32,205 Topics
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Hy i have this js code: <script type="text/javascript"> var msg_id; @if(Session::has('message')) {{"msg_id = ".Session::get('message').";"}} <?php Session::forget('message'); ?> @endif $(function(){ jQuery.each( inbox, function( i, val ) { $('#contact_'+val).parent().addClass('inbox'); }); jQuery.each( others, function( i, val ) { $('#contact_'+val).parent().addClass('others'); }); $(".others").addClass('hide'); $("#inbox").removeClass('bg-inverse').addClass('bg-primary'); if(msg_id){ console.log(others); if($.inArray(msg_id.toString(),others)>-1){ $('#others').trigger('click'); } $('#contact_'+msg_id).trigger('click'); }else{ if(inbox_1.length>0){ if(others_1.length>0){ $('#contact_'+inbox_1[0]).trigger('click'); }else{ … | |
There are two classes: - ListViewActivity extends Activity, - MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter. MyAdapter overrides the getView method and creates an item in ListView, which drawn in ListViewActivity. I want to call setOnClickListener in MyAdapter.getView, but the listener must be placed in another class - not in MyAdapter. Standard approach is: … | |
//here's a singly linked list program with functions. However, I don't kbow how to add function #7 wherein //the position of the maximum number in the list should be displayed.. :( import java.util.Scanner; class Node { protected int data; protected Node link; protected int next_num; public Node() { link = … | |
I hear that the new version of Java, Java 8, does not support a way to connect to MS Access database... I have a rather big problem in this case as I created all my databases with access (And im not porting them to SQL). I wanted to update my … | |
I'm making a student system with console based java. I'm trying to load a text file's content to an ArrayList and later on search with a student registration number and list down his/her name and program. I'm having a hard time loading the text file contents in an ArrayList so … | |
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr = r.exec(cmdString) I can get the prompt result when I try "cmd /c type f1.properties", however, when the size of file is larger the command will hang and no output I could get and no exception occurred. Is there any limitation for java to … | |
I am trying to make a vehicle advertising website like autotrader or ebay. I am using html, css, jsp, java and mysql for the database.Basically I want the user to be able to search for a vehicle (advert) via a form, then they are directed to a results page after … | |
I faced a NullPointerException for below code. What is the cause? import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import net.sourceforge.jdatepicker.*; import net.sourceforge.jdatepicker.graphics.*; import net.sourceforge.jdatepicker.impl.*; import net.sourceforge.jdatepicker.util.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class selectDate extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel CheckDate; JButton check; public UtilDateModel model; public JDatePanelImpl … | |
Hello friends, I want to develop a video conferencing project in java.For that i have spent some time to try recording video in java.But i finally thought to get some help.I have tried using JMF.My system OS is Windows 8.1 pro 64 bit.Any Knowledge would be helpful. Regards. | |
Hi there daniwebers. Its time for my project work and i want to create an sms based application that will aloow users to donate money to charity which will be used to help people who really need financial assistance. I want to wirte the program using java. But my java … | |
It's been a few days since I had the time to dig into java, now I went to eclipse and all I see is errors .. Here is a picture. Any ideas how to fix it? That is just weird because it says no build path was found while i've … | |
This thread was started in [Click Here](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/482431/adding-controls-to-a-background-label-and-structuring-the-source-code), and I created this thread in hopes of making it easier to find. I have been working on a program that creates several controls dynamically in a LayeredPane.The code to add all the controls to the Pane has gotten really long. Is there … | |
I have the following form that works: http://craigcoleman.com/java/julia/ I'm trying to do the same thing with this form and I can not get the parameters to work with the form. I am using java script to get the parameter values. Please throw me a bone. <html><head><title> Test New </title> </head> … | |
I am connecting to a repository for accessign to a code. I would like to run this code from the repository, but I read somewhere it is not possible to do that. What should I do to run a code from a repository? | |
Hey guys! So the error I'm getting is "cannot reference hoursWorked before supertype constructor has been called". I've just recently learned about using abstract, extends, and the keyword "super". What should I do in order to get rid of the error? Am I missing something? Here's my code so far: … | |
i'm unable to get my entered values i initialized array to enter student record and also write functions to get this done but when i call functions i can't get any value and all output is "null" package javaapplication10; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class JavaApplication10 { public int x=10; public int … | |
I have no errors when public static void main(String[] args) is not in the program, but when I put it in everything becomes a mess. package classexample; public class ClassExample { public static void main(String[] args) { int Power = 0; int Speed = 0; int TraveledDistance = 0; void … | |
Hi Everyone, I know this such Exception is not strange while doing J2EE, but I cant figure out how my app going wrong at this step. My Code is quite long, so I will post only what I think is relevant. For the full source code, please go to: http://code.google.com/p/eagleit/ … | |
Hi guys, I'm working on my homework: I have to use a data structure to store words read from input file, i chose AVL tree to be the data structure, i implemented the tree and tested it with hard coded words, it works fine. However, with words read from input … | |
Following is my program i need to add scroll to jframe and I have paint method in it package other; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.ScrollPane; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import javax.swing.*; public class MainDrawCycle extends JPanel implements ActionListener { … | |
In the past couple of days, I've been practicing with JavaFX and I made myself an app, which I am planning to use in the future. It is supposed to keep track of web pages and the passwords I use for them, usernames as well of course. The program itself … | |
Please before you answer NOTE , I am not trying to implement a keylogger, this is just a QUESTION. So, It just randomly happened that I started thinking about this and I figured that in java if you want to have a keyEventListener the key should be entered in a … | |
I want to split sentence that has + I code this: String[]s; String a; s=a.split("+"); but it throw this exeption: Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '+' near index 0 what should I do?? thanks | |
Hello Everyone, Can we see the code execution step by step on an editor. | |
I am looking to do exactly what the title states. I have a radio field that i would like to persist across a page refresh. The following is my code: <div id="RadioFields"> <input type="radio" name="country" value="usa" id="usa" />USA <input type="radio" name="country" value="foreign" id="foreign" />Foreign Country <div id="countryerror"> <div class="asterisk" runat="server"> … | |
I'm having trouble getting the Cards off the table in this card game I'm working on. The cards are JLabels that hold images of the cards. These JLabels are created dynamically into a JLayeredPane. I have created some variables to hold the info I believe I need in order to … | |
I have an issue with accessing a table in my database after using the truncate command on it. Having to delete the whole database and recreate it not every time but often. The table is used to hold the index of a card and the card's value. This is the … | |
Program is to find the most frequently used words across all the input files, where each word must appear at least once in each file. How can this be achieved? I am new to java and yet to dig things deep. So trying through such programs. | |
hi i am trying to automate one form in selenium using java code. the same codee working fine in firefox but getting error in IE. Started InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit) Listening on port 10840 Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to find element with name == ImpersonateUserId (WARNING: The server … | |
All, Looking for newbie help. I searhed the internet looking for examples to follow. What I want to do is write code to read a multipage pdf and convert to jpg (each page) and display on screen. I find way too much stuff that is either complicated or it is … |
The End.