32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for byimam

Hi all, I am undertaking a project that will extract information like verbs and nouns from requirements and map those part of speech to architectures or components. How can I develop such tools in java. I desperately need your help! cheers Badamasi

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for help_please

Hey guys, Im having trouble adding an imported string file to a linked list (the purpose of the assignment is to find the most frequently used word) here's my code: (my problems in the mostFrequent class so you dont really have to look at the other classes. i just provided …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hi. I am having problems connecting and the use of DAO Could someone start me off to find problems that are conceptionally wrong with the structure? [b]error [/b] if the connection is made and database is built (DerbyDAO) then the InstructorDao SHOULD become JDBCSchoolofdbDAO and return "profile" which will allow …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

hi. I can't figure out why other properties are found but this one is not. [code] the key: strCreateAdminTable Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key strCreateAdminTable at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(ResourceBundle.java:384) at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(ResourceBundle.java:344) at model.ModelUtils.getResource(ModelUtils.java:48) at model.dao.DerbyDAO.createTables(DerbyDAO.java:185) [/code] can I build a table with this one? or …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for msr

Hello, I need a sorted stack/queue. I mean, the element removed from the stack must be the one with great priority. Stack dimension varies a lot (becomes bigger very fast). I need also to search and REMOVE elements in that stack. Does Java give some good implementation for this? What …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for bondgirl21

Hi , I have created a submit button "sbutton" that should take all totals from 3 boxes and if that total is greater than 1, then it should be subtracted from 1 and the remainder is suppose to be displayed as change...this is what i have [CODE]public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) …

Member Avatar for bondgirl21
Member Avatar for mckrm

i am tired of opening my java applications through IDE s i wouuld like to know all the possible ways of opening my applications without having to write any thing in command prompt i found two i can make a .jar file or a .bat file are there other ways …

Member Avatar for mckrm
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hello, I am having a difficult time getting my Binary Search Tree class to compile. I added 2 functions "add" and "search". Before I added the 2 functions. It compiled successfully. If someone can help me in the right direction. I will definitely appreciate it! [B]2 Functions:[/B] [CODE=Java] public BTNode<E> …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink
Member Avatar for jordanhagen

Hey I'm having trouble with this program, for some reason im stuck and dont know what to do. If you could help me out that woud be great. What i have to do it this. Using classes, arrays, sorting and searching write a java program to manage an online address …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

I have a class which extends JPanel and implements ActionListener. I am having 2 menuItem. When I implemented the abstract method actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) and used repaint if the event source are the menuItem paint method is not called. What can be the possible reasons? This is what I am doing …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for padmaanand

[CODE]import java.io.*; class ArrayGet { int[] a = new int[20]; void FindMin(int[] a) { int min=a[0]; for(i=0;i<=10;i++) { if(a[i]<min) min=a[i]; } System.out.println("Thr smallest element in the array"+min); } void Display() { for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { System.out.println("The elements in array are "+ a[i]); } } void GetMethod() { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for budstar

Help, I cannot work out how to get my loop to continue until the user enters in 0. If the user enters 1 then the loop needs to continue until there is no more groups to enter which is the point the user enters a 0 [code]import java.util.Scanner; public class …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for motinade

Please help, as I do not know what I have done wrong. Error: illegal start of expression, and ; expected. [code] import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Employee { public static void main ( String args []) { //unique identifier int empID; String firstName; String lastName; double salary; //not sure …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for k2k

would anyone please take a quick look? this always return false for some reason... the database connection is fine and the query is fine... it actually returned the right password from the database. please see below [code] public boolean passCheck(String login, String pass) { String realPass=""; try { String query …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for java=hard

I recently completed a "fun" program where it asks the user questions and outputs answers. I submitted it and my professor said all was great, except he wanted me to implement methods into the program. I have NO idea how o do the methods. Can someone use my code to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gonzi.p12

Hi guys, I am using MyEclipse....I have even import the itext.jar file to my project folder....still I am getting error in my java code.... Error in resolving import com.lowagie.text.html.*; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*; Can anyone help me.............

Member Avatar for mintie
Member Avatar for tbone2sk

I'm putting together the basic layout for a contacts book, and I want to know how I can make the 3 test buttons span from edge to edge just as the arrow buttons do. [CODE]import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; …

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Member Avatar for jjonesmu

I am making a Pong game and I am having trouble making the paddles move. I have already drawn them onto my content pane and I want to use a key listener to make them move. I have heard about using key binding, but I do not understand the tutorial …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for john2342

Hi, i need a like bit of help on understanding how this code actually works. this program basically encodes files, but can someone tell me what these three methods actually do in short detail? [CODE]import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class BWTEncoder { private int _blockSize; private byte _block[]; private BZTableEntry …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for msr

Hello, I would like to have a PriorityQueue whose elementes are instances of different subclasses. For example: Event is an abstract superclass. Event1, Event2, Event3 are subclasses. Xpto<> is an interface and PriorityQueueXpto<> is a class that implements Xpto and extends PriorityQueue. [CODE]Xpto<? extends Event> a = new PriorityQueueXpto<????>();[/CODE] Is …

Member Avatar for msr
Member Avatar for senormateo2011

[B]Redo the Lucky Sevens dice-playing program so that it uses dice objects. That is, design and implement a Dice class. Each instance of this class should contain the die's current side. There should be an accessor method for a die's current value. The method roll is the only mutator method. …

Member Avatar for charlieruns
Member Avatar for hsncvs

Excuse me if it is a silly mistake but i am newbie to java and couldn't figure it out. Basically it searches if txtText (text area) contains the txtSearchParam (text field) and returns the number of txtSearchParam in txtText. Algorithm is working. simply i can't access variables defined in main …

Member Avatar for hsncvs
Member Avatar for whoadiz

Hey guys, trying to create a binary search tree (BST) and I dont know why but the program is not reading my insert method? When I am testing it, it shows that I did insert the number, yet when I do a check to see if the tree is empty …

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for yohanus

I keep geting the following errors for my code while compilling can any one give me some dirrection on wha i have done wrong? C:\Documents and Settings\Mark Standerfer.DESKTOP\My Documents\Inventory2.java:117: class, interface, or enum expected System.out.printf("\n\nItem Name: %s\n",s.getItemName()); //display item name ^ C:\Documents and Settings\Mark Standerfer.DESKTOP\My Documents\Inventory2.java:118: class, interface, or enum …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sweetgurl

i want to use a for loop in a function but error occur.. why?? public double weight( double d) { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { d[i] /= 24;} return d; }

Member Avatar for sweetgurl
Member Avatar for sam8

Hi guys, I'm trying to count the comparisons in the mergesort algorithm so that I can compare it to other sorting algorithms. I've managed to get a count function to work for insertsort but mergesort is being a complete pain! It's probably a very simple problem but I've experimented around …

Member Avatar for sam8
Member Avatar for sweetgurl

i want to passing a data from a method but in array.. some error occur like array required but double found and incompatible type.. i don't know how to do it..help me anyone... example: [code]public double getFood(Date date, double AA, double BB, double CC) { }[/code] [code]// below is in …

Member Avatar for sweetgurl
Member Avatar for anjaliua

hiii am currently trying to use owl api to load an ontology from protege and use reasoner to query it.I was able to load the ontology but craeting reasoner it showed null pointer exception error.Could sumone help me with the code?can anyone give me a code for loading reasoner and …

Member Avatar for sennat_26

hi all, thanks for viewing this post.. i have a java constant class for label and button [CODE]public class ButtonConstant { public static final String EXIT=ButtonConstant.getString("BUTTON_CONTENT"); private static String getString(final String key) { System.out.println("inside buttonconstant"); return new LocaleHelper().getString(key); } } [/CODE] here the button content is the key which is …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi and thanks for viewing my thread, i have a problem with JComboBox. in my situation, i have a code that display JTextArea and JComboBox. this is my code: [code] public class JScrollPanes extends JApplet { //-------------------------------------------------- static String[] t_value2 = { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" }; // ----------------------------------------------- …

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The End.