Hey all, first post, hope I'm not doing anything wrong
I'm taking a Java module next term at university, and in preparation, they want us to code two things. They reckon there's a help file up on their intranet but the intranet is very unstable, and doesn't seem to handle more than 0 users at a time
Anyway, I'll copy and paste from the handout they've given us so I'm not confusing anyone:
Problem 1: TicTacToe
Read a three by three lines of noughts and crosses. Print "true" if the crosses side has won the game; print false otherwise.
Problem 2: Magic Square
Read in four lines of four numbers separated by the tab character. Print "true" if these form a “magic square”; print "false" otherwise. A magic square is one where all the number in each row, column and the diagonals add up to the same number:
Any help is much appreciated - I have done practically no Java up to this point, so i would be grateful if you could keep it as simple as possible