32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for evaristo

Does anybody came across an application architecture diagram(uml Sequence or Collaboration) lately? i mean, there are lots of examples on the books of micro-level application type of solutions, but the broad picture, the framework, in a simplified, yet understandable manner ? the kind of diagram for a GUI app that …

Member Avatar for ajithraj

haii... pls help me to get the cursor position in javascript....from textArea thankzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for ajithraj
Member Avatar for jinalh

hi all, m facing some problem when m trying to use calendar in my jsp with spring:bind tags. like below::: <input name="popca1" type="button" tabindex="4" value="..." class="dateButton" onClick="if(this.blur)this.blur();gfPop.fDemoPopDepart(this.form.dc1,this.form.batch_date);"> & 1 hidden variable :: <input name="dc1" type="hidden" value="06/08/2001"> with this in html tag after body tag i include ::: <iframe width=174 height=189 …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for abhi287

Hi all On my jsp page i m having two tables.. first table have 14 rows which takes input type=text. and my second table is having 9 rows which also takes 9 inputs. Thus total 23 inputs on a form.. Now when the user click submit, i want to check …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for newbie_xml

Hi All, i want to use statement like exitvalue=process.waitfor(); my program terminates once i execute the process and so no value is returned by process.waitfor();Nothing that cumes afetr this stmt is executed. Can anyone tell me how to come out of process.waitfor. any pointers for this are also appreciated Thanks …

Member Avatar for Noliving

I'm not seeing my bracket problem at all! [code=java]import java.util.*; /** A class to represent an ordered list. The data is stored in a linked * list data field. * @author Koffman & Wolfgang */ public class OrderedList<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Iterable<E> { /** A linked list to contain the …

Member Avatar for Noliving
Member Avatar for rickster11

I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've made windows before..and never have had this problem. The code complies fine, but when I run it I get this message.. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: smartMonster Exception in thread "main" right now all I want is a window to pop up with a button. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

Hello Everyone. I Need a code that can enable me perfom the following task as an administrator i develop a code that i can use to limit other users from perfoming certain task like deleting,inserting updating, the only previledge i can grant is just to submit to the database but …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for Noliving

Ok this is my first time doing iterators in java so bear with. Here is what my assignment is asking for: You should add the following methods to the code provided by the authors: public ListIterator <E> iterator() The type of iterator is actually ListIterator because this can be easily …

Member Avatar for Noliving
Member Avatar for beatlea

Hello, I am trying to write my first ever assignment in Java and am straggling with it. I have a superclass LivingThing and two subclasses, Monster and Human. Both subclasses have an attribute 'strength', but the maximum value of it is different for each of them. In my superclass I …

Member Avatar for beatlea
Member Avatar for erementarz

Hi, I'm experiencing an OutofMemoryError exception while recursing through a tree with a large number of branches (30) but relatively small depth (5). Here's the basic idea of the code: I start growing the tree using a depth-first method, and after I reach the leaf node, I assign a value …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for drsmith

I am looking for input on the best books/resources for learning Java and JavaScript. The students will be familar with programming in general but will be new to Java/JS. Thanks...DS

Member Avatar for midimatt
Member Avatar for cheenu78

hi all, I am planning to take up sun certified java developer exam(SCJD). Can any one help me with the topic that you have got as the project. This would help me as I am planning to take scjd up only after 3 months. I want to prepare myself for …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for newbie_xml

Hi All, I am using the following codeline to run a cmd from cmd prompt. Process p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /k start vgnimport.... I have my structure like Class A B importcmd = new B(); importcmd.startimp(); sysout("out of cmd prompt"); Class B startimport() { Process p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /k start vgnimport.... …

Member Avatar for newbie_xml
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

I have several breakpoints and the debug goes in the first one, skips the next 2, then jumps directly on the last one, as if the 2 in between don't even exist. And this happened recently, with no big changes in the code and I've never experienced anything like it. …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

i am trying to make a program in c# based off another program that was written in java i would like to know if anyone nows what syntax you use to link other source files to your program. in other words the c# equivalent to java's [b]import[/b] code.

Member Avatar for Nilkumar
Member Avatar for deskclutter

Hey, I was wondering if you guys could help me with a homework problem that I have. I need to input data in from a text file and then put that data into two separate arrays. I believe I have that somewhat done now, but I will need to manipulate …

Member Avatar for larslt

Could someone please help me with finding the greatest common factor(GCF)? i need to know how to put it into code using a loop. Thank you for any help that you can give me!

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for nedmo

Hi all, I am doing an application that involves server and client side, the server side is responsible for storing, and retrieving the files, with some little manipulations. The UTF-8 encoding is being used as our default charset, and the data display correct on any java client, like eclipse, or …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for KimJack

Can someone tell me how to correct this? [CODE]for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) { if(team.group.toys[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name ) { team.insert(team.group.toys[i].getDescrip()); System.out.println("OK"); } } System.out.println("Is not included.");[/CODE] This is so simple that I cannot figure out what the problem is. I need "OK" to print if the getName() equals …

Member Avatar for KimJack
Member Avatar for debee

Hi everyone, Could any one help me with this code, please. I do not know why it's giving this kind of error. The code, which is a part of a lager program, is as given below. I will try explaining what each variables represent. public void backwardComputation(int m, Double desiredOutput[][]) …

Member Avatar for debee
Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

I'm trying to create a burst on the screen by running through an image array. As a test I created 3 gif images named One, Two, and Three (each one displays the associated number). The problem is, there is no way to view each image in the array; the only …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ntdaycott

Hi i have made a student and cohrt collection class program The compiler give me error: illegal start of expression line 46 The cohort class file: import java.util.*; public class Cohort { private static int groupSize = 15; private HashSet aCohort; public Cohort() { aCohort = new HashSet(); } public …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for madhusamala

i am doing an acadamic java project by using html, servlets. in html form tag what is the url that i have to give in post attribute. and i am using access as my database. it is giving that httpserver error that given table is not found. will u please …

Member Avatar for Nilesh Pagar
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, I am working with an array of objects that contains names and descriptions. For example: Car : A blue jetta Pet : A small dog . . . My question is since it is an array of objects, how can I extract just the name "Car" or just …

Member Avatar for KimJack
Member Avatar for abhi287

Hi I m developing program whose output is like a table which i want to get display into an excel sheet.. Wheather it is possible to display the program output into the excel sheet.. plz reply.. Thnaks..

Member Avatar for ahilan_23
Member Avatar for jkdil33

Hi, I want to run a .jar application in the client machine(Its a web application).But I think we need to install jdk for running a .jar application. Is there any way to run a .jar application without installing jdk?(By keeping some dll or some necessary files only) i want to …

Member Avatar for ahilan_23
Member Avatar for philyums

I've read quite a few of the posts on this forum and others about similar problems but i can still not fix this annoying prob! It only started a few weeks ago I think, but can't think what changes I made, if any! :confused: I click on a link and …

Member Avatar for Seb21
Member Avatar for foya

Hi guys :) Well I have this project in which we have to build an application that tack the instructors names, the sections, the rooms, and the classes times to generate a schedule for the next semester. But am really new in this field and I have been searching for …

Member Avatar for Nilesh Pagar
Member Avatar for Dhaval_Vora

The End.