32,199 Topics

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I am want to delete the first line of text file using RandomAccessFile class. My Input file "bulkwfids.txt" has the data as below: 234567 345578 455678 566667 Expected output needs to be(first line deleted): 345578 455678 566667 But the actual ouput I am getting is as follows: 78 56 345578 …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Sara_9
Member Avatar for amogh.max

My code performs separation of "**S12*T0*0832*B*86*N1C0~**S12*T0*0832*B*86*N1C0~"...Next i need to separate data between the "*" and utimately insert it into the database(ms-Access).i would like to recieve some code lines for that. Basically now the entire string i.e"**S12*T0*0832*B*86*N1C0" is being inserted into a column.i need to insert "S12" "T0" etc into separate …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AmrMohammed

Greetings, I am new in Java programming language and I know that there are four platforms of the Java programming language Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) JavaFX I already read about the four platforms through the below …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for CodeWarrior14

So they dropped ODBC on Java 8. Thats somewhat a problem for me. I searched to find alternatives and UCanAccess is what looks like to be the most popular. But I was wondering if there are alternatives that are better or equal to UCanAccess?

Member Avatar for Trevor_5

import java.util.Scanner; public class Program2{ public static void main (String []args) { Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in); int[] data = new int[256]; int inAscii; char inChar; String inString= input.nextLine(); for (int i = 0; i < inString.length();i++) { inChar=inString.charAt(i); inAscii=(int) inChar; data[inAscii]++; } for (int i= 1; i<256; i++){ …

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Member Avatar for chahinez.abdelo.9

Hello guys, i never worked before with java and it was told to me to make a solution of cloud computing private for my university and i don't know how or even which How choose the layer to develop. Can you just help me please.

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Member Avatar for punith_1

Hi.. I’m trying to create circular menu bar,but my menu bar is nearly similar to tympanus circular menu bar(visit [Click Here](http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/CircularNavigation/index2.html)) but in tympanus if we want menubar we must click open/menu button I want menu bar(fixed) to be display without any any clicking and instead of button i need …

Member Avatar for manishgalav02
Member Avatar for java786

A freight train has n railroad cars, each of which is going to be left at a di erent station. Assume that the stations are numbered 0 through n

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for divinity02

hi all how can I make this program to work? it is loopinging and this is wher it stop,it is no reading anything else where have i gone wrong here is the code and the output char F, f, H, h, C, c; double hrswrked, grosspay = 0, netpay, payrate, …

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Member Avatar for Ed_4

theres a couple things wrong with this and i have no clue where to start. like the title says it has to be a really simple mortgage calculator, no gui or any other inputs. not yet atleast. my prof messaged me back saying i need "1. import goes before public …

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Member Avatar for muhammad_74

Hi, I have ubuntu installed on my pc with openjdk 8 but as i want to lern java ho can i create programs by openjdk or which is the place to write the coding. Plz suggest me with easy words Thanks,uxama

Member Avatar for muhammad_74
Member Avatar for amc2244

**Here is what I am trying to accomplish with Java:** A simple guessing game asks the player to guess a number between 1 and 50. Hints are returned depending on how far from the number the guess is. Add other methods for playing the game omitted--you need not supply any …

Member Avatar for Sugmuffen
Member Avatar for divinity02

char F, f, H, h, C, c; double hours_worked, grosspay, netpay, rateof_pay, total_deduction, deduction, overtime, extra_time; double comm_incent, fixedsalary = 0, taxfree_allow, totalgross_pay, totalnetpay, totalsales = 0; String empfirst_name, emplast_name, hourlypaid_workers, payroll_report, payroll_payslip, process_workers, monthlyfixed_workers; String commiss_workers; int taxes, emp_idnum, highest, lowest,highestpaid_workers, lowestpaid_workers, highestvalue_workers, lowestvalue_workers; char inputChar = 0, Char; …

Member Avatar for divinity02
Member Avatar for null_pointer

I have been working on role based access control in cloud for which I have coded some java programs. I would like to upload and run those java programs on a real-time cloud. I have no idea about uploading a "file" onto the cloud although i have a decent knowledge …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for subone

Hi How can I get the maximum digit from a number entered by the user? Example: if user inputs: 1521, the program should output 5 as maximum. Any help please? NOTE: I want it to be made using 2 methods. AND don't give me answers with arrays. :) This is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mickdrealist

I need to write a Java program that uses a Monte Carlo algorithm to calculate the probability that next week’s lottery draw won’t have any consecutive pairs of numbers (e.g. 8 and 9 or 22 and 23). 6 numbers are drawn from 1 to 45.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Alright, I've never done this before so this may not be the way to go about it, but here goes. I'm creating an Application that connects to a Server which executes SQL Queries. I am coding the Application as a prototype in Java currently and extending it later possibly with …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for haider885

package filehandling; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.*; public class Filehandling extends JFrame{ JTextArea ja; JButton jb; Filehandling() { setBounds(400,400,400,400); setTitle("azeem"); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Container cont= getContentPane(); ja=new JTextArea (); cont.add(ja,BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel jp= new JPanel(); jb=new JButton ("Save"); jp.add(jb); cont.add(jp,BorderLayout.SOUTH); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Hey, I'm looking for decent MySQL tutorials for connecting a Database in Java. I'm using Java 8 so preferably would like tutorials that correspond with newest code. Thanks!

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for shahera.arafat

hi :) I'm wondering >>what is the use of (static) word in func.'s ? in this code what does it mean ??and if I didn't put it what would happen then ?? thanks :) import java.util.Scanner; class Average { public static double compute(int...x) { double sum=0; for(int item:x) sum+=item; return …

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Member Avatar for EarhawkPH

Hi Guys! I'm having trouble on briefcases having the same value. for ex: i choose briefcase 1 = 5000, briefcase 2 = 5000 how do i make the briefcases have a unique value? Note: the value of briefcases are randomized import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DoND extends …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for riyamanavalan@g

help me to write java code for reading recieved packet details such as source ip,source port

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for muhammad_74

Hi, I want to learn java as young but i use Arch linux since i was kid so how can i get the emulator or what required softwares.I have java 7 installed. Reply as soon as possible to noob guy. Thanks,uxama

Member Avatar for muhammad_74
Member Avatar for newbie26

hi everyone, im new to java. and i was assigned to do a project that integrates java and .net(c#). here's the scenario: 1. the .net system will create a text file (.txt) based on some conditions --> i already did this part. 2. the txt file will then be pass …

Member Avatar for mueller-bruehl
Member Avatar for priyanka_10

Hi, I just wanted to know about instance method? If static modifier is not applied before does it makes it an instance method ? Plz give an example Thanku

Member Avatar for newcoder310
Member Avatar for shahera.arafat

hi ^_^ I want to ask what is the difference between (System.out.println(B);) and (System.out.println(new string(B));) ?! actually it gives me the same output in my code! so then >>what is the use of [new string(array)] in general ??? thank U :))) public class CopyArray { public static void main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for adams161

Hi, I'm considering writing a java applet that has a chess board and lets people solve puzzles. There are chess engines that are free that could be the AI to play against and they come in executable files (console apps) compiled for both Mac and Windows. Now i have a …

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Member Avatar for Kumar Gaurav_1

I have generated wsdl2java code using axis 1.4 .One classes has 2 constructor methods (one default constructor and other one has 2 parameters). Other classes that inherit from one class have the constructor parameters in the wrong order.The schema files is correct as they come from the OTA specification Please …


The End.