can someone tell me whats wrong with it or what i should do?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <vector>

    using namespace std;

    List storage[50];
    int e = 50;

    int intro(void)
       int userChoice; 

       cout << "Enter 1 to checkout or 0 to end checkout.";
       cin >> userChoice;

       return userChoice;


    void display()
       for (int element = 0; element < e; element++)
          cout << storage[element].getPLU() << storage[element].getname()
             << storage[element].gettype() << storage[element].getprice << storage[element].getlevel() << endl;

    void userCheck(void)
       int PLU = 0;
       int userIn;
       float units;
       float sum = 0;

          PLU = 0;

          cout << "Please enter PLU number or 0 to leave.";
          cin >> userIn;

          if (userIn == 0)

          for (int element = 0; element < e; element++)
             if (storage[element].getPLU() == userIn)
                PLU = element;
          if (storage[PLU].gettype() == 1)
             cout << "Pounds: ";

             cout << "Units: ";

          cin >> units;
          sum = sum + units + storage[PLU].getprice();

       } while (userIn!=0);

       cout << "Your total amount of money is: $" << sum << endl;

       if (sum > 50)
          sum = (0.95*sum);
          cout << "Congratulations! You've received a 5% discount. Your total is: $" 
               << sum << endl;


    class List
       int PLUcode;
       string itemName;
       int itemType;
       double itemPrice;
       double itemLevel;
       List(int, string, int, double, double);
       int getPLU();
       string getname();
       int gettype();
       double getprice();
       double getlevel();
       double reevaluateLevel(double);


       PLUcode = 0;
       itemName = "no name";
       itemType = 0;
       itemPrice = 0;
       itemLevel = 0;
    List::List(int PLUcod, string itemNam, int itemTyp, double itemPri, double itemLev)
       PLUcode = PLUcod;
       itemName = itemNam;
       itemType = itemTyp;
       itemPrice = itemPri;
       itemLevel = itemLev;
    int List::getPLU()
       return PLUcode;
    string List::getname()
       return itemName;
    int List::gettype()
       return itemType;
    double List::getprice()
       return itemPrice;
    double List::getlevel()
       return itemLevel;
    double List::reevaluateLevel(double units)
       if (units > itemLevel)
          cout << "Item is not available." << endl;

          itemLevel -= units;
       return itemLevel;

    int main()
       int PLUcode;
       string itemName;
       int itemType;
       double itemPrice;
       double itemLevel;
       string inputFile = "ass3items.txt";
       ifstream filename;
       int temp;
       if (filename.is_open())
          while (!filename.eof())
             filename >> PLUcode >> itemName >> itemType >> itemPrice >> itemLevel;

             List temp = List(PLUcode, itemName, itemType, itemPrice, itemLevel);
             storage[e] = temp;


       int userChoice; 

          cout << "Welcome to the Checkout! " << endl;

          userChoice = intro(); 
          if (userChoice == 1)
       } while (userChoice != 0);

       return 0;

I'm a noob in C++, but as fast I can see that "storage" is not declared in function void (line 20).

Sorry for the last post, I made a mistake (no coffee), first of all, you must declare your class before the rest of the functions.

The second mistake is on your display, you should correct the


because you had it without parentheses.

The other error '\stray 342' refers that you should look carefully at single or double commas. The error '\stray 200' means that you should look carefully at minus signs.

And again, sorry for the last post. Man, I need another cup of coffee ...

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