32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for tmoney7566

I have been working on this array problem since last Friday. We are to accept an employee's gross sales, multiply that by 9%(to find commission) add $200 for weekly salary. Then the program takes that dollar amount and tallies payroll with ( *'s) beside salary groupings.... ex $200-299 **** $300-399 …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for etc123

[CODE]//function void function(int a[5][])[/CODE] in passing or even declaring a multidimensional array why is it necessary to specify the row while it's ok not to specify the column?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for rayda

this is my java coding: [code] import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; public class readNumbers { public static void main(String[]args) throws IOException { int num; String filename; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter the filename: "); filename=keyboard.nextLine(); FileWriter fwriter=new FileWriter(filename); PrintWriter outputFile=new PrintWriter(fwriter); for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { System.out.print("Enter a number: "); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, I used to program in C++ and constructed a linkedlist class (not a very fancy one but just enough to use the head and reference to simply add, and remove data in the list. now i am learning java and realize that java.util.*; has a class called the linkedList …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for senthil12345

Hi, I’ve embedded applet in a jsp page. Initially appearance of applet is coming well. After some time during the process of applet , when the browser window is minimized and restored or if we are switching to any other window and coming back to the applet embedded jsp page, …

Member Avatar for regina99

hello all. :) my assignment is to write a program that accepts a charge account number and then determines whether the number is valid by comparing it to the numbers (listed in the array.) most of my program is correct, except for the last part where it displays whether the …

Member Avatar for regina99
Member Avatar for jdbarry

I have a text file that contains alot of different columns. I want to create a different array from each of them (e.g. one array for the years, one array for the months, one array for the wind speed, and so on).... Does anybody know how I could do that? …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jdbarry

Can somebody please help me with this code? I have the program correctly coded and operating properly, however, I forget how to write my output to a text file. Can somebody please help me here? Thanks. [CODE] /** * This program calculates the monthly Heat Index for a specific city. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ajayyadavmca

Hi, Did anyone has used jTDS or any JDBC driver to connect to Microsoft SQL SERVER on IPV6 environment? if yes can anyone please provide me code or any help? i tried with microsoft one which they claim support for ipv6 but i didnt go thru even there. may be …

Member Avatar for ajayyadavmca
Member Avatar for jdbarry

I know that you do 6.83783 * 10^3 as 6.83783E3, but how do I do that number times 10 to the negative third?

Member Avatar for jdbarry
Member Avatar for masijade

[QUOTE=newtonorina][QUOTE=masijade][QUOTE=newtonorina]Am new in the programming sector. I have a task that requiires me to join a java interface to mysql but I don't know the code to do that. Can you please help.[/QUOTE] [url]http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/connector-j.html[/url] Next time start a thread.[/QUOTE] I just wanted a small program in Java for eaxample that …

Member Avatar for azket

Hey everybody, I am currently working on a program that has to write nice PDFs, and I'm using the iText library to do this. I am nearly done, except for some major layout problems. 1. iText automatically splits tables up if it reaches the end of the page, and continues …

Member Avatar for azket
Member Avatar for blackrobe

Hey all, I have a problem with printing my output in a certain way from my Java program. I actually need to print the output in a table-like structure. For example: [CODE] ============================================================================= Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | Header4 | Header4 | ============================================================================= Info here | Info here | …

Member Avatar for arseniew
Member Avatar for knowledgelover

Hi there I am developing an application that is SIP based , using UDP socket supported by the Java, the application is client /server, what package do I need so I can send SIP message with in the socket I have created, in other word the application looks like the …

Member Avatar for neighbordave

I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out how determine if 2 purses have the same coins in them in the same or different order. The books that i have don't really show an example of this at all and I can't find any other resources elsewhere online. I've …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for srs_grp

Hi!! I have created JTable with fixed no of rows and columns.Then depending upon some conditions I want to hide one column,but the methods removeColumn or setting maxWidth to 0 are not working.I am not getting any error. How can I do this?

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jdbarry

Can somebody help me understand why I get an error message that says possible loss of precision on this program? I don't understand what could be causing this error message. When I get this error message, it highlightes the line of code that says: "theTemps[index] = inFile.next();". Can somebody enlighten …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for chetan_8187

I am developing an application in Java that grab Image from the video. I have the following code that grabs a frame every given no. of seconds but i want an Image afte each click Even the given code does' nt work Plz help its urgent Thanks in advance : …

Member Avatar for AllenB

Hello, I am trying to insert values from a .csv file into a MySQL database from a GUI. I cannot seem to accomplish this. I keep getting a null pointer exception where I set the connection properties in my main method. I also cannot seem to figure out how to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for shirish_kal

HI guys am completely new to java ... and have this couple of bugs am not clear of wt to do... can anybody help me with it i wud be gr8ful E:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin\JAR>javac Training.java [B].\Base64.java:39: cannot resolve symbol symbol : constructor InputStream (java.io.FileInputStream,boolean) location: class Base64.InputStream Base64.InputStream localInputStream = new Base64.InputStream(localFileInputStream, …

Member Avatar for prashant yadu
Member Avatar for ashwathy

hello, got to develop a project on online reservation system.just help me to know how to start with.need help urgently.help......

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mona515

Hi, I'm new to the whole programing world, so I'm a bit lost. The problem is: Enhanace the "BankAccount" class by, 1.) Rejecting negative amounts in the deposit and withdrawl methods. and 2.) Rejects withdrawals that would result in a negative balance. (Simply return from the method without modifying the …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for vedmack

For example i want that the [code]System.out.println("blablabla");[/code] wont be displayed on the screen of the console.... how can I do it?

Member Avatar for vedmack
Member Avatar for cicigirl04

Trying to create a 2 dimensional array for converting temperature and returning max. Having problems declaring max such as these 2 lines. max = max(inputFahr[0][0]); max2 = max2(inputCel[0][1]); [code]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package project3; import …

Member Avatar for arseniew
Member Avatar for DJMASSIAH017

Hello Everyone! I have a homework assignment due and I am having a problem with an compiling it to get an output. This is my first and only Java class. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance. [CODE]/* Programmer:Steve A. Massiah Date:01/29/09 Course:PRG/420 File: …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for pbwebdev

Hello, I'm writing a program that calculates payroll. I'm using an int array for the employee ID and a for loop for the hours and payrate. I have the code working with one exception. I must write a method for input validation that: Does not accept negative values for hours …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for MarMcD

Hello, I need help badly. I was able to compile the program but when i ran it, it didn't do what it is supposed to do. The program should continue to promt for next employee's info until user enters "stop". I am not sure what I am missing.. Any help …

Member Avatar for MarMcD
Member Avatar for britto

is there any method or class for getting the datatype of a variable???? After the variable is declared i must get the datatype...... hw can i do .... any ideas??

Member Avatar for britto
Member Avatar for Praveenhai

Hi Friends, Any body please send me a complete java project on "Hospital Management System" or "Government Health care System". Please provide me in detail to [I]<<snipped email address>>[/I]

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for lahiru17

I am new to java. im trying to create a report from a table called users, in the database called userDatabase. I dnt know how to connect and get the required output! If u can please give a an example coding that can be used to connect this with my …

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The End.