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10 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Anon17

I've finally finished my TCP server and it's all working fine on my personal machine (which I used to write and test the program) which is Windows 7. However, when transferring the program to my VPS (which is Windows XP) the program gives the following exception when attempting to receive …

Member Avatar for Anon17
Member Avatar for Anon17

At the moment, I have the following to do MySQL queries: [code] MySqlCommand Command = new MySqlCommand(Query, SQLConnection); IAsyncResult Result = Command.BeginExecuteReader(); return Command.EndExecuteReader(Result); [/code] This is a static command in a server in the database class, which includes a static connect/disconnect function (used once when the server starts and …

Member Avatar for Anon17
Member Avatar for Anon17

So I need to convert a hex string on my server which could contain any byte number from 0-255 into a byte to send it to my client. This works fine in most situations, but when converting to a byte with any hex between the range of 0x80 and 0x9F …

Member Avatar for Anon17
Member Avatar for Anon17

Okay, so I've got a TCP Asynchronous Multithreaded server running which interacts with multiple clients at the same time. It works fine unless a client sends many messages in a short peroid of time, for example five messages within about half a second. For some reason it only recieves the …

Member Avatar for Anon17
Member Avatar for Anon17

Okay, so I've been trying to create a UDP Server (I've got the TCP one done but I need both for my project). However, whenever using the following code: [code] UdpClient whatever = new UdpClient(11000); [/code] I always get a SocketException with any port number (not just 11000), unless I …

Member Avatar for Anon17
Member Avatar for Anon17

I have a server which uses MySQL and supports many clients, and everything works perfectly fine when the MySQL database is on the same machine as the server. However, when it's on another machine, due to what I believe is the slow connection there are several requests from different clients …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Anon17

I need to convert a byte array to a string, and it's working perfectly except for a few values. [code] byte[] b = {(byte)0x8D}; String s = new String(b); [/code] Instead of adding the value 8D to the string, it adds the value 3F. Any ideas why this doesn't work? …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for Anon17

I've finally finished my program, but there is one bug I need to fix. Basically, the user tells me their username, and then that's sent off to a ASP file to verify. However, if their username contains special characters such as a space, * or $ for example, the ASP …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Anon17

Hi. I have a function which checks for a placement of a substring in a buffer after recieving it over TPC. It checks for the value up until a '&' appears in the string (As the value can be any length). However, my program crashes if the packet has no …

Member Avatar for Anon17
Member Avatar for Anon17

Hi there. I have an encryption method which handles a string char by char and converts it to base 32, then adds it onto the result string. However, it seems to completely replace the result string instead of adding onto the end of it. My code: [code] char *encrypt(std::string input, …

Member Avatar for Anon17

The End.