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69 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hi, Great post, However, Over the past years I have learnt not to use a catch that catches Generic exceptions. Catching the right exceptions and then handling those exceptions properly is the best practice. eg. [CODE]Catch SqlEx as SqlException[/CODE] or even [CODE]Catch OleDbEx as OleDbException[/CODE] for a list of the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for charlybones

well alternatively you can use a while loop :P the while loop condition checks if the file exists then within the while loop put a try catch and then try delete the file, if its still locked the exception will catch it, and will constantly try and delete it till …

Member Avatar for charlybones
Member Avatar for vb.netfreak
Member Avatar for vb.netfreak
Member Avatar for zachattack05

As far as I understand it. The values set in the ValueMember is the value being returned after selecting something in the listbox. as you said, the If it displays employees, it doesnt mean the value is the employee names, more rather the employee IDs. So when binding the data, …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for Alex_2011

As far as I know, ComboBox Indexes are 0 based. So you might want to change your conditions to something like [CODE]If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex < 1 Then MessageBox.Show("You Should Select A Name & Age", "Error") ElseIf ComboBox2.SelectedIndex < 1 Then MessageBox.Show("You Should Select A Name & Age", "Error") TextBox1.Text = "Your …

Member Avatar for Alex_2011
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And a user can overload the .toString() method to take the object in question an display it as you want.

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Member Avatar for behemothdave

You could consider using a Masked Textbox. And then setting each masked textbox accordingly your currency mask would something like this [CODE]$0000.00[/CODE] you can put however many zeros infront/behind. 0 means only numbers are allowed to be inputted. and of course the period separates the dollars from the cents Using …

Member Avatar for behemothdave
Member Avatar for Cameronsmith63

I like using the c# keyword [B]using[/B] [U]example[/U] [CODE] using(DataTable ConfDT = new DataTable()) { //some code } //ConfDT is automatically disposed here [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Cameronsmith63
Member Avatar for poojavb

If i understand this correctly, there are different ways of doing this. [U]Approach one[/U] In the DoctorSchedule new Contructor, you can say that it requires DoctorAppointment variable and then when click save you can access the DoctorAppointment fields direclty. Not sure if that is the best way of doing it. …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

You are going to have to add a NotifyIcon to your form, and then set the BalloonTipText/Title and display it when needed [CODE]Dim NotifyIcon1 = New NotifyIcon() NotifyIcon1.Visible = True 'You might want to do this on the form load event and hide it on form closing. NotifyIcon1.Icon = New …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for Andy90

well using [CODE]TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan()[/CODE] it only accepts ints, so you are going to have to convert your floats/doubles to ints

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for glut

I agree with MikeyIsMe, use the MouseClick event. But then again, not knowing what the OP wants..

Member Avatar for glut
Member Avatar for phoenix911

Hi, I have a WCF Webservice, and I have an application that uses this web service. I Have them both running on the same machine, but get a time out. Is there something I have to specify myself in the web.config? I am fairly new in WCF, as this …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for Nastadon

while debugging did you get data back from the server? In other words does the bold code below return anything [CODE]dgGuitars.DataSource = [B]dbcomm.ExecuteReader()[/B][/CODE] also maybe consider adding [CODE][B]user id[/B] & [B]password[/B][/CODE] to you connection string?

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for csckid
Member Avatar for phoenix911

Hi, First of all I would like to know if this is possible, I have a feeling it is. so if this is, How/What would be the best way to do this? Will I have to download 3rd party libraries? Thanx

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for chetanbasuray

creating an AV is very hard and long work.. rather join one of the open source projects at sourceforge... where there are plenty of prjoects to help

Member Avatar for omkarpardeshi
Member Avatar for phoenix911

Howzit, I need some advice on how to go about doing this little side project. Theres a website that uses xml feeds to populate the whole page (i dont care if thats good or bad), I can access these feeds when I'm logged in, but as soon as I'm logged …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for aravinda reddy

plz add some more info... like should it get the best match to the wmax and vmax? or just iterate down the list and work from the top down, adding until it reaches the wmax/vmax

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for rogue005

first of all, never use the automatic GUI generator... as it is very hard to read/re-use/edit... always create your GUIs yourself... it may take a lil longer but is much more worth the trouble at the end. note:sorry for the hate and off topic, just it'll help alot later on

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for phoenix911

Hi i have a program that transforms my xml files with the stylesheets i applied and saves them as html file. i also used cooktop to create my stylesheet as well as to see the result... my problem is, that when i transform it, i have a <hr />tag, the …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for onlinessp

void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { String provider=textbox2.Text.ToString(); int code=provider.GetHashCode() textbox2.Text = provider.ToString(); }

Member Avatar for onlinessp
Member Avatar for phoenix911

Hello I would like to develop GPS software for my mobile phone... it has a built in GPS, just i cant get software which is either free of charge or exactly what i need.. i know i have to use java.... but exactly where do i start with this? all …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ebay1989

this seems like a nice "get to learn the logic" application... it'll be a quick and easy one with experience, show some code and ill help... ill be doing one any1 which works, but you need to show some of your own effort. the logic you mentioned above is ok, …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for ndz-niels

just so you know.... 11111 = 1F... 1111 = 0F... so whats the problem then?

Member Avatar for ndz-niels
Member Avatar for joker769

post what the error is first of all... but looking at that... you're comparing a string (text) to a variable (A or a) [CODE]if (text == A || text == a) { newtext == r }[/CODE] so instead add quotes ("") around the A and a.. which will compare the …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for luvthug

as far as i can see from the code... try making these two statements global [CODE]char myChar; BufferedReader s = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;[/CODE] as you define them only locally to the isVowel method block

Member Avatar for luvthug
Member Avatar for bhaskarbabar51

[B][CODE] else Response.Write("Seat is booked");[/CODE][/B] move the else a bit up.... and judging from your code... it'll never be 0...cause just before you test it against 1... you give it the value 1... which i dont know why, unless you using it for debuggin

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for phoenix911

ive created an application which multiple users will be using on an intranet... now if i had to make changes to the app(fixes/bugs/etc) after deployment.... what would be the way to go without the user clicking a button to update... the new version would be put on the server, where …

Member Avatar for phoenix911

The End.