32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for bharath1

i want the code for avl trees using dictionaries in java... with total insert , delete, display options

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Member Avatar for Zero-Method

hello smile.gif i am having trouble with the 2D array i am making.......it is supposed to be an address book of sorts Miller, Joseph, 910 Auburn Avenue, McLean, VA, 7035551234 Frank, Michael, 1 York Road, Baltimore, MD, 4105551234 Roland, Frank, 346 Bellona Avenue, Lutherville, MD, 4435551234 Smith, Jan, 432 Burke …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Cheesy74

I'm writing a collision algorithm based on the Separating Axis Theorem that works like so for each side: - Gets the separating axis of the side - Measures the object's width on that axis and places the width on the axis. - Measures/places width for object that is being collision-tested. …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for gotm

So I have a lot of code so I guess I'll just post the couple classes that seem to be giving me problems and where the problem is occuring. [CODE=java]// line class to store lines from .ps file class line { // for outcodes private int RIGHT = 2; private …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for javed123

Hi , I have problem related to ArrayList...... ArrayList object may contain 1 or more ArrayList Objects and those inner ArrayList Object may contain 1 or more ArrayList Object and it is extendable to n levels. Condition is also added as ArrayList may contain different type of Objects too, i.e. …

Member Avatar for balumohan2
Member Avatar for henrock143

guys...can post a number guessing game code so I can compare it to mine....im still have a little problem with mine.... plsssss and thnx...

Member Avatar for anupam_smart
Member Avatar for StarZ

I got the first part correct but how do I put the get height into the second part? Like would I just repeat everything the base did.. like "private double height" " public void setHeight " etc... [B]The design is this: [/B] RightTriangle variables: base, height methods: setBase - changes …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Sujata Bandyo

Hi Friends, I am having problem with the above code snippet. Initially it woked fine. But now it is giving an error of java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number. How can I resolve the exception? Thanks. [code=JSP] try { String ein=(String)session.getAttribute("EIN"); System.out.println("inside try block"); Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","HE","HE123"); Statement st=con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select distinct REV_OWNER …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for raider650

BMI= w/(h/100)2 [CODE]double BMI = weight/(height*height)// Works when weight=kilograms, height= meters [/CODE] I need the output to be in kilograms and centimeters. Any help, much appreciated.

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for bharath1

i want the code for avl trees using dictionaries in java... with total insert , delete, display options

Member Avatar for rp_prasanna

jdbcTemplate.execute("{call TEST_CURSOR.TEST_PROC(?)}", new CallableStatementCallback() { public Object doInCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement cs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);//if the first variable is out parameter //here u have to set the OracleType to the variable which u r setting in the procedure cs.setString(2, "second parameter"); cs.setString(3, "third parameter"); cs.setString(4, "fourth parameter"); cs.execute(); cs.getBoolean(1); //here …

Member Avatar for StarZ

It keeps highlighting the line "super(r);" I can't find whats wrong with it.... The Error says: 1 error found: [B]File: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\Anna - java\Disk.java [line: 14] Error: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\Anna - java\Disk.java:14: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor Circle(double) location: class Circle[/B] The contructor code is: [code]/** …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for praschat

I am developing a Remote Desktop kinda application. The program is supposed to get the screenshots of the remote machine along with the cursor icon image. Now my question is without using JNI is it possible to extract the mouse pointer icon (whatever it is in the remote machine at …

Member Avatar for StarZ

I copied this code from the textbook, so the code should have no mistake? I typed the contructor file(I think thats what its called) and the actual codes. So the code looks like this: [code]public class TestCircle { public static void main(String[] args) { Circle spot = new Circle(); spot.setRadius(5); …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

With the release of [url=http://esd.ingres.com/] Ingres Database 9.3[/url] today, the company says it's now easier for developers to migrate their application to the open source system from MySQL, Oracle,SQL Server and Sybase. It does so, the company said, through "improved accessibility of table procedures from within the query" and support …

Member Avatar for henrock143

well....my teacher ask me to create a program that reads set of integer's and then finds and prints the sum of the even and odd integers....could someone help me in dis program... and can u make it simple plss....ill be happy if u would... plsss and thank you...:icon_confused:

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Member Avatar for Deva.VG
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Deva.VG
Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for beshoyatef

Here i draw the board for chess and put all pieces in there places on the board ... then i want when i pressed by mouse on the board give me the value of x , y . I tried with all things but i cann't solve this problem please …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jrosh

[ATTACH]11999[/ATTACH] How can I add above type text into a JTextfield??????? I mean the faded texts as "username".. It should be ok to erase them when entering text into the field.. How can I do it?? thankx in advance.

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hello. I'm trying to convert Calendar to dd/MM/yyyy format. My problem was it couldn't convert to exactly what i wanted. I'm Turkish so when we write a date, we write the day first then month then year... My code is here [code] public static String toFormattedDateString(Calendar input){ String year = …

Member Avatar for Xessa
Member Avatar for kerkquin

Help me ,,... i nid to learn all about looping in java programming and what are the sample codes. plss. help me.. tnx..

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for shauket
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Member Avatar for joseph99

Can anyone please tell me how to turn on Java script,I have lost the ability to veiw photos or videos on my laptop Dell inspiron 630m. When I try to veiw anything it says that I need to download Flash player or I have to turn on Java script.

Member Avatar for saninfosys.com
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

I want to know that can I run a code which extend JPanel and uses JFrame without running the x11 server on ubuntu. I read something about Headless but its not working.

Member Avatar for gtey

I need to write an application that reads three intergers and prints their average, 2- write an application that reads two floating point numbers and prints their sum, difference, and product. I am doing programming projects in Java software solutions 5th edition for school. _______________________- [URL="http://ltseo.com.au/"]SEO[/URL]

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE

Hello I wrote a class Employee and a tester class TestEmployee.The problem is that I get this exception after I enter the first employee's id.I thght if I give default values to the instance field the exception shouldn't have occured; can someone help me with this please: Employee class: [code] …

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Member Avatar for sumit_raokhande

I did one J2ME SMS based Application.overview of my project.My j2me Application reside on Sales Person Handset.Sales person can send a sms to supplier to get a product.for e.g. Sales person send sms Store and related product means Suppose Store is "Nokia" and product is model number Nokia 5610 sales …

Member Avatar for arunpatil884

import javax.servlet.Filter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; Hi guys, please help me out. i m not able to import the above file what could be d reason. it says cannot resolve.

Member Avatar for masijade

The End.