32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for sreenivas.m41

hello, can any one help me ,i am not getting mysql datbase values from server, to my system through applet it display all values null....but locally the program getting the values is there any browser settings..or any thing need i have to do pls help me................

Member Avatar for Chaster

Hi all, I have two strings, in which the order of words may differ. I would like to hash both of them and obtain the very same hash code for them. So I need a hash that returns the same value for "Hello world" and " world Hello". Does such …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Raghav686

The requirement is to have an applet which refreshes it self every second. I have created a thread for this purpose. I am using paint function to display all the values within a rectangle. The problem is that 1.i am not able to call paint() function from run(). 2. The …

Member Avatar for the_preface

I'm writing a program which accepts the price of a tour. A tour is priced between 29.95 and 249.99. It's supposed to repeat until a valid price is entered... However, even when it is, the program continues to repeat. Here's what I have so far. [CODE] import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.InputMismatchException; …

Member Avatar for the_preface
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

Here's the assignment: You are to create a single server (in either Java or C/C++) which can service both C/C++ and Java clients. The protocol of the server is as follows: 1. The client contacts the server. 2. The client performs a single send of a data packet containing the …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for kiyu2keith

How do you terminate the program?? for example I input exit on the dialog box as it should terminate the program. I really don't have any idea on how to do it.

Member Avatar for kiyu2keith
Member Avatar for vextorspace

I have a JFrame that I call from another JFrame like so: [CODE] Viewer2D v = new Viewer2D(this); v.setVisible(true); v.DrawAssembly(glNameList.get(hitRecs.get(0).getNames()[0])); [/CODE] I set the exit action to an action listener and call dispose() and both of my JFrames disappear! How do I get only the one I'm working on to …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for bigsurya

I am getting a NullPointerException in the statement which I've hidden. Can some1 tell me why is it so ? [code] import java.io.*; class College { String branch,name = new String(); int avg_marks,rno; InputStreamReader in= new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader buf= new BufferedReader(in); String s=new String(); void read()throws IOException { System.out.println("Enter name"); …

Member Avatar for bigsurya
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hello experts, actually i have a situation like this. i have a drop down menu value:{2,3,4,5,6}. there is a common operation need to be done if any number in menu list chosen.each of the number must have different number of layers. if user choose 2 means 2 layers,if 3 means …

Member Avatar for ubi_ct83
Member Avatar for ragedsparrow

HEy everyone. I've been workign on this for a few days now and it's due tomorrow, so I thought I would ask a developer community for any input. Here is what is supposed to be happening. The Server starts. The Client Starts. The user enters a table name into the …

Member Avatar for ragedsparrow
Member Avatar for tedsu

I am trying to add Jtext area to a Java application, load text from a Notepad file & allow user to change color of text & make text invisible/visible using Menu bar. I am having trouble with the 1st part--loading the contents of a text file. Any help would be …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for veroniclake

hi, i have some imports in my class file [CODE]import com.xyz.auto.common.ui.URObject; import com.xyz.auto.common.utils.AutoScript;[/CODE] in the above code, the URObject class is in a jar file called uis.jar the AutoScript class is in a folder structure [com->xyz->auto->common->utils]. during compiling it is showing "com.xyz.auto.common.ui " package is missing. but i have added …

Member Avatar for veroniclake
Member Avatar for Struggler

Hi I am new to log4j.xml which is used to log the informations. Currently, I am giving the absolute path for each log file in param tag value. eg : appender name="FA" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender"> param name="DatePattern" value="'_'yyyyMMdd"/> [COLOR="Red"][B]param name="File" value="D:/logFiles/GPreprocessor.log[/B][/COLOR]"/> layout class="com.dnb.genericpreprocessor.common.log.AppXMLLayout"/> /appender> I do not want to give "GPreprocessor.log" directly.Actually …

Member Avatar for vallikasturi

Hi.. I had an application where i used an applet for drawing a diagram... n i've to get the database values when i clicked on a line.. It works fine when i'm implementing this in my local system... But when i placed in the server, I'm unable to get the …

Member Avatar for jj001155

Hi, can any one send me a source code for a stick figure in java, i have found some but i can't get them to work. Please help.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sharathk60

hi please reply i have a problem . i want add a new table for a existing database in android. Since i have only option is to create table is i have to upgrade the database .please if any other option is there to create a new table and also …

Member Avatar for gymangel812

I'm having a problem figuring out what goes in the SecurityAlarm class. It is an abstract base class with 3 methods: alarmFailure() (cannot be overridden by any subclass), and alarmSensor(), alarm() (both are abstract. EntryAlarm is a class that inherits from SecurityAlarm. If the simulation of an alarm exceeds the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for wildplace

i know how to determine if x instanceof aClass. if x is not an instanceof aClass, how can i tell if it it will give me a compiler error or run time error. Consider the following question~ [QUOTE]interface I { ... } class A { ... } class B extends …

Member Avatar for wildplace
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I want to know how you guys parse html. I'm writing a program to compare products on a website. I already have a system that scrapes the websites. I looked at HTMLParser, I'm a little confused on how to use it, I was thinking about writing my own …

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for KirkPatrick

I have a Tcp Client (in Java) and a Tcp Server (in Groovy) and I am having problems getting the Client to communicate properly. I believe the issues involve my client not being able to send information to the server. (My assumption is the problem is somewhere near [I]line 32[/I] …

Member Avatar for lola_fcis

i was make aproject with desktop application and make the form but i cant to connect the form with my code thanx

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello. Is there someone who might be able to show me how to adjust a insert for a prepared statement sent to a derby embedded db? [code] run: driver name from xml: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver in bCreatedTables: created table: createAdminTable created table: createPayeeTable created table: createStudentTable created table: createInstructorTable created table: createBookingTable …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hello friends. Can anybody tell me how many ways exist to create the instance of class. i know only two ways to create the instance of class. 1. using new operator 2. using Class.forName() can anybody tell me more method. someone told me that there is more than 5 method …

Member Avatar for pankajagar2002
Member Avatar for Superstar288

Hi every thanks for taking the time to read my thread. anyway i had an idea of doing a car diagnostic program which would then store results and act as a car library for my final year project but im not sure if this is possible and if it is …

Member Avatar for Superstar288
Member Avatar for kripajayaraj

Hello der... can sumone please help me? i want to upload a file n form field data from a form. but since i am using multipart/form-data i am unable to get data field values.... i got codes using org.apache.commons.fileupload package... even though i downloaded n placed d respective jar in …

Member Avatar for solomon_13000

This is a generic:- Description<Space> Field Name:Value,....Field Name:Value This is a code:- [CODE] obj.insert("The value you have inserted is" + "name:" + student.getName() ",age:" + student.getAge() ); [/CODE] Based on the generic: 1. "The value you have inserted is" = Description 2. name: = Field Name 3. age: = Field …

Member Avatar for vobiahu

i am trying to create an interactive program that gives a prompt for the hangman game. there is meant to be a phrase book of about 100 movies. The phrase book is in an attachment. So far what i have done is made a I made a for loop to …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for ccaatty

Hi, I was making a menu bar for my JFrame, which contains a menu item named "Help". I'm wondering how to make F1 a shortcut to that menu item. I thought of using .setAccelorator()., but that didn't seem to work. So can you show me how? Thanks!

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for bandlife

Hello.. I can't even understand this problem since im a stupid beginner. I feel like I'm gonna die.. Please anybody help me.. Implement a “Cash Register” applet as demonstrated below. It should have the following functionality: 1.A section containing 9 buttons in a 3x3 layout where each button corresponds to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tamem
Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.