32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for robertarmerding

I am very new to computer programing. I am in a college class on Java. We have an assignment to record and report election results. At the state level, I need to gather the data from the County level and add the County results to show the state results. I …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Koldsoul

My assignment is to use a method to do the pig latin part of a program I have already done. So basically, I have the program written, code is below, but am getting two errors in it. I have not really gone over using strings and returning them to the …

Member Avatar for new_2_java
Member Avatar for MxDev

hi guys, how to get messages issued by command prompet in java, i mean i could send commands to command prompet, if there's reuslts how could i get those results to be displayed in text field??? thank's

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for nate12457
Member Avatar for Kob0724

All this regex stuff has me really confused. How could I just replace all the occurrences of "\\" in a string with "\n"?

Member Avatar for Kob0724
Member Avatar for Parsu7

I just want to know what happens when this code is written: public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException

Member Avatar for Parsu7
Member Avatar for gauravmishra

hi i want to know that what does the scale() method of AffineTransform do i mean when we reduce the size of a image does this transform reduces the number of pixels or something else .........

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Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, I am having a problem with removing a specific item from a linked list. Any advice would be great: Here are some snippets: private Node head; //the head node at the front of the list private Node previous; //element just before the current position private Node current; //refers …

Member Avatar for sohguanh
Member Avatar for slayer10

Ok, i have been making a chess game program, basically what it is is a chesspiece class and a chess board class, the chessboard class has an 8x8 2-d array of chesspiece objects, then i have my frame, my frame has a parallel 2-d array of Jtoggle buttons, when a …

Member Avatar for slayer10
Member Avatar for maggie789

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to split double into its integer part and decimal part. I' working on binary converter, and my teacher gave me 4 steps on how to write the program. I've completed step 1 which is separating number into integer and decimal portion, …

Member Avatar for maggie789
Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

I'm trying to make a circle appear from a class I've developed to move following the x co-ordinate of the mouse. I've done that part correctly, it's just loading the class...Can anyone tell me why it isn't loading? I do love to solve problems myself but I've been working on …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Parsu7

Suppose i try to instantiate an abstract class then a checked exception is thrown,but who handles it or how is it handled?

Member Avatar for Parsu7
Member Avatar for piers

I am currently working on something where I have to make two shapes which extend to a class called 2d shape. I am currently working on my Triangle class which is this: [CODE]lass Triangle extends TwoDShape { String style; Triangle(double width, double height, String style) { super(width,height); } private double …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for MikP

Hi all, I'm a n00b at Python and am working on outputting html using pyhtmloo - I've checked the [URL="http://sourceforge.net/docman/index.php?group_id=89844"]pyhtmloo site[/URL] for guidance but no joy there. Hopefully I'll find guidance here... The python code below outputs an html page and what I'd like to do is set the refresh …

Member Avatar for rajeshwarreddyt

Hi Folks, My requirement is like this : How to get User Name using LDAP when my application URL hitted by user in intranet for example: Suppose Application running on my system and any person in intranet hit the my application URL , now using LDAP i need to find …

Member Avatar for rajeshwarreddyt
Member Avatar for yo123

The program is broken into two parts: the lexical analyzer and the syntax analyzer plus semantic. The lexical analyzer should recognize the token using DFA and return the token and the value. The syntax and semantic part can be done by using any algorithm that can check for the correct …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mdelaossa

Hello, In my java class we've been asked to create a painter program that allows the user to draw on the screen (as with a paintbrush). I had no trouble creating the program and having it perform up to standards with what was asked, but something that troubles me and …

Member Avatar for mdelaossa
Member Avatar for vladdy19

Could someone help me out I need to change a String such as "asu" I'm thinking of using the ascii but I'm not sure how i could do that

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

Hello EveryOne I need Help here ,i have been trying to view this GUI but it keeps showing me this erroe `NoClassDefFounderError`. Anyones help would be appreciated. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import javax.swing.*; public class HeartLandHomeFinance2 extends JFrame { JPanel Panel; JLabel …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jasmin_java

Hello Could anyone help us , we have a minesweeper's game code in java the game is good but has two problem the first one is when you press a mine button the game should be over and you can not press on any other button but our code allow …

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Member Avatar for chankya

I want to change the color of the whole row("which is containing different data types in different cells") depending upon the value of one column. Have any idea????? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for sugantha

Hi friends, I am using Netbeans 6.0.1 and I've installed MySql on Fedora 8...I 've been able to configure the jdbc-MySql connector that's bundled with Netbeans and I can create tables and query MySql using the Netbeans GUI.So I guess my connection was correct...My connection properties are as follows: Database …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Rentro

I have a string that looks for example like this: "aabbccddeeffgg" I want to retreive the "ee" or the "cc" value from that string. How can I do that ? The tokenizer is not what I am looking for. I'm looking for the function that allows you to specify that …

Member Avatar for Parsu7
Member Avatar for toomuchfreetime

Hey can any one help me i'm doing a hangman program and want to display blanks where a to z is. how can i do this? I've got it replacing "a" but can't get it to replace the rest i.e. b to z any help would be appriaciated. [code] show …

Member Avatar for toomuchfreetime
Member Avatar for spywx2003

private static int readFile (String filename, String[] capacities) the file whose filename is given as a parameter, and fills array of strings representing capacities. Error checking: Each line of the file should be checked for the following errors. Lines of the file that contain errors should not be put in …

Member Avatar for taineechan
Member Avatar for grhu8175

Hi people, i am totally new to java and is still pretty much struggling with it now... please forgive me if i sound stupid from here on... I am trying to come out with a simple java login console application using a flat file as data base. I have done …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for orcboyx
Member Avatar for sebe

hello, My computer have a problem when i start, there a error message "couldn't load main class". I need to know if i update the java can resolve this problem. Thanks

Member Avatar for shinnxennosagga
Member Avatar for mevtho

Hi, I have to refactor the method kingRange under, the goal being code readability : [code=java] /* For information, here are the class fields needed here : private String setUp; public final static Collection validPieces = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "R", "N", "B", "K", "Q" }); public static final int LEFT …

Member Avatar for mevtho
Member Avatar for eleonora

Hello, Im trying to implement a program which will split a text file and then parses the elements to an arraylist. My text file looks like that: [QUOTE] Name: Mariah Johnson Customer no: 663,283 Post code: BA1 74E Telephone no: 028-372632 Last modified: Jan 11, 2007 8:10:05 PM GMT Name: …

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The End.