32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Spartan552

Hi ! [QUOTE] (A & 0xFF)[/QUOTE]. What does this mean? I have to optimize a program, here is the code : [QUOTE]ret += ((long) data[index + i] & 0xFF) << ((nb - 1 - i) * 8);[/QUOTE] An image is stored in the array data... whenI remove & 0xFF, It …

Member Avatar for bugmenot
Member Avatar for pranavdv

[COLOR="Red"]import java.sql.*; public class test { public static void main(String args[]) { // Define the url for the sample database String url = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/test"; Connection con; String createString; createString = "create table test " + "(NAME varchar(32), " + "NUMBER int, " + "FEEs float " ; Statement stmt; try …

Member Avatar for pranavdv
Member Avatar for Shveetis

package monitoring; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.*; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import monitoring.task.jvm.JVMMonitoringTask; public class home extends JFrame { private JFrame j1; private JPanel c1; private JLabel m1; private JLabel l1; private JLabel l2; private JSeparator js1; private JButton j; private JButton s; private JButton tc; public home() { …

Member Avatar for Shveetis
Member Avatar for awo

I have the privilege of desiginging a J2ME game but i was tyring to see if it was possible to connect two or more mobile device using bluetooth so that instead of playing aginst the system, the player would be able to play against another person and i could not …

Member Avatar for arun.gerrard

[CODE] public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { int i=273; byte b = (byte)i; System.out.println("Result "+b); } }[/CODE] when i compiled the program the result was 17... :-/

Member Avatar for arun.gerrard
Member Avatar for mayank.aga

There are 3 java classes in separate files and when I compile them...ERRORS! If anyone could run those 2 classes separately and tell me the peoblems I will be really grateful coz I've used up my minds! import java.util.*; public class PageOne { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner …

Member Avatar for mayank.aga
Member Avatar for sarath.koiloth

I am new to java, I went to an interview yesterday....Interviewer asked me What is Object Oriented programming...I find a bit difficulty is aswering for that.Can you please give a good explanation for this question.... Thank You....

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for conklin

Will anyone of you guys tell me how to set set the classpath i.e. syntax for setting classpath

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for vijaysrivatsa

Hello Friends...we r doin our UG project named Watermarking relational database using optimization based techniques....here we r supposed to use a PJW hash function to encode the values inside a database with the help of a secret key....Can anyone pls explain me the logic for this hash function and i …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for AS_82

I want to develop a program, that will take a input in chines font through GUI, but, I have face a problem, that is how can I decode the given string in Unicode. I can write a string giving the correct Unicode Value, but donot fetch the correct Unicode value. …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for Techboy52

//I am passing a hex as a string into a decimal integer and I know Integer.parseInt() is easier but i can not use it. //Look below two areas have illegal start of expression and one with not a statement. public class HexToDecimal { public static void main (String [] args) …

Member Avatar for Techboy52
Member Avatar for ajithraj

haii friends... am using Struts framework i have two forms..form1 and form2...both in jsp the form2 has to be included in form1... the problem is: with corresponding to values from pop up box in form1, i want to populate pop-ups in form2....that means values in form2 is based on values …

Member Avatar for ihtraa

we are currently workin on a RFID project and we need to generate the RFID serial numbers which is in a specific format (eg: 0101i0010001). in this the 1st 4 numbers are constant (0101) the next 4 digit numbers are item id which is got from the JSP textbox(i001) the …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for Ankita B

Hi,I have a login page which accepts user id and password.On successful entry user navigates to next page.I wish to display a welcome message with user name like "welcome xyz!"..how can i get user name from user id and password (entered in the login jsp file) be displayed in next(successful-login …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for deifyme

Hi all, m having this java.io.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the specified file, although the file is there in the folder. waiting for some replies, thanks

Member Avatar for deifyme
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey all, the noob is back. and with more questions that you guys will probably make fun of me for but...whatever. I am creating a GUI design where there are four labels (it doesn't need functionality) with an OK, HELP and CANCEL button on the right side. i haven't started …

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Member Avatar for plgriffith

Ok, I know C/C++ really well, but just started Java today and am having an issue. I have an assignment where I have to ask the user how many names he wants to enter, and then have him enter all of the names. After all of the names have been …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for petzoldt01

I have recently been trying to work with OpenGL in Java and decided to go with JOGL to start. I am using SWT for my visuals and I am programming inside the Eclipse IDE. I have found plenty of interesting uses for OpenGL, but once I have more than one …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for wolverine_ramir

please help me compute for the time.. i have extracted different time values from a database, i stored it in a String since i don't know which data type to use. this values came from a DataList in a variable named jamTime.. then i extracted the time using: String startTime …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for williamku87

who can help me in java? this is my code: //employee.java public class Employee { String emp_id; String emp_name; String emp_icno; char emp_gender; String emp_dob; String emp_addr; String emp_comDate; String emp_dept; String emp_pos; double emp_sal; public Employee() { emp_id = "99999"; emp_name = ""; emp_icno=""; emp_gender='m'; emp_dob=""; emp_addr=""; emp_comDate=""; emp_dept=""; …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for nuch1311

/* Program Name: MonthlySales.java Author: Dominick Saccoccio Date: 2-19-08 Description: The program provides an end-of-the-year sales analysis for a company. The revenue contains total sales for each month, where revenue ={ 16692, 2504, 2463, 1857, 2369, 2684, 3374, 2630, 2531, 1928, 2692, 2578} presents the sales of January to December. …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for mtbutt

Salaam all of my friends....i want to tell all of u that i want to make a banking system that shows the different department information like Account dept.First of all the account dept take some money and add the user account if the user want to withdrow the money then …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for Mikesvb

Hi there.This is my first post here.I need help urgently. I getting desperate because I got a deadline for a project in 3 weeks time.I'm trying to do a 2 X 2 matrix multiplication applet that simulate systolic architecture.Should be something like the Wallace Tree Simulation. It can be seen …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Rasjoe

How do u extract pixels of iris portion and distinguish it from other parts of eye? How do u convert it into bit pattern? what java application will be useful to do these things?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ihtraa

am currently workin on RFID Technology and am stuck with the socket connectivity... there is a client which is an EXE file called RFID.exe now we need to create a server program to connect the client n read the msgs sent by the client application. in the server program v …

Member Avatar for Raziuddin

Hi all, Am a fresher with logj4 and trying to configure my properties file. My question is that how can i log differrent priorities of messages to different files using categories and appenders. help would me greatly appreciated. This is my properties file. I ma not able to get the …

Member Avatar for Raziuddin
Member Avatar for jigvesh

Well, I did go through the site mentioned in one of the earlier queries, but still i am not able to solve it........ I want an image to be displayed instead of the mouse cursor when it is over a panel.........which in the code is mainPane...........i think i am making …

Member Avatar for sanjrockz
Member Avatar for sasidharnet

This is sasidhar. I am getting problem with JNDI. please help to solve this problem. This is the program I used to work on JNDI. I am using weblogic 10.0 [CODE] import javax.naming.*; import java.rmi.*; import java.util.*; public class UseJndi{ public static void main(String args[]){ try{ Hashtable h = new …

Member Avatar for alejalv

hi, i was given this project to do in my java class but i dont exactly know what i have to do.... i understand that i need to create 2 classes, point that extends pair and labeledpoint that extends point.... but i have no idea what else the professor wants …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for crabs_crab

I Want To Make Programme Such That I Make The Programme In Two Sockets One For Client Other For Server, A Server Establish A Connection With The Client, Then Client Has To Enter Username Either John Or Jammi Then The Password For The Username Any Of The Above, Please Tell …

Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.