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Member Avatar for cproud21

I am getting the following error... init: deps-jar: compile-single: run-single: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: adding a window to a container at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:1010) at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:928) at javax.swing.JFrame.addImpl(JFrame.java:480) at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:899) at BoardCreator.<init>(BoardCreator.java:40) at Board.main(Board.java:14) Java Result: 1 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds) Here is my code which is a box …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

I have a file that is tab separated. i read it in as an arraylist<string> how can i print out only the second section of the file?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for mbaierl

How can I set the classpath to a folder on my disk for a given JBoss application from within Eclipse? Thanks.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for cproud21

I am to create a menu application for a cell phone company. The user is to select their package, phone, and any additional add ons they would like, and it is to disply the prices. This is by far the most advanced programming I have done to this point and …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for 0sinner

Hello, This is my first post here. I appreciate any help you guys can give me. I'm having some issues with the technologies listed in the title. I've narrowed this down to a Apache/Tomcat configuration issue (I'm leaning towards tomcat issue). First of all, my setup: Apache 2.2.10 -- The …

Member Avatar for 0sinner
Member Avatar for babusek

HI Folks , Sorry if it is the Repeated Question.... --->[B][COLOR="Green"] I want to Create An Object for a Class With user specified name.?[/COLOR][/B] Example : Class Name : Simple User Specified Name for a Object : SunServer i want like this Simple [B]"userSpecified Name"[/B] = new Simple(); how to …

Member Avatar for babusek
Member Avatar for jessxe02

I am about to start my thesis this January 2008. I pick java as my PL but I don't know any database right now.. is there any database than i could learn easily and also fit to java? please help me..

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for rockberto

I'm having problems with this. The thing is that when I send an MMS with J2ME to another devices with JSR 205 (two tested: SonyEriccson w610i and Nokia 5300), a receiving icon flashes, but the message is not in the inbox folder. I think this happens because of the application …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for zyaday

I want to put the buttons on my screen wherever i want, i'm not using design view. Is there any layout method or any other method i can use to reposition my buttons.PLEASE HELP!

Member Avatar for zyaday
Member Avatar for l_03

actually,,this is not my whole code..i just post the important one,,i am having problem with my code....i dont know how to figure out,,, everytime i am trying to withdraw and deposit..,,the balance will always be zero,, and i dont know how to figure it out.... [code] import javax.swing.*; public class …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for TaintedPurple

I have an application in which I want to find out that how many users checked the link or a page in the last 15 mins and then I want to compare the number with the next 15 mins. Can you give me some hints?

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for LevelSix

"Write a program to display a linked list graphically. Draw each element of the list as a box, and indicate the links with line segments. Draw an iterator as in Figure 15-3. Supply buttons to move the iterator and to add and remove elements." The elements of the node appear …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for nishi.nikhil

Need guidance in implementing mutually colliding group in java. I have a table COLLISION which will have info which all experiemnts collide . Each record will have the DB entries as <Collision ID, exp 1, exp 2>. there won't be another entry like <Collision ID, exp 2, exp 1> for …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for localp

can some one help me write a program, that works when passing 3 values (r g b value), to a Color class and outputs its corresponding colour.. please help me by giving a sample code and the output ...

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for optiplex

Hello I was reading this article [url]http://www.developer.com/java/data/article.php/3303561[/url], but im having some problems. I did exactly the same commands and such as they did in this article, but I dont get 'Security window' where it asks the client to trust the applet, or not. I tested the applet on apache, and …

Member Avatar for Chaster

Hi, I'v been trying to write a simple Java EE app, which deals with car renting. The entity beans and session beans are ready, so I've created a JSP for representation. It contains a single method, for init: [CODE] <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> …

Member Avatar for shurdsfield
Member Avatar for mjta18

hi.. anyone here knows some links on netbeans mobility tutorials... kindly post pls....

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for NEEDJAVA

there is no import javax.mail.*; in my java and net beans so how can i get those packages or what i have to do for importing that

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for c++ prog

hi, we have a simple program here that states like this: [CODE] input >= 10 ex: 12 1 Square Sqrt Cube Fouthroot 2 - - - - 3 - - - - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [/CODE] i made the code already but I still …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for cardanadam

Hello all daniweb members.I want to develop a program.It will about anycast ftp.There are many ftp mirror on the web which you have to download same file from them.For example server A,B,C are mirrors and i want to download a file from them.And i wanna learn which one is fastest.First …

Member Avatar for Grub

Hi. I am attempting to update a Jtable with details of all the files on my computer. I am running Windows XP home edition version 2002 with service pack 3. Intel(R) pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20 GHz [ICODE] for (int i = 0; i<r.size(); i++) { Vector v = new Vector(); …

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Member Avatar for babusek

[B][/B]HI Folks, Suppose say Class ("DaniWeb") Contains 3 Objects 1.SunSystems 2.Microsoft 3.Yahoo [B]Now user has entered an Object name suppose say (Yahoo) .. and we need to confirm if the User Specified object exists in that class are not , if not we have to create an object with the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for l_03

guyzzz,,,help,,i dont know how to call a variable from other class,,could you help me,,huhuhuh,,,i really need your help... i have a class,, this is just a summary... public class BankAccount{ int accountNumber[] = {1234, 2345}; public class ATM{ BankAccount bank = BankAccount(); String accountNum; int accountNum2; accountNum = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter …

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Member Avatar for amaravanich

Hi, How can i pass an array from jsp to javascript function.i have to design a grid in jsp.For that i'm using javascript functions. [URL]http://www.code-magazine.com/article.aspx?quickid=0303111&page=3[/URL] this is the link where i got the script.here i have to pass an array of values to display in that grid.can any one pls …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for localp

i want to pass an integer value as an input, for that first i have to get the value as an string and then convert it into an Integer. i wrote the code and it looked like this .. [code] String age=""; int intage=0; System.out.print("Please Enter your age : "); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Smirre

Need help with a java project I need to do. Here is the project specifications : """Create a console calculator applicaion that: * Takes one command line argument: your name and surname. When the program starts, display the date and time with a welcome message for the user. * Display …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for mjta18

Hi to all, im MJ a 4th year Computer Science student... well im new at using netbeans... can someone please help me to have a tutorial about the codes on Mobile Applications... cause im planning to make an applet that will server as a quick refresher about a certain subject …

Member Avatar for mjta18
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I'm working on a project for school where we have to read from a voters database which is set up in the following manner: voternumber:voternama:havevoted Ex: 1253:Bill Simmons:false 3244:Steve Jobs:true I made this algorithm to search for a voter by ID number but for some reason it keeps coming up …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for chandan123

is there any project/work done for java web proxy ? i am looking for java snippets , ideas to write a proxy server note i am talking about web proxy servers (not for sun proxy server or any thing like that ) ( ex in php there are some scripts …

Member Avatar for Vualta

hello everyone, I am working on an assignment for my cs class. It is basically a board game with 20 levels. i have a question about why this code in my program is not working...hopefully what I am posting makes any sense because what I am writing is already long...and …

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The End.