32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for omlac

Hi all, which drivers should i download for the com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.Driver I cant seem to see a jar with this class. Does anyone know where i can get it from. Thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for GooeyG

I'm having difficulty of inserting a value into a column. When I enter a "ID" number and a value in the "last name" text field, I get an error saying that the "mi" text field can't be an zero length string. So, i enter a value in the "mi" text …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for bharath54321
Member Avatar for lohit kumar

Hi everyone, I have small Problem. I have to take input as a string say blue,green,red, etc split this into blue green red respectively separately and then add those into an ArrayList Clr. I have written System.out.println(" Enter Color "); String input = br.readLine(); ArrayList clr = new ArrayList(); String …

Member Avatar for lohit kumar
Member Avatar for sc0field1

Im having a brain block and I have no clue what to do next. Im not asking for someone to write code for me, im asking for someone to give me an idea or suggestion so I know what to write next. Im pretty confused. Below are my classes related …

Member Avatar for Poopster01

Below are the instructions for what I am currently working on. I am having 2 problems first is printing the values stored in my array right now i have it set up in a for loop but there seems to be something wrong with the syntax of my System.out statement …

Member Avatar for Poopster01
Member Avatar for mandy011

Hi all, I have implemented some code for simple columnar encryption. The algorithm is encrypting properly as I want. But during decryption it's giving me some errors. Please go through and suggest me if any idea [code] public static void encrypt(RandomAccessFile f,RandomAccessFile d,int columns) throws Exception { d.seek(10); // SEEK …

Member Avatar for mandy011
Member Avatar for tonskiwakaka
Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for lynnajoe

Hi, I am getting an error message as follows: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: inventorypart1/Beverages Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: inventorypart1.Beverages I have been running programs with no problem and with this message I am confused. I cannot see what I am doing wrong but I think I have been looking at it too long. Any …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hello, I'm trying to create an application that when you click on a button, it just displays a string but it doesnt work. Here's the code: [code] import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.*; public class main extends Applet { TextField input; Button convert; public void init …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for hairpull

I'm trying to write a code that validates that an integer is between 1 and 9. Then it prints out that integer as a word. User inputs 0 to exit program. Example: [I]Enter an integer between 1 and 9 5 Integer entered, five Enter an integer between 1 and 9 …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for PtblDuffy

Hello, I've been looking at this problem for a few hours, and I can't figure it out. We had to test this code and fix it if we find errors (it's a splay tree): [CODE] public class SplayBST { Node root; int count; int level = 0; public SplayBST() { …

Member Avatar for PtblDuffy
Member Avatar for Java NOOB

If I want to compare C, D, and E how do I do that with an equals method? [CODE] public class Fraction { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { { Fraction c, d, e; c = new Fraction(5, 8); d = new Fraction(1, 2); e …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for sneha mehta

here is a program code i want to create an application that create frame and write the string on it and when i click the close tab of frame it will close the frame please help me...its very urgent.. [code]import java.awt.event.*; class SampleFrame { SampleFrame(String title) { super(title); MyWindowAdapter adapter …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for cybrix101

Hi all, I'm wondering if someone can help me. I am trying to write a basic program which involves a square moving across a JPanel in a random direction, and the user needs to click on the square to get a point. Now I have everything up and running but …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for WHI

I have this code which displays the letters of the alphabet. I am trying to get the JOptionPane to display the first six letters of the alphabet However when I try and just display the 6 letters, it displays all of the alphabet letters first, which is not what I …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sj5536

hi sir i am doing the project in which i read tiff file and take two images from that file and create another tiff file i am able to take one image from the tiff file and create another tiff file my problem is that i am not able to …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for jogendar

i want to implement client server communication through wirless network in java,by using Socket,ServerSocket classes can i connect two computers with wireless connection???

Member Avatar for jogendar
Member Avatar for Puertorro

Hey guys! I have a school project and I cant figure out the coding to make it work correctly. This is what I am supposed to do: Write a class with a main() method and two static methods. Your program should prompt the user for an integer that is no …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for mukorera

Can anybody help me with java code to monitor system power,that is to check if a machine is running on battery or on ac power

Member Avatar for mukorera
Member Avatar for sneha mehta

Write a java based program to accept numbers from the user and also sum the list of numbers as and when entered. apply the data conversion mehods , if required. implement the best and the shortest way to complete the task.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for bradyramone

Hi, I am new to mysql and have got a problem. I have managed to INSERT into the database and and check from it (a simple login system) but now after i login i want to copy all the data from that row and throw it into an arraylist. I …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hello, Does anyone know how to set the text colour but for a specific character? E.g. If I enter "Phillip" I want it to display: P[COLOR="Green"]H[/COLOR]illip So that just 1 character is coloured? Heres the code I've written: [code] public void paint(Graphics g) { String elements; elements = nameField.getText(); char …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hello I would like to implement multiple swing timers, each of which have a different function, but I cannot seem to separate the functions. I have one actionlistener and I cannot make another one. Please help.

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for softswing

Hai Friends, I doknow hoe to create new Registry key in java, For Example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Company\Productname\version i searched through google, i got only by using third party jars,i want to do with out third party tools, please help me in this problem.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Naresh Bammidi

Hi , Currently i am working on a java desktop application project.can u please tell me how to create dynamic textfields by clicking on add button using swings.please help me.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ruchi18

hi.. I just want to know is there any way to use flash image in java i mean i f i have java servlet web form and i want to design this form on flash image then how can be it possile please help...

Member Avatar for ruchi18
Member Avatar for jokers6

i am not a good programmer and so i need help. im not asking for you to write the program but need help with it ! i have some coding but cant figure out how to put the rest together ! ok so this is what i have so far. …

Member Avatar for Slyvr
Member Avatar for privatestatic

hey guys im doing the gridworld case study and am at the part where i program the Zbug class I have to try and write the code in a select case statement. can you guys fix my code? for more info: page 14 on [url]http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/student/testing/ap/compsci_a/ap07_gridworld_studmanual_appends_v3.pdf[/url] i really need it fixed …

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for tracydo

Hi I need help with the while loop and read from a file to find monthly mortgage payment from the input of Principle, Interest & Term in years. I know I may did something that doesn't make sense here, please take a look and let me know. Thank you in …

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The End.