32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello Is there a way to get data from the db with ConnectStudentDAO and populate the StudentBean.java and then copy the bean over to the model (Student.java) Is this how it is done. I'm not sure how to work out the Cast error. Thanks [b]LoginInfoBean.java[/b] [code] public String loginAction(String newUser, …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ahmedz

hi, i need to to display urdu in java midlets it is showing (?????) signs in database can someone please help me.its urgent

Member Avatar for InnocentVamp

Hello folks... I want to know how to enable an application (using Java) that it can understand Gujarati fonts? I want to store the Gujarati data and want to retrieve the data with understanding like the occurrence of a given word, replacing a given word with some other word and …

Member Avatar for gangster88

can someone plz explain why each option is valid or invalid..i have no clue of waht is going on in these questions? all i can see are they are being multiplied?.. i do not understand these attributes and instances and cannot find any helpful resources either? i know in the …

Member Avatar for gangster88
Member Avatar for jeanfrg

Hi, I need help with an Assignment that requires me to continue(inheritance) on an existing assignment that I previously did. When I run the program and choose option 4 or 5 nothing happens, it skips the rest of the loop and starts again. #This is the main code that uses …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi, I want to know the general information about java. Is java is opensource or not? Thank you, Prem

Member Avatar for prem2
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi everyone can u please correct the errors in these codes? [CODE] // Testing the Stack class of the java.util package import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class StackTest extends JFrame { public StackTest() { super( "Stacks" ); Container c = getContentPane(); final JLabel status = new …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for jasneg16

Please help me out with this... Sorry, Don't know how to post in coding option. this might be hard to understand. | I just copy it and posted it.... thanks in advance. /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for drweere

please give me a java codes to print this triangula shape using for loop........... 1 22 333 4444 55555

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for pinsickle

I recently starting learning Java, I have a pretty good grasp on C/C++ and wanted to expand my horizons. Anyway, I have being using the Headfirst Java book and recently finished the chapters on GUI. One thing that wasn't covered by the book was how to deal with child windows. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for pateldeep454

What are the pros and cons of class and object methods? Which is more concise (usually)? What kind of computations can be expressed most naturally using each style)? Explain PLZ!!!

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for ku95

Im trying to call the reset method within this Connect4Model class is that possible. As you can see I have made and attempt and I'm getting 33 errors. I can't exactly see where I'm going wrong. If someone can guide me and let me know where I've gone wrong that …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for ku95

Hi, I have some code for a program that I'm doing. Basically I'm trying to write method whereby the reset() method takes two parameters which are number of columns and number of rows. I'm doing this method whereby I have to to move all the contents of the Connect4Model constructor …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for ku95

I'm new to doing Java and i was wondering if anyone would happen to know why this return type error is occurring. this is the following error C:\Users\..\Desktop\Connect4Model.invalid method declaration; return type required public reset(int numCols, int numRows) [CODE]public class Connect4Model { Connect4Column [] columns; // an array of columns …

Member Avatar for wildplace
Member Avatar for phriendtj

OK I am writing a custom application which needs to do a limited amount of web browsing... i.e. browsing is not its main intention but yes it is ABSOLUTELY necessary for it to be able to browse the web.... I am using a JEditorPane with the HTMLEditorKit for the display …

Member Avatar for phriendtj
Member Avatar for jockfaire

Hello, I have written a small java program that simulates a Lottery draw. I would like to generate multiple "lotto tickets" e.g 20 tickets containing 7 numbers at one time when i run the program rather than just a single ticket every time i run the program. Below is the …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for morrigan.c

I'm a newbie, and...cannot find the answer on the Web. If you want to use the OR operator in Java, "||", how can you type it so the compiler will accept it? The character "|" on the same key with the backslash ("\") looks like it should be the right …

Member Avatar for morrigan.c
Member Avatar for bigsurya

I've written this code to obtain an alternate display of '|' and '\*' starting with '|'. To ensure the altering of o/p I've used the yield(). But this doesn't seem to serve the purpose. Can someone point out where have I gone wrong ? import java.util.*; class Pat extends Thread …

Member Avatar for phriendtj
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello Could someone tell me if this code is even close to code for a login using a DAO and an embeded db? if not there is a proceedure losted below that I really don't understand the '?' and how to use the uid to query the db [b]specific question[/b] …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for anoopasta

Dear All, I have a dedicated server with Godaddy and I am running XMLDigitalSignatureAPI on it. It works fine on my local server but when I uploaded the war file to the production server I got the error below and if I try to refresh the page again I get …

Member Avatar for anoopasta
Member Avatar for Illidanek

Ok so i have been looking this up on the internet but all the stuff i've been finding has been for other stuff or worked in a different way than i wanted it to. So what i need is a Filetype filter for a FileDialog (not a JFileDialog or anything). …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hello friends. I want to know what happen if any or all thread is in waiting condition and no notify() is called on thats thread. Please help me to solve this. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for evak77

//import classes import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; import java.text.*; //Class Header public class Mortgage3 { //Public method header public Mortgage3() { } //Get user input public double loanAmt() throws IOException { //Declare Method Variables double PrincipalIn = 0; String answer; boolean done = false; BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); //Loop …

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for Fadorn

Hi All, I am new to Java, and I can not figure out why my code will not stop to get input from the user for the second employeeName at the end of my while loop. Everything else seems to work as it should. After the first calculate is completed …

Member Avatar for Fadorn
Member Avatar for iamchamith

I open new window using javascript as like this, in the [B]Main page[/B] using several links & that link pass the id to the javascript function call moreWindoe() eg->[CODE] <a onclick="morewindw(1)">link 1</a> <a onclick="morewindw(2)">link 2</a> <a onclick="morewindw(3)">link 3</a> [/CODE] [CODE]function moreWindow(id){ window.open('moredata.aspx?val='+id+'','mywindow','width=650,height=540','location=no'); return false; }[/CODE] when i am click the …

Member Avatar for sfrider0

I've created a link checker in the past that checked all the links on a web page. I created it in C#, then made it work for an asp.net page. I've taking a Java class since then. I found this code on the internet that is supposed to check the …

Member Avatar for genesistr

hi, I have mfc c++ activeX object and javascript code to use that object. there are 2 types of callback in my activeX object. First: triggered itself(my activeX object) second: triggered via external dll. My javascript code can catch the first callback but although the message arrives to the FireEvent …

Member Avatar for smoothe19

How do I create functions that do the following? Find: will do a case sensitive search of the text starting at the beginning. If a match is found, the text will be highlighted on the screen. If no match is found a message stating that no matches were found should …

Member Avatar for evak77

How do I stop this from looping over and over? [code] import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public class Loan1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); double interest; double payment; double amount; double term; DecimalFormat decimalPlaces=new DecimalFormat("0.00"); while (true) { //keep looping until we see stop …

Member Avatar for wildplace
Member Avatar for cppnewb

Hello...I am new to java and have written some code...and now I am getting a 'SyntaxError: Parse error'. My code is : [code] if (window.innerWidth && window.innerWidth <= 480) { $(document).ready(function(){ $('#header ul').addClass('hide'); $('#header').append('<div class="leftButton" onclick="toggleMenu()">Menu</div>'); }); function toggleMenu() { $('#header ul').toggleClass('hide'); $('#header .leftButton').toggleClass('pressed'); } } [/code] Any help is …

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The End.