32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for wizzywas

Hi All, I need a bit of help with a java Dots and Lines game i am developing, Similar to the Dots and Box game. I have laid out the Dots with the two colours blue and yellow which change accordingly. I now need to draw a horizontal or a …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for rainny

Hi, does anyone know how to read the specified line from a text file? And by create a program, we can load what is write inside the text file and read line by line to show at the program. Does anyone have idea on it? Thanks and regards Rainny

Member Avatar for Taniotoshi
Member Avatar for gabec94

Hi, I am new to java and want to play around, I want to make a program that takes in input of lets say 5 numbers, and displays them separated by a space. For example I would enter 12345 and 1 2 3 4 5 would be returned. this is …

Member Avatar for Taniotoshi
Member Avatar for starzstar

Hi, I have the following structure of my project [code] Copyproject(main folder) | |_____src(folder) | | | |__Nertworkpackage | | | | | |__Storepackage | | | | |__FtpPackage |__module1.py | |__module2.py |____ tests |__ module3.py [/code] Module1 takes some commandline parameters that will do some operation Like If I …

Member Avatar for starzstar
Member Avatar for jnora

I compiled my remote interface and bean class successfully using jboss-3.2.5 and java 1.4.1. But, the home interface did not compile. It gave me the following error instead: --stockhome.java:7: cannot resolve symbol --symbol : class Stock --location: interface ejb_example.stock.StockHome --Stock create() throws java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.CreateException; --1 error Thanks. JNORA

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dipsn

Thank you for the quick reply . I am having problem with deploying web application in Netbeans 6.5 with Tomcat 6.0. I have all the services running of Apache server and also have configured it with my project but it is giving "the requested resource not found error" in my …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for britto

help needed..... i trying to write a c compiler in java but im a newbie in compiler design....... i know the phases of compiler is there any classes in java for implementing these phases?????? is there a source code for c compiler written in java?????----open source thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am in the process of designing a game implementation in Java, and without much experience with GUIs past swing applications, I am not quite sure where to start with this. The game I will be implementing can be seen and played here: [url]http://www.pentago-online.com/[/url] In other words, it is board …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for ppp83

Hi there, I was wondering can i create a jsp page, and ejb3, how does the jsp pages interact with the ejb3 classes? can ejb3 classes, jsp pages be packaged in war instead of ear to be published to the server?

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for radar2009

hi there i need to make a program that the user using comboboxes chooses the number of guesses and and range of guesses they are allowed using a GUI that looks like this: [url=http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v321/Howrandom/?action=view&current=Untitled.jpg]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v321/How...nt=Untitled.jpg[/url] i have made all the buttons etc and for the range combobox have used the code: …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hi guys, I am trying to execute a .jar executable within a java file but nothing happens, no errors, just nothing in general! [CODE=java]public void executeCmd(){ Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { Process proc = run.exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { //sendmessage saying there was an error } }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for shaselai

I am trying to create a system where it has a number of queued slots and it accepts X incoming services. Now each service arrives/departs at different times so i could have one arrive 10 seconds from now and departs 20 seconds after arrival while the one after that could …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for DomoCobra

When I run my code i get this error Main.java:44: illegal escape character y = news.indexOf("<\description>"); It points to the \d part and I cant seem to use this in the indexof function but I need to search for that exact string is there anyway around this?

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I am trying figure out a way of updating my program. Since I am a newbie to programming I have no idea where to start. My first idea was to download a new jar, launch it, kill the old app, and then delete it with the new one …

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for DomoCobra

I am trying to write a program that in it I have to search through some text and to find something and I dont know where to start I have some text in a String and for example I need to search through it and store everything between <title> and …

Member Avatar for DomoCobra
Member Avatar for gpittingale

Hello everyone, I am fairly new to java so plese bear with me, here is my question: i made a query to a sql database in a jsp page, what i would like to do is is import the result set into java so i can do some math with …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for kjetil4

Hi, Im trying to make a media player in Eclipse. Its just a simple thing not an advanced one but i cant get it to work. I have looked at some examples and tried to create a simular version. I could really use some hints on how to make it …

Member Avatar for kjetil4
Member Avatar for dipsn

Hi. I want help to connect my web application to my MYSQL database and to extract only specific column to return its values to my application Also I want to know is there any specific filter in java that will allow a crawler to crawl only a collection of URLs …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for sannidhikumar99

i want to Write a program to download a website from a given URL. It must download all the pages from that website. It should take the depth of retrieval from the user input. All the files/pages must be stored in a folder. plz give me solution for this as …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for thijo

Hi, I got this code from My trainner.He asked me to debug.I tried my level best to debug. but still it shows the K meanspoints class needed error. This alone i could not solve. I also tried with vector class, but it shows error. please help me. [code=java] /* Implements …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for jksaheta

/* Problem statement... You go to a wedding reception, and there are a lot of people. All of these people 'know' the bride or the groom in some manner. Additionally, a lot of them may know each other in one or more manner. For example, let's take Ann and David, …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I have a program that is supposed to draw circles every twentieth of a second every time a button is clicked. When the button is pressed, a function is called and a for-loop is executed 25 times. Within that for-loop, [ICODE]repaint ()[/ICODE] should be called. Within the [ICODE]paintComponent[/ICODE] function, random …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for sane83

Hello everyone... Im really lucky to find this site..I have been struggling hard to start of my project, thats when my friend refered me to this site.. My project is basically a kind of search engine.. I have collected all the software required for this.. NOW MY PROBLEM IS IN …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for kbullard516

Hello, I am trying to design an application that creates an array of 10 circles, each circle having random left top and radius values. Then i want to print out the values of each of the 10 circles in the array in a table format. I have 3 classes, Circle …

Member Avatar for kbullard516
Member Avatar for spec80

Hi I have the following classes: Home.java Away.java Other.java In Home.java i have a declaration like: [CODE]private Away away; private Other other; other= new Other(AN ARRAY); away = new Away(AN ARRAY , other); //where AN ARRAY is just an array, and other [/CODE] I then have code to pass AN …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for bushman_222

Hey y'all I'm making the first steps into java from VB. I'm reading a book about how java works and I'm only a few chapters in. Just so you know how 'fresh' I am, I managed to write 2 classes, one main and another one, I passed a int to …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for tmoney7566

I am trying to write an applet that receives 2 inputs from a user then opens a window and displays the 2 numbers that were input, along with a message of either "the numbers are equal", or "this number is the largest". My problem--my program never returns "the numbers are …

Member Avatar for tmoney7566
Member Avatar for petike

Hello, I have to do some java project in school and my teacher said that I have to use some API for XML-parsing. So that I have to have some source XML file. I would like to make some little game like [B]Pacman[/B] and I want that XML file to …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for spec80

I have 2 classes, one of which also has a nested class: 1. Home.java (extends JApplet) 2. Away.java (extends JPanel) has nested class, private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener Now in Home.java I have a Vector ( called bankaccount) which i pass to the Constructor of Away.java ( I declared the …

Member Avatar for spec80
Member Avatar for jhonny_86

Hey everyone! I have a problem when I save using FileOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream... Well, there is no problem saving a file in my java application to specified folder e.g. "C:/folder/" (that is made with JFileChooser) but the problem is that I want to use MY self made icon (that has, lets …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.