32,204 Topics

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I've got the following question about threads in Java: Isn't there a problem if: -There's a main program which creates a series of threads. Each thread needs to have access (and to modify) to the same object of a user defined class, and this object has references to a hashtable …

Member Avatar for Devoted Hosting
Member Avatar for kirti19tanwar

i need a online exam project on java urgently.so if anyone have this plz send me urgently.also tell how to run this.:)

Member Avatar for shashi7616
Member Avatar for kooben

Hi I intend over the next few months to learnt Java with the purpose of building my own simple web crawler/spider. I have seen a few open source spiders but would like to build my own if possible. What I would like to ask is how would I go about …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for .11

I am currently building a Polynomial linked list. Classes [B]Node[/B], that has a Term and a Node next. [url]http://www.boomica.com/Node.java[/url] [B]Term[/B] with a coefficient and exponent. [url]http://www.boomica.com/Term.java[/url] [B]Polynomial[/B] [url]http://www.boomica.com/Polynomial.java[/url] [CODE]public void addTerm(Term nomial) { Node temp = first; Node toAdd; if(isEmpty() || (temp.getTerm().compareTo(nomial) <= 0)) { Node newFirst = new Node(nomial, …

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Member Avatar for BJaya

Can anybody help me in this regards. Project Title - Inventory Management System Front End - Java. Back End - MySql. i need project guideline. even i dnt know how to work for both.

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for sridhar123

Public final static Boolean FALSE=new Boolean(false); Public final static Boolean TRUE=new Boolean(true); what is the meaning of above two statements?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

So I have these nodes I'm trying to sort as such, but it's not working. This is psudo code: Node first = new Node(23); //previously construted node [code] put method(newNode) { Node traverseInOrder = first; while (newNode > traverseInOrder) { If (traverseInOrder.successor != null) { traverseInOrder = traverseInOrder.successor; } else …

Member Avatar for iamsmooth
Member Avatar for johndoe444

Hi, I commented every method of my source code using javadoc tags. But I noticed the private methods/variables do not show up in the api documentation. If I change the access modifier to public then they show up. I was wondering how to make them visible (without declaring them as …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for babylonlion

Hi guys, The following program works the way I want it to but there's one small problem; when it loads, it doesn't give a blank frame. It want it to show the output after I click on the blank area. Help me please. [CODE] import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; …

Member Avatar for babylonlion
Member Avatar for redmaverick

Hi Guys! Can you kindly run this code in your PC and see if are getting the correct output.... maybe there is something wrong with the path variable etc in my system... thanks I want to print numbers from 1 to 10 using two different Threads. The code below is …

Member Avatar for goon
Member Avatar for jakx12

Ok so I have a couple questions on JavaFX. I have three javaFX scripts all of which contain their own scene and stage. However, I want a main class or script to decide when to open and when to close the current stage. So for example, the user will be …

Member Avatar for runee1000

Hi: I need help with a program. Basically, I have a sentence, which I need to distribute into blocks of 5 letters, and then scramble the blocks in an order which I determine. Here is the exact question: "Fixed period encryption- Given the number d and the numbers 1 to …

Member Avatar for jaque322

please if someone can help me i have probleams in the constructor of the class, how can i pass parameters to date constructor.....

Member Avatar for santiagozky
Member Avatar for santiagozky

Hello everyone, My name is Santiago and I am a 24 years old java developer from Mexico City. I am kind of new in the 'professional' level. I have been developing software as a job since february (I graduated in december) in a company dedicated to provide services to finantial …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for eleal

Hola a todos, Estoy tratando de escribir un servidor de mensajería entre clientes, en Java. El problema que tengo es cuando quiero terminar el servidor. El servidor que he pensado funciona así: Cada cliente se conecta a un hilo que crea el servidor y allí envía los mensajes. El problema …

Member Avatar for ITfav

Hi, i'm working with Netbeans IDE 6.7.1 on Vista Home Premium. I have run my program with no errors, but the phone won't show up. I have turned off my firewall and even tried reinstalling Netbeans with no success. Thx in advance! :icon_smile:

Member Avatar for futureaussiecto

Is there any other way besides Jawin to call Win32 API methods from within Java? I have the option of using C++ as im going to be using the API a fair amount however i'm also doing GUI stuff and i would prefer the Java GUI features over C++. If …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi, I am trying to create a button group which can give me both Jcheckboxes as well as Jbuttons. The problem is that I am creating a button group and not able to fit the checkbox criteria into it. Actually I want to create 2 radiobuttons followed by one checkbox …

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Member Avatar for Farhadgul

Dears I need some help regarding a software development for P2P file sharing application. I need guidence in this regard. The application must contain PEER DISCOVERY, FILE SHARING, FILE TRANSFER, DOWNLOAD AND UPLOAD FILES, SEND AND RECIEVE MESSAGE AND MAINTAIN HISTORY. PLEASE GUIDE ME FROM WHERE I SHOULD START ALSO …

Member Avatar for ssbser
Member Avatar for babylonlion

Hi guys, I need to display "Java Mug" (in red) inside the mug I created in the following code. I spent hours working on it but couldn't get anywhere. Can you guys help me please? [CODE] import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.geom.*; public class DrawJavaMugTest { public static void main(String[] …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for hedwards09

Hello, I am an online student in an intro to Java programming course and am a little stuck on my current program. The program is supposed to prompt for the name of files until the user enters "stop" to quit and includes the following methods in addition to the main …

Member Avatar for Chilton
Member Avatar for icu222much

I have created a linked list in Java, and now I am trying to convert my program to C++. When I try to compile, it gives me the error saying that 'next' uses 'CarNode' which is being defined. I am wondering if there is any way around this? Java: [CODE]public …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for bruceaj

How do I connect, wirelessly, to a localhost on another PC? I have not problem with "jdbc:mysql//localhost/databasename" but I can't figure out on another PC, named "PC2". Thank you.

Member Avatar for bruceaj
Member Avatar for ninjaelves

Given this client [CODE]/* Test of * Constructor with 2 arguments * drawLine * setSize */ public class BoxesClient5 { public static void main(String[] args) { Boxes alphaBox; int i; System.out.println("Result of various calls to drawLine:"); alphaBox = new Boxes(7, 'a'); for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ …

Member Avatar for Cronless
Member Avatar for gshockneo

hi friends I am trying to implement a SAAS based sample application in my final year project. But I do not know where to start and what is needed to build it. Kindly if anyone knows about it please help me Thanks

Member Avatar for Cronless
Member Avatar for somewhere

heey all ,, I'v a question about the pow ,, but when I run the programe it didn't work =S I really need help because tomorrow I shloud give it to my teacher,, ******************************************** import java.lang.Math; public class ques3 { public static void main(String[]args) { static Scanner console = new …

Member Avatar for somewhere
Member Avatar for DanieL34749

[CODE]/* * CensusCalculator.java * * Computer Science 111, Boston University * * This program performs various computations on census data stored in a text file. * It uses arrays in several ways, including for storage of the results of * the computations. * * modified by: [Daniel Sutton (dan13@bu.edu)] * …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for futureaussiecto

Hey guys, im about to write an application which has a visual GUI doing representation of a system (lots of pretty colours and flashing objects etc), which represent what is happening with packets and external devices being inserted into the system. I need to use one of the Win32 APIs, …

Member Avatar for ilikerps

Hello, I was just wondering if it is possible in Java to get the host's IP address, as seen on the Internet, not network or by the computer itself. I mean, getting something like [B][/B] instead of something like or Or, if not, is there any popular/known server …

Member Avatar for davido82
Member Avatar for jrosh

I want to create a data file(.txt) with the data in a mysql table. (of course i did that) [CODE] try { // Create the statement //Export the data String filename = "test.xls"; String tablename = "test"; c.getData("SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '"+ filename + "' FROM " + tablename); System.out.println(filename); …

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The End.