32,205 Topics
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after i added in my JTextArea, everything seem mess up, their position have already run away, whats going on ? [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class MainTabbed { JLabel locationLabel; JLabel divingTypeLabel; JLabel dateLabel; JLabel maxDepthLabel; JLabel averageDepthLabel; JLabel fBuddyLabel; JLabel sBuddyLabel; JLabel … | |
Hello, I'm getting a compile-time error in jdk1.2.1 which says "Identifier expected" and points to this line in the code: [CODE]Vector<Fish> fishes = new Vector<Fish>();[/CODE] Aren't vectors supported in jdk1.2.1? I'm unable to catch the problem. | |
Hello all, Does anyone have a good tutorial that explains how JFrame works and how it can be implemented? | |
everything is fine on my computer except all java windown in internet explorer will not work. On many websites i cannot click on links. No videos will play...for example youtube videos. i need to know how to fix just this problem, or just to completly restore windows to its original … | |
Hi, I'm trying to develop a program that will take one HTML file and from there open all child windows, copy the text on that HTML page and put it all into a new text file. I would do this manually but I have 2200 HTML pages to go through. … | |
Hey, I am trying to make a little MDI control with tabs, but my problems lies in the following: I want it so that when the mouse is over a tab, a close button i.e. an X is displayed on the tab, then the user may click this button to … | |
I'm trying to create a JButton in 1 of my 2 JFrames which exits the top or current JFrame... If I try: [code] System.exit(0); [/code] The entire, currently running Java Virtual Machine, exits... (both frames) I'm basically trying to get the same result as [code]setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);[/code] does to the X button … | |
Hi, After installing jdk1.5 my program is compling but at the time of execution its giving error as Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFound error.I think it is problem of classpath. | |
how to connet to database using hibernate, because i create hibernate.cfg.xml while is running i have build simple application for test connection to database using hibernate. when write application i'm not write hibernate.cfg.xml, but i want create while running. so when i click button show error like this " "Jun … | |
Hi, I'm new to java and working on an application which has a tool to set alerts. This tool is based on EJBs and i've been asked to make it a stand alone application. I really have no idea how to go about it. please help! Akanksha | |
hi to all Please Send me the like for C# to Java Convertor :?: | |
[ICODE] ... am i right to think that the call in the main ( new Grid ...) sets up the board then the (new Che ...) calls to set up the men/pieces which it does (i hope) but it also encounters a setLayout(new Grid ...) which iverwrites all the (new … | |
package packagePgmaLibrarySystemRolandgasparDizon; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.JLabel; import java.awt.Rectangle; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JSlider; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder; import java.sql.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import java.awt.SystemColor; import java.awt.Color; … | |
I'm having a little trouble with one of my exceptions. The following code is just a simple division of two integers. I have built two exception to handle an InputMismatch and divide by zero. What I want to happen is when there is an exception, I want the program to … | |
i can't understand what problem with the statement below. No error in sql statement and connection. Date dt; dt = (rs.getDate(1)==null?"":rs.getDate(1.trim()); | |
Hello, this is sasidhar. I am going to attend an Inteview. He gave me a simple project using servlets. Inventory management. I am searching for procedure in net. If anyone gives Some useful information regarding this I am very thankful. If I submit this project almost I will get job. … | |
hi friends, how i can connect bluetooth device with java code. | |
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good java ide. I have tried netbeans but i find it very confusing to use. I am looking for a very simple but free java ide to use. Can anyone recommend. Thank You Richard West | |
Hello! As a college assignment, I'm finishing a small applet that communicates with a MySQL database (through a Java server via RMI - all this is part of the assignment). It's doing all it should except for one thing: in one of the tabs I included a JTable that lists … | |
Hi All , I am new to this forum and Ajax technologies. let me introduce you first , my name is sam and working as a java developer. I am working in a project where i need to use Ajax . I have a Jsp which have 2 combo's in … | |
I'm trying to demonstrate various array operations, and have a couple of questions. I'm having problems with printing out the column and row totals. It only prints out the totals of the last row and last column. It also only prints out the lowest of row 1 and the highest … | |
Hi Guys, I am quite experienced in programming with Java. I have though come accross a small problem, I don't know how to implement the MVC pattern. I understand the concepts of the MVC pattern and I was hoping that someone on this forum could help. I have a model … | |
Hello I am new new Java, and would like some help in a exercise I am trying. I would like to know how to get java to print out the "[B]Hundredth[/B]" number in a number. ie in the number [U]1234 [/U]how would I get java to print out that [B][U]2[/U][/B] … | |
I implemented an applet using netbeans which can load an image.I put the image file both in src/package where the .java file is present and in build where .class file is present.. The Applet get started bt the image is not viewing.Please look through it.Am I put the image files … | |
hi friends..i want to divide a frame into different parts... how can i do that.....plz help me | |
... what i am trying to do use thr GridChessBoard clas to paint/drae an empty board then return to the program which adds the men/pieces to the board. ... i can get the empty board but it doesn't add the meb/pieces. i don't know why. i suppose i bit off … | |
Hello everyone As you can see, this is my first post. We're trying to write a cards game and it uses 12 cards. Someone taught me to put the buttons in an array, which i think is a really good idea. I'm encountering one problem, how do i create an … | |
I'm trying to make a Connect 4 game and I'm getting it to work, but I think I'm doing it in a very long and hard way. I think that array were created to simplify code like this, but I'm not sure how to use an array for this occasion. … | |
<HTML> <BODY> <APPLET CODE= MyHangman.class WIDTH=1000 HEIGHT=1000> </APPLET> </HTML> I need to know what to do next below is my java file and I am confused with how to check the words i have in the array and the letters guessed in the word....anything would be useful thanks......and do you … | |
I'm implementing a java code for drawing lines using applets in netbeans using javaapplication 11 package.the java code is in src folder and .class and html files are in build folder at their appropriate positions.... It is giving Error:-- `java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: DrawingLines (wrong name: javaapplication11/DrawingLines)` on Java Console. the code is … |
The End.