i want to make a key-maker and i am not know how to make it can u help me to write it .
OR by giving some source code hint.....
Thanks on your kind deed

What exactly do you mean by the word key-maker?

i want to make a program which take input a user name an generate a unique code for it.
all this process should be using text box text change

i want to make a program which take input a user name an generate a unique code for it.
all this process should be using text box text change

Use GetHashCode() method.

string s = "Hello";
 int code=s.GetHashCode();

its not changing with respect to key-press i have tried this code.
Thanks on your reply

Show us your code please.

void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String provider=textbox2.Text.ToString();

int code=provider.GetHashCode()

void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
String provider=textbox2.Text.ToString();

int code=provider.GetHashCode()
textbox2.Text = provider.ToString();

You don't have to use textbox2.Text.ToString(); use textbox2.Text;
textbox2.Text is already of type String

but it's did not effect on the input

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