32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for kettavan

Hi guys, I need some help regarding JComboBox. I want to link the JComboBox with JTextField and this is the code that i did. It contains error and I need some guidelines for it.Thx [code=Java]private void typeof_patronJComboBoxitemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) { // clear JTextFields clearComponents(); // determine whether checkbox selected if (event.getStateChange()== …

Member Avatar for kettavan
Member Avatar for starlight09

Hi everyone, My goal is to generate lottery numbers that have 6 unique numbers in the range of 1-49 ex. if the user inputs 2 as the number of tickets they want, the program should print out 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 9 8 7 12 11 ---2 …

Member Avatar for starlight09
Member Avatar for javanub123

hi, i have a lab monday which requires me to generate random sized squares random poinst. im not to familiar with the random class and the syntax and all that but im guessin i need to use a for loop. if someone can just point me in the right direction …

Member Avatar for javanub123
Member Avatar for javanub123

im trying to make my program draw lines from the top right corner of the JFrame which is 400 x 400, to the bottom of it making what looks like a curve but really is just lines. i think i know the basic idea of how to do this which …

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Member Avatar for jlperry_2009

I am having a problem understanding how to sort a set. I have read the Big Java book, and I still don't understand how to do it. Could someone please assist. [code=JAVA] /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. …

Member Avatar for d7o0om

hey, how's everyone, i need help with a java program, i'll appreciate any help. i'm need to write a program in java that will test if the input is a Palindrome or not. i found a couple of programs, but they use a (do-while) loop which i'm not allowed to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for hmpargi

hi , If every one know [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant_Insanity[/url] I want a java program in which there will be 50 different colours and 50 boxes. Thank you, Hardik

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Ishaniwp

Hi! I'm having a problem with my coding. I have initialized a 2d array (String), but when I try to print a value from it, it gives me null. this is how I initialized my array. [code]String phone[][] = { {"A", "B","C"}, {"D", "E", "F"}, {"G","H", "I"}, {"J", "K", "L"}, …

Member Avatar for Ishaniwp
Member Avatar for kjiu

Hj, I have a problem how to do the print. example: I need to print a file. Kjiu

Member Avatar for kjiu
Member Avatar for _dragonwolf_

This code works fine so far... except for my "isPair()" function. It gives me the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: Any help solving this issue would be great. I am trying to get the program to read poker hands and print out what it is. …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for ladybritt

[code]public Product findProduct(Product searchProduct) { Product found = null; for(Product item : stock) { if(item.id == searchProduct.id) {found=item; break; } } return found; }[/code] The error code reads: id has private access in Product. I am new at this and do not know how to write it correctly. Thank you, …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for Ying_Yang

Hi, I like the modularity of java but I wonder what low level custom functions it has, since I' am considering to create an OS, and we all know in high level its imposible to control the hardware eficiently. :-/ so I wonder if there is a way to use …

Member Avatar for Ying_Yang
Member Avatar for Vikings1201

I am trying to complete a circular linked list add method but I am having difficulty understanding how to. I wrote the above link list add method. I know that a circular linked list, somewhat. Here is what the add function is suppose to do: Any suggestion on how to …

Member Avatar for feinbaby

The problem question is, add a close method to the Auction class. This should iterate over the collection of lots and print out details of all the lots. You can use either a for each loop or a while loop. Any lot that has had at least one bid for …

Member Avatar for feinbaby
Member Avatar for jnthn205

Im writing this in netbeans. Here is the code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package accounttoolssilverberg; /** * * @author Administrator */ public class accountToolsSilverberg { double a[]; int i; public accountToolsSilverberg() { a = new …

Member Avatar for jnthn205
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to create a program where I can monitor when a server running a Tomcat Application Server goes down. I will need to check an IP & PORT every 5 minutes for example and get back a boolean on whether it is up or not. I've tried googling …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for P00dle

I need to read files from a folder(Directory will always be the same) There will at most be 4 files in the dir, but it could be anything from 0-4 files. They will always have the same name. i.e. In the dir "Folder" there will be(Could be any combination of …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Ghost
Member Avatar for wregan
Member Avatar for rigidboss

Hello All... I have a requirement to create a chat forum.. I cannot use php or other related stuff. I'm not provided with database even.. My idea is that I can use java applet to create a chat window... What ever post which when given, it will be saved in …

Member Avatar for rigidboss
Member Avatar for ttchiwandire

Guys how can I set up my environment so that I can write, compile and run my java console applications. Please If u can take me from the baics help me out..

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for meenakshi chorg

hey people, I am looking for a tool which can parse english like test and generate output as test cases..please take this into consideration and help me with your suggestion... thanking you, meenakshi.

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for Ryujin89

I have nearly all of the code figured out, but the instructions make getting the output and variables to match up. If anyone can assist in seeing what the instructor intends for us to do, I would greatly appreciate it. This is a multi-class program where an abstract class implements …

Member Avatar for Ryujin89
Member Avatar for eleal

I've got two threads running, one of them executes the following piece of code (it reads and writes to a socket): [CODE] while ((fromServer = in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(fromServer); fromUser = stdIn.readLine(); if (fromUser != null) { out.println(fromUser); } else{ break; } }[/CODE] where in and out are BufferedReader …

Member Avatar for DrDeadite

I'm trying to add a memory function, that when you hit the 'M' button, it stores whats in the display into a variable, and when you hit the 'R' button, it retrieves the variable value and displays it and can be used for calculations. Here's my code: [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import …

Member Avatar for DrDeadite
Member Avatar for matt547

Hiya, im new to this site but it seems like a very useful comunity :) Im new to java programming as well and i have to write a class file to deal with calculating the maximum, minimum, average(mean), population variance and sample variance from an array which is entered by …

Member Avatar for brownjohn
Member Avatar for beshoyatef

Hi to all, ------------- Here there is array of ten position and array contain ten integers . I want to put the array of ten integers randomly on the array of ten position ... Here is my code : ---------------------- [CODE]import java.util.Random; public class TestArray { public static void main(String[] …

Member Avatar for beshoyatef
Member Avatar for ttchiwandire

Hie guys Iam looking for a java console application that accepts a string of 80 characters from a user and determine the number of words in the string taking care that there may be more than one spaces between words. The program should check that there is more than one …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for kjiu

Hello, I have a problem :icon_confused: which is: [CODE]public void caseUpper() { QTextCursor cursor(textCursor()); String selTxt(cursor.selectedText()); if(selTxt.isEmpty()) { return; } String txt = selTxt.toUpperCase(); insertPlainText(txt); } public void caseLower() { QTextCursor cursor(textCursor()); String selTxt(cursor.selectedText()); if(selTxt.isEmpty()) { return; } String txt = selTxt.toLowerCase(); insertPlainText(txt); }[/CODE] I think the problem is that …

Member Avatar for the_Famous

I need to write a program that reads a text file that contains groups of integers that start with the word "next". For each group, the program computes and writes out the sum of the integers in that group and the average. thare may be any number of groups. here …

Member Avatar for KirkPatrick
Member Avatar for Sandar Khin

Hi all Pls help me.At my application,I add a panel at BorderLayout.SOUTH.At that panel has (very long)scroll text.When I resize my frame with mouse pointer , frame is large until scroll text's length.I think something wrong at my coding about panel.How it can be?Pls advice me.

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The End.