32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for britto

hi everyone..... im doing an IDE as project..... my problem is when i press .(dot) a popup list must be shown...... i have done it but from the popup list i cant select an item.... the list popsup over a text area and its like the list is not at …

Member Avatar for notuserfriendly

ok everything works good outside if i make .java of the classes with a main app but when i put them together my Postfix one has a problem. if you are confused just look at the main method thats where the probelm arises. the thing is after i convert infix …

Member Avatar for notuserfriendly
Member Avatar for vartikachandra

here i have 2 files and im getting a wrong echlon form of the matrix...please help; Linear_Equation.java: package mypack; import java.io.*; public class Linear_Equation{ public static void main(String args[])throws IOException{ int i,j; matrix mat1=new matrix(); int mtx[][]=new int[3][4]; mat1.accept(); mat1.display(); mtx=mat1.echolonform(); System.out.println("\nThe answer is:"); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { System.out.println("\n"); for(j=0;j<4;j++) System.out.print(" "+ …

Member Avatar for vartikachandra
Member Avatar for erdomester

Hi! I want to read a table from Access to Java. This is the table: [url]http://kepfeltoltes.hu/090221/heights_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg[/url] I tried to do it with HashMap, but I have a problem, and I don't even know what im doing is right, I have no practice in this, altough I've been trying to find …

Member Avatar for erdomester
Member Avatar for l_03

[code] public String preOrder(int nodeIndex) { if(nodeIndex>nodeArray.length) { return(null); } else if(nodeArray[nodeIndex].isLeaf(nodeArray.length-1)) { return(nodeArray[nodeIndex].toString()); } else { return(nodeArray[nodeIndex].toString()+" "+preOrder(nodeArray[nodeIndex].leftChild)+" "+preOrder(nodeArray[nodeIndex].rightChild)); } [/code] I am really stack with it. I dont how to output the numbers i input. If i input: 1 2 3 4 5 6, it only outputs 1 …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for cproud21

I have attached 4 classes which I have created for the following assignment, as well as a test program which tests the other four classes. The only thing that I am having a problem with is reporting the amount of the fine in the ParkingTicket class, as well as determining …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for jhowardsandy

Hello, I am trying to write a simple program that takes input from the fields I have created for the following UI and writes them to a command prompt. Can someone help me with the next step.... getting the input entered and writing it to the prompt? I would also …

Member Avatar for jhowardsandy
Member Avatar for vartikachandra

i am trying to accept a 3 by 4 integer matrix from the user and an unable to do so.here is my code. [code] void accept()throws IOException { int i,j; InputStreamReader instream = new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(instream); System.out.println("\nEnter the coefficients and the constants for the 3 equations …

Member Avatar for vartikachandra
Member Avatar for buug

hello, when compiling this method, i get a "missing return statement error" because there is no return statement after the while loop and before the method closes. i understand that there needs to be one there, i'm just not sure what the value should be. i have commented out the …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for lucstrato

If someone could help me out here I would really appreciate it... I have to get this code running for my programming class and i keep getting same symbol error here is the code: [code] public class fourseventeen { public void main(String[] args) { int j = 0; int sum …

Member Avatar for lucstrato
Member Avatar for jo8594

Ok, here is the problem. I have to ask a group of people for donations and get the total average and so on. The only problem I have is trying to get the lowest donation from the inputted numbers. I can't seem to get the actual lowest number. It just …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for ppp83

Some of the time, we have to run/execute the SQL scripts using command prompt or the sql browser, but i were to replace these actions with just a single click of button, i need to create a functionality with java whereby users can perform these actions with an interface. But …

Member Avatar for curtissumpter

Hi, Everything else in this code works properly but the keyTyped method is not working properly. I have been working on this for sometime. Any help would be appreciated. Also, any advice on getting my southPanel to appear when I start the application? It appears but only after I expand …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

So, I got this idea that I could make a simple game in Java, with animated GIFs for the running animations, but I have a problem, although Java will display the animation on a JLabel when made into an Icon, but I don't know how to, and can't seem to …

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Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I wanna download a file to a certain directory on the computer. I have code that downloads to the same place where it's launched but I want it to download the files do another directory. (This isnt my code I found it on a tutorial) Here is the …

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for javaman2

i need help with converting celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa in my program. for example, if someone would input 0C for the first temperature and 32F for the second temperature, i need to convert one of these temperatures so that my equals method can recognize that they are equal …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for irish59575

Hi, can someone please help me, I am new to Java and I am getting a NullPointerException error and cant figure out why Here is the code class TestBirthday { public static void main(String[]args) { int num; System.out.println("Enter number of people to test"); num = Console.readInt(); Birthday2 Experiment = new …

Member Avatar for irish59575
Member Avatar for preeti_c

Hey all I have to use an external library itext-1.4.5.jar in a program helloWorld.java.It is located in /usr/share/java First I had compiled as $javac -classpath /usr/share/java/itext-1.4.5.jar HelloWorld.java Then I had created a manifest file manifest.mf as Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: PreetiC Main-Class: HelloWorld Class-Path: /usr/share/java/itext-1.4.5.jar But on doing $ jar cmf …

Member Avatar for preeti_c
Member Avatar for tlmiller9278

Hello, this is my first post here and I noticed that other people have been struggling with this assignment too. It is the mortgage calculator program for UOP PRG420. So I am sure you all are probably about sick of this by now, but I need help. The book is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

Compared to javascript's power, i think xslt is so weak. i prefer parsing xml document to whatever html representation using javascript and i cant see any use of using xslt for that matter. What do you think?

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for rayda

[ICODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class lab3 { public static void main(String[]args) { int floor; int rooms; int occupied; int totalRooms; int totalOccupied; int totalVacant; double occupancyRate; Scanner keyboard=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Please enter the number of floors in the hotel: "); floor=keyboard.nextInt(); while(floor<1) { System.out.println("The number of floors cannot less than 1, please …

Member Avatar for rayda
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I want to make a program copy output from a Command Prompt window, any idea how I can accomplish this? In my program I want to have a console type menu so the user can watch what is going on. Thanks PO

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for Narayan15
Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hi Guys, I am trying to get a program I made to auto-start on my computer, but I don't wanna use the "startup" folder. How do these other programs automatically start? I went to my "msconfig" and then to the startup tab and found references to "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVer..." and I looked …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for l_03

[code] package Sorting; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Sorting2 { public static int s[] = new int[100]; public static void main(String[] args) { String ask = ""; for (int i = 0; i< 5;i++){ ask = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter: "); s[i] = Integer.parseInt(ask); System.out.println(s[i]); } for (int x = s.length-1; x>= 0; x--) …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Narayan15

Hi, How to add image to Jwindow. Here is my code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import java.io.*; class Project4 extends JWindow { Container container; JTextField jt; JButton jb; public Project4(String st, final Image image) { container = getContentPane(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //JTextArea jtp = new JTextArea(st,10,10); //container.add(sp); …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for tanvi-surve

Hi, I am developing an application to generated Jasper Report. I am using Netbeans 6.5, jasperReport 3.1.3. I am developing it using Visual web JSF. My JSP file is [CODE] D:/Programs/Java/JasperReports/EmployeeReport/web/Page1.jsp [/CODE] My report file is stored in [CODE] D:/Programs/Java/JasperReports/EmployeeReport/web/WEB-INF/reports/employeeReport.jrxml [/CODE] I have used following statement to specify my source …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for starsinthesky

hello. i have a problem running my very first applet (im just converting my previous application to applet). i tried to follow the instructions i found in the manuals, both the one given by my prof and the ones i found in the web, but unfortunately my program wont work. …

Member Avatar for starsinthesky
Member Avatar for MarMcD

Hello, I need to write a program that holds a multiple product inventory. Using an array to store the items. The output should display the product info, one at a time. In addition, I have to include the Total Value of the entire inventory. My only problem is, the total …

Member Avatar for MarMcD
Member Avatar for petike

Hi all, I would have a question. I know that I should (or must) respect the encapsulation rule (as one of the main three Java features) but what about if I have some "Data Structure"? I mean something like "struct" in C/C++. So if my class contains only data (not …

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The End.