32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for sonai4u

Hi, I need one of my assignments to be done in C or C+. Need someone who can do the assignment for it. Need it urgently..need the assignment done by sunday. Will pay money for doing the assignment. Please email me immediately <<Email Snipped>> thanks Raj

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Fazle

Hi, I am struggling to read ( Hex )bytes from TCP port and write to a file. If someone can help me, I will aprreciate. Thanks,

Member Avatar for kspider811

I can not figure out how to add to my array. The invntory class and dvdrate subclass is not to change. So within my InventoryProgram2 I am told to copy a temp array with the addition of an element to the actual array using the add button. This is so …

Member Avatar for ziaul1234

Hi I am using netbeans and mysql. I am trying to run the an inventory system. I have linked the program with mysql. The program is running but when in log in page I input username and password which is preinstalled in mysql and then press submit, its not going …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for petee1302

Hi everyone, Apparently I'm very bad at this whole programming thing, but, nevertheless, I am currently in a CPS course and in dire need of assistance! I have 3 objects set up: TwoNumbers, TwoNumbersTester, and Test. When I build the code, it's all fine. When I run the code, though, …

Member Avatar for petee1302
Member Avatar for shyni

The program which is executing in windows has occurred error in linux. The program is on the jframe which is designed by using swing controllers is executing with error free in windows but when i use to execute the same program in linux an error as [B]GroupLayout [/B]error is occurring. …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

What is the difference between the following two interface. How does the term "abstract" used along with an interface makes it different?. [CODE] abstract interface Bendable { } interface Bendable { } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I have a class KeyCards.java that just sets up a panel (gui) with labels,combobox and text fields when the combobox is selected a class generates strings to send to a class public Class Progressions extends KeyCards and puts the strings in setters. once all the strings are there it calls …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for JanieRae

Hi, I'm a freshman and I just started programing. I have an assignment due soon, and it's almost finished. My only problem is there is one build error that tells me ".class expected". This is on the same line as a for statement... and that really confuses me. Here's my …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for heroes8453

Does anyone know where I can find information about writing a java application for a file dump utility, a java program that will read a file and display the contents of the file in a byte by byte format? I am lost on this one.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for kvass

Hey everyone~! I am having a major issue understanding class casting. I thought I understood it, but I found 2 problems in my Barron's book that seem to contradict in their explanations. Can someone please explain the distinction between these two problems??? [B][U]Problem 1:[/U][/B] [INDENT] Bird = Super class Owl …

Member Avatar for kvass
Member Avatar for ef32

Hello , am new here and i need some help in finding prime numbers.....I actually wrote this code below and it compiles but it repeats sequence with some numbers or most, plus if you run it you will see that the prime numbers are printed as prime numbers only but …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

To avoid malware infections, should I permanently disable Java and ActiveX in Internet Explorer? How about Javascript? If I should also disable Javascript, should I just disable Active scripting, or all options? But I don't also need to disable any of these in Windows itself, right?

Member Avatar for beGinneR24

Hello, i am just starting with Java and one of the programs is, to make a long story short, evaluate a computers power (pretend). you put in how many applications you want to run, what operating system and what power your computer is and it tells you whether you can …

Member Avatar for beGinneR24
Member Avatar for rsaska

Hello, I am studying for SCJP 6 Exam, and came across this question which shows code as asks for the output [CODE] 3. public class Ebb { 4. static int x = 7; 5. public static void main(String[] args) { 6. String s = ""; 7. for(int y = 0; …

Member Avatar for rsaska
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

Why is it that when I invoke the Derived constructor from the main method, I get a compilation error pointing to the Derived constructor of the Derived class. I never called the Base constructor of the Base class. Therefore why is the error happening?. [CODE] class Base { private Base() …

Member Avatar for PatrickSharp
Member Avatar for Siren88

Hi, My assignment is to write static methods to give the following output: - Lists of all the sequences, all the perms, all the sets, and all the multisets with n=5 and k=3. -The [I]N Queens Problem[/I] considers how many ways n queens can be placed on an n by …

Member Avatar for jorgelex008

Hi all, I've got a main form, and a secondary form (this being a list from which I pick a number). I can store values as "global" variables - so as to bring the value across different classes. Also I've managed to get the main JFrame to display the value …

Member Avatar for jorgelex008
Member Avatar for java_programmer

Hi, I have another question. What is the advantage of arraylist over vector. Why arraylist is widely used instead of vector in java programming? Thanks in advance.....

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi i install openJDK on fedora 12 , after run eclipse this message shown : [QUOTE]JVM terminated. Exit code=-1 -Xms40m -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.class.path=/home/mahdi/App/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 -showsplash /home/mahdi/App/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.platform_3.3.201.v200909170800/splash.bmp -launcher /home/mahdi/App/eclipse/eclipse -name Eclipse --launcher.library /home/mahdi/App/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_1.0.200.v20090520/eclipse_1206.so -startup /home/mahdi/App/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar -vm /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.class.path=/home/mahdi/App/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar[/QUOTE] please help me what …

Member Avatar for chama89

I'm working on a Java program that is calling sqlcmd. It works perfectly on a computer with SQL server installed, but not at all on a computer that doesn't. I want to include the necessary exe and dll files to run this command in my jar. Anyone know which ones …

Member Avatar for JuneM

I need to create a JApplet containing a JLabel and a Jbutton. a JButton should automatically change font typeface, style and size when clicked. I have this coding so far : import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class JChangeFont extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel name = new JLabel …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for kgkamaraj

Hi friends, This is not java technical question. I am doing project java thats why i am posting here. I am doing project for SUMMARIZATION OF DOCUMENT. I finished 90 percent of my project. To test my project i need Data Set ( That means, Document with summarization ) . …

Member Avatar for kgkamaraj
Member Avatar for ahmedshayan

I am faced this Problem that I can't print display parent's content. Please help: [CODE] import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class BinaryTree { private Node root; BinaryTree() { root = null; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void buildTree() { String n=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Root Information:\nEnter Name: "); int a=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Root Information:\nEnter Age of Root:")); String s=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Root Information:\nAlive or Dead?"); …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

i coding these line ... it is working fine.... but what i need is compress that [COLOR="Red"]Bufferedimage [/COLOR] before getting it as [COLOR="Green"]Raster[/COLOR] i tried jpeg compreesion but it return bytestream instead of int.. so i got exception "can't cast BufferdByte as BufferedInt"... [CODE] [COLOR="Red"]Bufferedimage [/COLOR]image=robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(width, height)); ////here i …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Sherril

I am attempting to stream accelerometer data from a Python script to a Java midlet via a socket connection on a Nokia N97, using the following code. Unfortunately, this code (which previously worked fine on a N95 8GB) doesn't seem to send any data to the midlet, and I have …

Member Avatar for Dedodido

Hi, I'm writing a small program to simulate a projectile moving through air in a gravitational field. I have several classes for vectors, the gravitational field, and the projectile itsself. However, when constructing any of these objects in the main method, I get a "cannot find symbol" error, despite the …

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Member Avatar for Mueni

Hey everyone. i am stuck with some work kindly help A.S.A.P!! Its for Java. Thanx!! 1. Write an application that reads an integer and determines and prints whether it is odd or even. Hint use the remainder operator 2. Write an application that reads two integers, determines whether the first …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, In my program I need to create 2 log files, success and error. But I need to create either one of them, depending on the out come of the program execution. In other words, if program fails for any reason, I need to create the error log file …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.