The below is an example of a text file from PDB.
ATOM 2 CA ASP E 423 -50.931 46.011 -16.062 1.00153.24 C
ATOM 3 C ASP E 423 -51.314 44.692 -15.381 1.00152.70 C
ATOM 4 O ASP E 423 -52.175 44.673 -14.497 1.00153.08 O
ATOM 5 CB ASP E 423 -51.993 46.400 -17.101 1.00153.44 C
ATOM 6 CG ASP E 423 -53.276 46.931 -16.464 1.00154.12 C
ATOM 7 OD1 ASP E 423 -53.246 48.037 -15.879 1.00156.34 O
ATOM 8 OD2 ASP E 423 -54.318 46.247 -16.557 1.00154.62 O
ATOM 9 N LEU E 424 -50.675 43.600 -15.805 1.00151.30 N
ATOM 10 CA LEU E 424 -50.864 42.271 -15.208 1.00149.56 C
ATOM 11 C LEU E 424 -50.526 42.277 -13.715 1.00147.96 C
As you can see, the highlighted numerals are the X,Y & Z coordinates. How do I store them in an array, row by row so that I can multiply them using matrix (translation/rotation). The format of the file remains the same(.pdb) which can be opened in notepad++.