Hello my name is Leonard Norwood Jr.

I'm doing a little Poker thing right now on my own time for practice, but I have a heck of a problem. I'm making two classes called Poker.java and PlayPokerDriver.java right now, and I'm almost finished by somewhere between initializing the decks I made a public void actionPerformed (which I called for now) that is lacking something. I don't know what but I do know that the indentation is mostly fixed up, but I only have 4 errors left. So I'm almost done compiling this thing. Another problem is PlayPokerDriver is even worse with 32 errors, and I think I know better than to type whatever I just typed, knowing I didn't truly need to put it in there. All in All, I need help with trying fix these things so they can work. I was still working out the constructors in Poker.java, so I thought I would leave what I got like that until I could slowly learn what I did wrong and fix it. But it's taking me some time and leaving it undone is a habit I'd rather not display at all in any points in my life. Any help is appreciated. I'll check in as soon as possible.


public class Poker

    //public static final int NCARDS = 52;
    private Card[] deckOfCards; // Contains 52 cards values, from 0 to 51 or 1 to 51. 
    private Card[] hand;        // Contain 5 cards in a hand. 
    private int currentCard;    //
    private int numbers[], triples, couples; // numbers of a triples or couples, that
    private String faces[], suits[], output; // 
    /*  ---------------------------------------------
        The constructor method: make 52 cards in deck
        public Poker()
            String faceArray[] = { "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", 
                                   "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
                                   "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
            String suitArray[] = { "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades" };

            faces = faceArray;
            suits = suitArray;

            numbers = new int [ 13 ];
            triples = 0;
            couples = 0;

            deckOfCards = new Card [ 52 ];
            hand = new Card [ 5 ];

            currentCard = -1;

            //initilize the deck array
            for ( int count  = 0; count < deckOfCards.length; count++ )
                deckOfCards [ count ] = new Card (faces[ count % 13 ],
                suits [ count / 13] );     

            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e)
                   output = "";
                   triples = 0;
                   couples = 0;
                // deal a round of cards
                for (int count = 0; count < hand.length; count++)
                   Card dealt = dealCard();
                   if(dealt != null)
                      hand[ count ] = dealt;
                      system.out.println (hand [ count ].toString() + "\n");
                      system.out.println("NOT ENOUGH CARDS TO DEAL");

               //calculate contents of the hand
        }// end Class Poker

            // shuffle deck
            public void shuffle()

               int d = deckOfCards.length;
               for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
                int r = i + (int) (Math.random() * (d-i));
                String temp = deckOfCards[r];
                deckOfCards[r] = deckOfCards[i];
                deckOfCards[i] = temp;

                currentCard = -1;
            }// ends shuffle()

            //repeat for N number of people to deal
            public void dealCard()
               //for (int t = 0; t <players.length ; t++)
                if (++currentCard < deck.length)
                    return deck[ currentCard ];
                    System.out.print("Out of cards error. ");
                    return (null); // Error
                    // print 5 random cards
                  //*for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    // System.out.print(deckOfCards[i] + " ");
                    // System.out.println();*/
            private void totalHand()
                // initialize all elements of numbers[] to zero
                for ( int x = 0; x < faces.length; x++ )
                numbers[ x ] = 0;
                // compare each card in the hand to each element in the faces array
                for ( int h = 0; h < hand.length; h++ )
                for ( int f = 0; f < faces.length; f++ )
                if ( hand[ h ].getFace().equals( faces[ f ] ) )
                ++numbers[ f ];
            // determine if hand contains pairs
            public void pairs()
               for ( int k = 0; k < faces.length; k++ )
               if ( numbers[ k ] == 2 ) 
                  output += ( "Pair of " + faces[ k ] + "'s  " );
               system.out.println( output );
            // determine if hand contains a three of a kind
            public void threeOfAKind()
               for ( int k = 0; k < faces.length; k++ )
               if ( numbers[ k ] == 3 ) 
                output += ( "Three " + faces[ k ] + "'s" );
               system.out.println( output );

            // determine if hand contains a four of a kind
            public void fourOfAKind()
               for ( int k = 0; k < faces.length; k++ )

               if ( numbers[ k ] == 4 )
            output += ( "Four " + faces[ k ] + "'s" );

               system.out.println( output );

            // determine if hand contains a flush
            public void flush()
               String theSuit = hand[ 0 ].getSuit();

               for ( int s = 1; s < hand.length; s++ )

               if ( hand[ s ].getSuit().compareTo( theSuit ) != 0 )
            return;   // not a flush

               output += ( "Flush in " + theSuit );
               system.out.println( output );

            // determine if hand contains a straight
            public void straight()
                int locations[] = new int[ 5 ], z = 0;

                for ( int y = 0; y < numbers.length; y++ )

                if ( numbers[ y ] == 1 )
                locations[ z++ ] = y;

                bubbleSort( locations );

                int faceValue = locations[ 0 ];

                for ( int m = 1; m < locations.length; m++ ) 

                   if ( faceValue != locations[ m ] - 1 )
                   return;   // not a straight

                   faceValue = locations[ m ];

                output += "Straight ";
                system.out.print( output );
                // sort hand in ascending order
                private void bubbleSort( int values[] )
                   for ( int pass = 1; pass < values.length; pass++ )

                   for ( int comp = 0; comp < values.length - 1; comp++ )

                   if ( values[ comp ] > values[ comp + 1 ] ) {
                   int temp = values[ comp ];
                   values[ comp ] = values[ comp + 1 ];
                   values[ comp + 1 ] = values[ comp ];

                // determine if hand contains a full house
                public void fullHouse()
                   if ( couples == 1 && triples == 1 ) {
                   output += "\nFull House!";
                   system.out.println( output );

                // determine if hand contains two pairs
                public void twoPair()
                   if ( couples == 2 ) {
                   output += "\nTwo Pair!";
                   system.out.println( output );

                // internal class to represent card
                class Card 
                private String face;
                private String suit;
                // constructor to initialize Card
                public Card( String f, String s )
                   face = f;
                   suit = s;
                // get suit
                protected String getSuit()
                   return suit;
                // get face
                protected String getFace()
                   return face;
                // return String representation of Card
                public String toString()
                   return face + " of " + suit;
                }// end Card

                }// end clsss Card
}// end class Poker


public class PlayPokerDriver
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Poker a;

        Card[] player1 = new Card [ 5 ];
        Card[] player2 = new Card [ 5 ];
        Card[] player3 = new Card [ 5 ];
        Card[] player4 = new Card [ 5 ];

        int i;

        a = new DealPokerCardsNorwood2();
        System.out.println("Shuffle cards....");

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            player1[i] = a.dealCard();
            player2[i] = a.dealCard();
            player3[i] = a.dealCard();
            player4[i] = a.dealCard();

        System.out.print("Player 1's hand: ");
        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            System.out.print( player1[i] + " ");
            System.out.print( output );

        System.out.print("Player 2's hand: ");
        for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            System.out.print( player2[i] + " ");
            System.out.print( output );

        System.out.print("Player 3's hand: ");
        for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            System.out.print( player3[i] + " ");
            System.out.print( output );

        System.out.print("Player 4's hand: ");
        for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            System.out.print( player4[i] + " ");
            System.out.print( output );

        if (a.Poker(player1) > a.Poker(player2) > a.Poker(player3) > a.Poker(player4)) || (a.Poker(player1) > a.Poker(player2) < a.Poker(player3) < a.Poker(player4)) ||
           (a.Poker(player1) > a.Poker(player2) < a.Poker(player3)> a.Poker(player4))
           System.out.println("Player 1 wins");
        else if(a.Poker(player1) < a.Poker(player2) > a.Poker(player3) > a.Poker(player4)) || (a.Poker(player1) < a.Poker(player2) > a.Poker(player3) < a.Poker(player4))
            System.out.println("Player 2 wins");
        else if(a.Poker(player1) < a.Poker(player2) < a.Poker(player3) > a.Poker(player4)) || (a.Poker(player1) > a.Poker(player2) < a.Poker(player3) > a.Poker(player4))
        System.out.println("Player3 wins");
        else if(a.Poker(player1) < a.Poker(player2) < a.Poker(player3) < a.Poker(player4)) || (a.Poker(player1) > a.Poker(player2) > a.Poker(player3) < a.Poker(player4)) ||
               (a.Poker(player1) < a.Poker(player2) > a.Poker(player3) < a.Poker(player4))
               System.out.print("Player 4 wins");
        System.out.print("All players are tied"); 

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