32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for hrlygrl923
Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for rickilambert

ok, im trying to use the set text method and the code im using it on looks as follows; [CODE]/** Convert the stringbuilder into an actual string, then return it */ String completeMatchList = matchList.toString(); String [] splitresult; String name = matchList.toString(); splitresult= name.split("\\s"); //txtbgreenentry.setText(splitresult[0]); //txtbyellowentry.setText(splitresult[0]); /** System.out.println(splitresult[5]); - this …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for TofiLuk

I need a code that accepts only the username and password as 'admin' otherwise the system will exit. What will I use? no frame or dialog box.. just in command prompt. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, I am using a stack to create a sort of calculator. My input string will be "5 6 add" I have to push 5, push 6, and when I get read "add" pop 5 and 6 and and push the answer. The question is after the string is …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for rickilambert

Hi, my question is, if i have a text area with a set of printed code, for example spurs vs chelsea man unt vs arsenal liverpool vs everton and then underneath i have two text boxes hame and away, how do i send the valeus for the home team to …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for zoom2arun

I need help for my program I need to run a applet in a server(tomcat) and the applet(a 2 player game) should be available for playing. Now, iam able to load applet in the browser, but each browser is running its own instance of the applet. I need a single …

Member Avatar for apsivam
Member Avatar for Shveetis

This is my code.. But the image doesnt appear on the frame when i run the program Please help JLabel label = new JLabel(); String path = "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/My Pictures//22.bmp"; try { URL url = new URL(path); BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(url); label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image)); } catch(Exception …

Member Avatar for Shveetis
Member Avatar for toomuchfreetime

I'm having a really anoying problem with my picture display for a kids game. In the code supplyed i've only given the PicPanel where the picture function is placed. ButtonHandler where the listener is for the answeering of the questions & NumberGame main class that imports the previously defined panels …

Member Avatar for techbrain55

Hello there, Java isn't updating. I went to the sun micro systems and tried to update but keep getting error message during installation. When I go to a site that uses java my screen shakes. How can I fix this problem? Thanks for any help. Techbrain55

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Dio1080

#1, Im tryin to get this bb code right, #2 I need help with finding the problem with me code, it is saying that my for loop is a illegal start type and also a identifer is needed, but I have no clue, this is my first time doing object …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for madhusamala

i want the insert statement in jdbc for the following name gs al ts madhu 1000 500 sud 2000 600 now i want to access gs and al from the database table by using select statement now i want to add gs and al like totalsalary=gs+al; now i want to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for pradeep.singh28

Can I use more than one Resultset objects through as many Statement objects using a single Connection object...when i am doing this ,there is an error message" connection is already busy with another statement". Please help me to sort it out

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I have just finished a java code and I am having trouble with displaying each division increase or decrease from previous quarter and also a company increase or decrease from the previous quarter. Can someone help import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class twoarray { /** * @param args …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for abhi287

Hi all I want to acess the rows from the excel database with first row the maximum value, then next row with less than maximum and then thired row with less than and so on.. from the same column. menas values will be displayed as -- first max,then less than …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for null_guy

Elo guys, i have been trying to create a real-time graph for my application!! I'm using JFree_Graph! I have modifed a code so as to include a thread but eventually got errors. [copyrighted code removed] And the output is [QUOTE] Entering Thread Now = Wed Mar 12 14:58:16 EET 2008 …

Member Avatar for null_guy
Member Avatar for fufu123
Member Avatar for monster597

Hello, I am new to java i am writting a small java program using threads to sort values in a array of integers. So far I have my array of integers but im having trouble writting the threads that do the actual sorting. Can anyone offer please offer me help …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kooljoycie

hi everyone, am new here and it's nice seeing all the notes u all dropped off for newcomers like me. please i urgently need help in java. started java for a while, even wrote the certification but i did not make it so i abondoned it for a while. right …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for amitahlawat20

// runtime error encountered , cannot resolve symbol i ,please help!!! class promote { public static void main(String args[]) { byte b=42; char c='a'; short s=1024; int i=50000; float f=5.67f; double d=.1234; double result=(f*b)+(i/c)-(d*s); System.out.println( (f*b) + " + " + (i/c) + " - " + (d*s) ); System.out.println("result …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for codered152

hello i m trying to write a program in which program ask for user quiz score input and after user enter all the score then the program needs to drop the lowest score but i m keeping getting stuck at math.min method its keeping giving me errors. and i m …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Chotaliya Divye

My Name is Divyesh Chotaliya. I am your new friend. I want a help from any people who is working with java or any one know abt my problem answer. my problem is I want to get all connected computer's IP address.the computers that are connected with server. so,i want …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for silvermixmark

my problem is that i dont know how will i start, i have the idea but i cant apply it.,.,. can you help me to put the cation listener?? this is a case study i am a i.t student in the philippines. and my project is a student grades.. the …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for aarya

[B]Intro[/B] Web application development was once simple, there was HTML and a browser. There was no dynamic or business data, so no business applications. But this simplicity lasted for a small while. Today we are forced to do many complicated application developments. This tutorial assumes that you have the knowledge …

Member Avatar for swosti
Member Avatar for toomuchfreetime

Hey Seem to be having a problem updating a JLabel updateScore() and don't seem to know why. this is effecting my keeping score. I know it something small but for life of me can't figure it out. Other JLabels have been up dated (see attachment for full programe) [code=java] import …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for madhusamala

i am getting a problem in updating my database. actually i am accessing two colums from my table and adding these two numbers , and the result i want to insert in the tables 3rd column The statement i am using to access two columns String str="select * from emp" …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all! I need to know how to [B]repeat a javascript code snippet[/B], until the [B]table's row is full[/B] - so [B]without stretching[/B] it. The row is inside the middle column of an 80% width table, made up of 3 columns, one for a left side graphic, the middle column …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for thanaras

Hello. I have those 2 classes and what i want to do is capture video in Grayscale, and then manage to take individual frames so as to procces them. The classes are modified classes, from a book called Java Media Apis (2002). I would be thankfull if you could take …

Member Avatar for himanshu anand

this may be in any of the three lang i.e c,c++,java i have got the algo but not able to solve it :P the question is that there may be at most 50 ballons in 3D whose coordinats should be enter by the compiler and there is a shooter who …

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Member Avatar for sonyb

Hello. This is my first time programming in any language so please excuse my ignorance. I am trying write a program that asks the user to enter any number 3 times . I have assigned a function that takes the number and outputs an answer . After the 3rd number …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for mattie5489

Hello, I am new to java. my problem is that i input a string, width and a delimiter and produce a "picture". For example, Inputs: String = AAACD*4baa Width = 3 Delimiter = ‘*’ Output: AAA CDb Bbb aa I have been having trouble with my code any help would …

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The End.