32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for hedwards09

Hi all, I have a test tomorrow morning and I'm stuck on this one question on my review and here it is: 1. Write a method that takes an integer n, and returns a String. Assume the integer n is an odd integer between 1 and 9. If the returned …

Member Avatar for kiranpvsr

Hi...I have created a browser using JAVA. But I cannot access any of the google or yahoo websites. I can access only a few select websites like cs.bham.ac.uk etc.... Can anyone tell me the reason and probably the solution as well..?

Member Avatar for hanntaa

hey guys, i was wondering if anyone could help, basicly at the moment (for the last few hours) iv been tring to find a way to align an container, to enable me to have my current work on one side (left or right) and a JTextArea on the other. the …

Member Avatar for kinger29
Member Avatar for johndoe444

HI, From the following code: [CODE] 1 import java.util.*; 2 3 public class t2 { 4 public static void main(String[] args) { 5 List aList = new ArrayList(); 6 7 aList.add("a"); 8 aList.add("b"); 9 aList.add("c"); 10 aList.add("d"); 11 12 List bList = new ArrayList(); 13 14 bList.add(aList.get(1)); 15 bList.add(aList.get(3)); 16 …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kinger29

I have a java aplpet in eclipse. How do i get my java applet to load in an html web page. I put the .class file from the bin director in the same directory as my web page. I tried applet tag but it gives me an empty white box. …

Member Avatar for kinger29
Member Avatar for hedwards09

Dear all, I have a test tomorrow and I just wanted to double check on my answer for this review question. Write a method negativePositive that takes an array of integers, and returns an array that contains 3 integers. The first value in the returned array is the number of …

Member Avatar for hedwards09
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Can someone please explain what both of these mean and the good details about them. Please also explain the parameters of how to use it.

Member Avatar for llemes4011
Member Avatar for bruceaj

I have a GUI window with a JFrame. On this JFrame, I have a JPanel that completely covers the JFrame. I then have another JPanel within this first JPanel that contains a text box and 3 buttons. Within an event handler, I want to expand the JFrame and 2 JPanels …

Member Avatar for AndreiDMS
Member Avatar for bruceaj

When I start NetBeans I get a dialog with the following: [QUOTE][B]Cannot locate java installation in specified jdkhome: C:\Sun\SDK\jdk. Do you want to try the default version.[/[/B]QUOTE] I click Yes and everything seems to work ok. Now, I did have the SDK installed but didn't have any need for it, …

Member Avatar for bruceaj
Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ

I need to make multiple action listeners for 4 radio buttons and a regular button. They all need to call different methods from another class I currently have [CODE]Import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class CardGameCH15 extends JFrame { public CardGameCH15() { super("Card Game"); add(new CardTable()); } public static …

Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ
Member Avatar for sandeepani

I need to build a simple GIS or map view component for a larger system for my Final Year Project. But I have no prior experience in the field. Therefore I need to add this component as a additional feature only and with the least amount of effort and time. …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Mehwish Shaikh

Well I was just wondering what should be the first step of making a project(school or professional). Ohkay we've conceived it all. But i just make a garbage of ideas. How to make them bit neat n clear. What shud be the steps, a developer should take before going for …

Member Avatar for Mehwish Shaikh
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hello there, I need 2 learn binary search tree 4 my assinement in java but canot find anything useful. If anyone no of a useful link please tell me. Why is there no source code for deleting a node...that's all i ask how to delete a freaking node arg. :eek:

Member Avatar for kdc
Member Avatar for gibson.nathan

im working with a two class program. i have one for calculations and the other for the main method like so: [CODE] /** * Write a description of class CO2FromWaste here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class CO2FromWaste { private …

Member Avatar for AndreiDMS
Member Avatar for Sandar Khin

Hi all, Pls explain me about Timer and Thread.May I know the usage of Timer and Thread with examples if possible.I can't control these Class very well.Thank in advance.Pls help me.

Member Avatar for Sandar Khin
Member Avatar for P00dle

Hi guys 'n' gals Just need some advice - I am using a sorted map to store info that I read line by line from a text file. example of info: id product price 1 option_1 23 2 option_1 23 3 option_1 23 2 option_2 24 3 option_2 24 3 …

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for P00dle

Hi all, and thanks for your help, in advance. I 'm stiing here with 2 choices, and I need help deciding which one to take. I want to take certain factors into account(i.e. efficiency, speed) I have values that I want to place into a SortedMap. I can do this …

Member Avatar for adcodingmaster

i m making chess in java swing and does not getting how to implement[B][I][U][COLOR="Red"] check & checkmate condition.[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] any sugessions plz thnx in advance

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for gotm

So we have to implement Bresenhams line drawing algorithm as well as Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. For some reason my whole program (9 classes, but only will include Line.java here) runs fine, but the output .xpm file contains a picture that is not what it's supposed to look like from …

Member Avatar for snehula

Hi :-) Yeah I'm new to this whole thing, that's why I'm probably going to ask a lot of stupid questions, I apologize in advance.. The story is: I'm writing a program to enter a string and a search character and output the number of times this character occured in …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for hedwards09

Hello, I am an online student in an intro to Java programming course and am a little stuck on my current program. The program is supposed to prompt for the name of files until the user enters "stop" to quit and includes the following methods in addition to the main …

Member Avatar for brownjohn
Member Avatar for ulxlx

I've made pong and was wondering how I could embed it (it was made in java). I'm new to java so if you could explain it, that would be helpful, but if you can't that's ok. Thanks in advance :icon_mrgreen:.

Member Avatar for ulxlx
Member Avatar for xfriendsonfirex

I'm rather new to Java, and I can't quite figure out what to do with this program. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. File Account.java (see previous exercise) contains a definition for a simple bank account class with methods to withdraw, deposit, get the balance …

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Member Avatar for luxxnatura

Hi all, I'm supposed to write a small program that asks the user for a number of a month( 1= Jan, 2=Feb, etc) and then outputs the month name and the month number. If the number entered is invalid (for example, > 12 or equal 0), then the user receives …

Member Avatar for luxxnatura
Member Avatar for tootaa

please any help with this homework IMPORTANT: Use Techniques Learned in Chapeters 1 – 5 only Problem # 1 (Points): Write a JPanel class named OlympicsLogo which displays the Olympics logo as shown. The OlympicsLogo has one instant variable – diameter (type int). The diameter value must be an even …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Harris68

Hi, I need help coding the following subject. this is the Subject **************************************************** The program allows customers to list the videos available and to borrow them (ignore returning videos). It records whether a video is on the shelf or on loan, and if it is on loan, the date it …

Member Avatar for Harris68
Member Avatar for algo_man

Hello programmers, I need someone to give me just hint of how to design an algorithm to the following problem: Suppose you have three types of fax machine: 1. Super fax with the features: colored, high quality and double sided. 2. Colored fax with the features: colored and high quality …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for kulrik

Having trouble with this one: The formula y = nekt can be used for estimating growth where n is the initial amount k is a constant t is the time y is the final amount This formula will be used for estimating the bacteria growth in a lab experiment. The …

Member Avatar for kulrik
Member Avatar for P00dle

Hi guys. I need help with this. I dont know where or how to start, and I dont have peers to help me. I have .txt files that I need to read and sort, then write. The text files are always in this format: 1 row containing column headers, then …

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for bhoop

I want to create exe file from my jar file in java programming. Anyone can help me!

Member Avatar for P00dle

The End.