32,205 Topics
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hi friends when i am running my programe on cmd in C:\Programe File\jdk1.6.0_14\bin I got the message that file name.java uses or overrides a deprecated API . Recompile with -Xlint: deprecation for details . what it meant how it will solved . please help me thanks in advance for reply … | |
I'm a first time Java programmer and I'm having trouble compiling/running code. I installed jdk and I'm using windows XP MCE. I can get javac.exe to create a .class file but when I try running it with java.exe I get an error Please help. Thanks! [URL="http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/6788/javanowork.jpg"]http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/6788/javanowork.jpg[/URL] | |
java socket... Hi! How do establish TCP socket over firewall using java RMI.... already i coded it but it has not been working if firewall(MS XP) IS ON...if it is OFF its fine... | |
I have a servlet that gets a parameter that tells it which operation to carry out. in the servlet, i have if statements that check if the parameter is a certain number (1,2,3). I use getParameter to get the parameter as a string but somehow it does not go into … | |
Hi to all friends, I am working on c,c++,vc++ for 1 year.I completed DAC of CDAC in which i learn c++,java,j2ee,c#.net,asp.net,oracle and web tech(like html,dhtml,xml,ajax). Now i want to move from c++ to another technology...so what will be good([B]for getting job easily)[/B]..bcoz i know both(.net & java) but (i am … | |
Hey, Im implementing a binary tree in a project of mine and I'm currently writing a remove method. lets say my tree is this 5 / 4 and lets say I want to remove 4. My nodes attriubtes are the key, left and right children. Initially, the left and right … | |
I am having a little problem getting the data out of my array. It's probably something simple that I am missing but here is my code.[CODE]public class Search Sort { static Scanner cons = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main(String[] args) { String[] mov = new String[3]; for(int i = … | |
Hi and I have been working on a simple problem but can't seem to find any solution and have tried browsing the net. My question is how do I append to an array. Below is the code I tried but still doesn't work. [CODE]String[] names={""}; if (charcheck1==true) { String[] chartmp={"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"}; … | |
Hello, I'm refactoring a C++ program into a Java program (yes, it's homework). I have a problem where I add objects to an ArrayList of type Student, but when I try to access the objects, every valid index returns what should be only in the last element. For the sake … | |
Hi everyone, I decided that I wanted to try to write a graphics library. Yes, I know Java already has one, I just thought that it would be fun to try. I looked around, but couldn't find anything on the subject. I want it to be for Java, but I'm … | |
[B][COLOR="Red"]mmm.... i think its good [/COLOR][/B] [CODE] import java.util.Scanner; public class Studentgrade { public static void main(String[] args) { int num_of_student ; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter the number of Student :"); num_of_student = input.nextInt(); String []name = new String [num_of_student] ; int array[] = new int [num_of_student]; String … | |
Hi! For my assignment, I was required to implement an ordered dictionary using a binary search tree. I have most of it done, but I'm stuck on a this one problem. My program needs to print the word from the dictionary that alphabetically follows the specified word (aka the successor). … | |
hey people.i am new to java and i am currently constructing a hangman game. the game asks for the user to enter a word(3 or more characters long). then it prompts the user to enter a single character or the complete word in a message input dialog which contains the … | |
hi am stuck im trying to figure out how i can find the majority of numbers say in a list with the time complexity of O(n) say i have a given list of n elements finding all elements on the list that occur more then n/4 time. how would i … | |
For my assignment, I have to "Write a program that reads integers, one per line, and displays their sum. Also, display all the numbers read, each with an annotation giving its percentage contribution to the sum. Use a method that takes the entire array as one argument and returns the … | |
Hi, I am making a application , i have to make a small list of users from a big list of users. I am using ArrayList in Java but now getting result. To be more precise I have List1 with 10 users and i am making list2 of 3 users … | |
Hi there, I'm trying to code a simple program whereby an object (in this case a boat) can move freely around the screen via the use of the arrow keys. Now the left and right arrows should change the angle the boat faces, while the up arrow makes the boat … | |
I want to found more of area for (circle, square ..etc ) I'm using ( switch method). I read ( radius ,length ,width ,base and height ). but when I enter Area of square . it want enter ( radius ,length ,width ,base and height ) I mean all thing … | |
Hi, I am trying to develop an application that has got a Jbutton and allows to search a file and then loads selected line of that file in the JTable. I am able to do that when I hard code it inside the code but when I try to let … | |
wrtie a class with a static method: word count arrayToString most Frequent replaceSubstring (for example) it will work like count the word then tell me which word use frequent and if i change the word it will change the line with that. | |
[CODE]public class Getnumbers { private int num1; private int num2; public int getNum1() { return num1; } public void setNum1(int num1) { this.num1 = num1; } public int getNum2() { return num2; } public void setNum2(int num2) { this.num2 = num2; } } [/CODE] [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class Case { … | |
hi I am working on HQL queries and writing an application in Java it is just in development phase so I am using a dummy database. But I am having troubles with displaying result using HQL queries. /** * Displays a report listing all companies that have no departments. */ … | |
I need to iterate through a TreeMap. I won't be able to use another collection instead of a TreeMap, I am merely changing some code in someone else's program. Is it at all possible to do this? I'm thinking: [CODE]while (Treemap.hasNext())[/CODE] or something similar. Is this possible in Java? | |
Hey, I tweaked my code a bit to fix some obvious problems but I'm still having problems trying to implement a gap sort which is a bubble sort that instead of comparing neighboring elements to sort a list, it compares elements 'i' positions apart. Can anyone please help me? Thanks … | |
hello everyone ! .. I am Abhinab Roy. I am new to this Place and I am very glad to be here. I am pursuing a course called Diploma in Multimedia & Animation. I have a exam on 17th Nov. .. and I have a problem in Javascript. We have … | |
Im making a chat application where one client will send a message to ALL other clients who are currently online through server. The problem is that I'm unable to make such a loop which can infinitely send n receive messages using server. Secondly can't we just use PrintWriter and BufferedReader, … | |
I am trying to complete an assignment for an introductory java class and need some help in getting past a "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Week5Assignment.PartyStock.main(PartyStock.java:70)" error. I'm sure I've forgotten to initialize something but can't seem to find what it is. Any help that you can provide would … | |
I am trying to read from a text file which of size 1 MB, and contains 5000 lines of data. Following is the code of class which I am using to read from the file [CODE] public class PlayFile extends Timer implements ActionListener{ File filename; BufferedReader out; //float frameid,prev_frameid; public … | |
Develop an application that allows a student to open an account. The account maybe savings account or current account. The student has to submit his or her name,faculty,course,year of study,university,telephone contact and e-mail address. The student can withdraw,deposit and perform balance enquiries with the account. If the student has opened … | |
So I'm using an ArrayList (to create a hash table structure) like so: [CODE]protected ArrayList bucketArray;[/CODE] Later in the constructor, it initializes it as: [CODE]bucketArray = new ArrayList(500);[/CODE] When I use it and try to insert a Node from a linked list in like this: [CODE]bucketArray.add(357, nodeToBeInserted);[/CODE] it gives me … |
The End.