                string ConverterD(int);

// assuming that everything is declared and defined

int main()
     colorA = A.ConverterA(Color[0]); // from here to "ConverterD" it keeps saying "no member named"
     colorB = A.ConverterB(Color[1]);
     colorC = A.Converter(Color[2]);
     colorD = A.ConverterD(Color[3]);

Thank you in advance

Can you post the exact command line you're using to compile along with compiler errors exactly as reported?

This is one of the member i'm trying to compile

int Resistance::ConverterB(string color)
 return ConverterD(color); // function definition

the error, same as the others says :
'struct std::string' has no member named 'ConverterB'

if you need the whole program i can post it as well but i warn you its pretty long. hehe.

Yes, please post full code.

I have change couple lines to fit the project's requirements but basically its the same problem.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>   
#include <sstream>      
#include <cmath>   

using namespace std;
//------------------Function Prototype---------------------
                int ConverterA(string);
                int ConverterB(string); 
                int ConverterD(string);
                int Converter(string);
                string ConverterD(int);
class Resistance
                string ColorA[9], ColorB[10], ColorC[12], ColorD[12]; 
                int Resistances, Tolerance;


                int Option();
                int Rmax(int, int);
                int Rmin(int, int);
                int TolConv(string);
                int R(int, int);

int Resistance::Rmax(int resist, int tol)
 resist = resist*(tol/100.0)+resist;
 return resist;
int Resistance::Rmin(int resist, int tol)
 resist = resist-resist*(tol/100.0);
 return resist;

int Resistance::TolConv(string color)
 return ConverterD(color);

int Resistance::R(int resist, int color)
 resist = resist*pow(10.0,color);
 return resist;

int Resistance:: Option ()
    int option;
    cout << "Please Choose From The Fallowing Option : " << endl;
    cout << "\t1 - Convert color of bands to ohms\n\t2 - Convert ohm to color of bands" << endl;
    cout << "Enter Option Number : " ;
    cin  >> option; 
    cout << endl << endl ; 
    return option;
int main ()
    int option;
    Resistance A;
    option = A.Option();

     if (option == 1)
     int colorA, colorB, colorC, colorD; 
     double Rsistance,;
     string Color[4], answer;
     char temp1[10], temp2[10];
string answer = "n";
string A, B, C, D;

cout << "Please enter a color for band A: ";
cin  >> A;

                 for (int i=0; i< A.length(); i++) 
             Color[0] = A;
             cout << "Please enter a color for band B: ";
             cin  >> B;

                 for (int j=0; j<B.length(); j++) 
             Color[1] = B;             
             cout << "Please enter a color for band C: ";
             cin  >> C;      
                 for (int k=0; k<C.length(); k++) 
             Color[2] = C;             
             cout << "Please enter a color for band D: ";
             cin  >> D;                           
                  for (int l=0; l<C.length(); l++) 
             Color[3] = D;   
     colorA = ConverterA(Color[0]);
     colorB = ConverterB(Color[1]);
     colorC = Converter(Color[2]);
     colorD = A.TolConv(D);  // this causes error. only reported one error.

 /////////////////////Check System////////////////////////////////////    

            if(colorA == 10 )
            {cout << "\nError! Invalid input in Color band A" << endl;
            cout << "\nWould you like to try again? Enter Y: " ;
            cin >> answer; 
            cout << endl; }

            else if(colorB == 10 )
            {cout << "\nError! Invalid input in Color band B" << endl;
            cout << "\nWould you like to try again? Enter Y: " ;
            cin >> answer;
            cout << endl; }
            else if(colorC == 10 )
            {cout << "\nError! Invalid input in Color band C" << endl;
            cout << "\nWould you like to try again? Enter Y: " ;
            cin >> answer;
            cout << endl;} 
            else if(colorD == 0 )
            {cout << "\nError! Invalid input in Color band D" << endl;
            cout << "\nWould you like to try again? Enter Y: " ;
            cin >> answer;
            cout << endl; }
                answer = "n";
     while (answer == "y" || answer == "Y");
  ////////////////////////////Converts Interger to Character//////////////////////
    itoa (colorA,temp1,16);
    itoa (colorB,temp2,16);

strcat(temp1, temp2);

int result;
stringstream convert(temp1);
if(!(convert >> result))
result = 0;

cout << "\nR = " << A.R(result,colorC) << " ohms" << endl;
cout << "Tolerance = " << colorD << "%" << endl;
cout << "Rmax = " << A.Rmax(result,colorD)<< " ohms" << endl;
cout << "Rmin = " << A.Rmin(result,colorD)<< " ohms" << endl << endl;

     if (option != 1 && option != 2)
     cout << "Error! Invalid input option" << endl;
     return 0;
////////////////////////Function Definition//////////////////////////////////
//----------------------------For Bands-----------------
int Converter (string Color)
    if (Color == "black")
    return 0;
    if (Color == "brown")
    return 1;    
    if (Color == "red")
    return 2;
    if (Color == "orange")
    return 3;
    if (Color == "yellow")
    return 4;
    if (Color == "green")
    return 5;
    if (Color == "blue")
    return 6;
    if (Color == "violet")
    return 7;
    if (Color == "gray")
    return 8;
    if (Color == "white")
    return 9;
    if (Color == "silver")
    return -1;
    if (Color == "gold")
    return -2;
        return 10;
//----------------------------For Band D-----------------
int ConverterD (string D)
    if (D == "gold")
    return 5;

    if (D == "silver")
    return 10;
    if (D == "none")
    return 20;
    return 0;
//----------------------------For Band D-----------------
string ConverterD (int D)
    if (D == 5)
    return "gold";

    if (D == 10)
    return "sivler";
    if (D == 20)
    return "none";
    return 0;
//----------------------------For Band A-----------------
int ConverterA( string Color)
if (Color == "brown")
    return 1;    
    if (Color == "red")
    return 2;
    if (Color == "orange")
    return 3;
    if (Color == "yellow")
    return 4;
    if (Color == "green")
    return 5;
    if (Color == "blue")
    return 6;
    if (Color == "violet")
    return 7;
    if (Color == "gray")
    return 8;
    if (Color == "white")
    return 9;
    return 10;
//----------------------------For Band B-----------------
int ConverterB( string Color)
    if (Color == "black")
    return 0;
    if (Color == "brown")
    return 1;    
    if (Color == "red")
    return 2;
    if (Color == "orange")
    return 3;
    if (Color == "yellow")
    return 4;
    if (Color == "green")
    return 5;
    if (Color == "blue")
    return 6;
    if (Color == "violet")
    return 7;
    if (Color == "gray")
    return 8;
    if (Color == "white")
    return 9;
    return 10;

Thank you for helping me


	option = A.Option();

	if (option == 1)
		int colorA, colorB, colorC, colorD; 
		double Rsistance;
		string Color[4], answer;
		char temp1[10], temp2[10];
			string answer = "n";
			[B]string A[/B], B, C, D;//HERE YOU DECLARE A AGAIN

Your Resistance object goes out of scope, therefore, you are trying to find a TolConv function in std::string.

Also, your variable names are terrible, if you actually thought about what the variable will do/how it will be used when naming it, it will be much easier to avoid these kind of problems

oh I see. wow that worked. thanks a lot. i'll rename it to a different variable.

Increase warning level. Compiler would tell you of such conflicts..

Increase warning level. Compiler would tell you of such conflicts..

Even so, it's not the compilers fault, such conflicts shoudln't really occur anyway :)

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