Hi I need to develop an application which reads a csv file from a server does data validation and write to a file and then bulk upload the data to an Oracle database.

The details of the requirement is
The input csv file contains data that has to be populated to the database. Currently i have the schema of the tables that has to go into the ORACLE DB but data on the input csv file is not yet finalized.

So the application(prefer JAVA) has to rbe generic and has to read a config file to do the mapping(which field on the input csv file has to map to which filed n the output table schema)

Regarding the way to populate the DB, the decision is to use SQL loader. The volume of data to be uploaded is also huge.

Need help on the factors which need to be taken care while developing this application.

1) Shouting in bold red is asking for some spanking
2) At the present time this look like demand for us to do task you been given. So you better to provide relevant coding or discuss small portion of project where you have problem as we have rule that We only give homework help to those who show effort 9same apply for work assignment)

1) Shouting in bold red is asking for some spanking
2) At the present time this look like demand for us to do task you been given. So you better to provide relevant coding or discuss small portion of project where you have problem as we have rule that We only give homework help to those who show effort 9same apply for work assignment)

sorry mate.. basically wanted to give the font a color and cud only find red flavor in the pull down..

I understand your point.. Looks like Daniweb is a site of morons..
Bye Bye Daniweb ...

commented: No one will miss you - bye bye, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. -7

sorry mate.. basically wanted to give the font a color and cud only find red flavor in the pull down..

I understand your point.. Looks like Daniweb is a site of morons..
Bye Bye Daniweb ...

If we are what you said we are, we are still better of as we are willing to learn and help each other, rather then cheat like you. One nice day your lies will catch up with you and there will be no escape.

commented: harsh and true +23
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