32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for hantuapi

[CODE] import java.io.*; import java.util.Date; public abstract class Customer { //super class customer String customerName; String customerID; String customerAdd; String customerPhone; String dateOfMembership; public Customer(String name, String id, String add, String phone, String date) { //constructor this.customerName = name; this.customerID = id; this.customerAdd = add; this.customerPhone = phone; this.dateOfMembership = …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for bharath54321
Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for nickliutw

I'm practice to make a program that calculate total value of five products. I want the user can keep input the quantities of one of the five product without return the main menu. So I create a while loop to solve the problems. But the problem I have now, how …

Member Avatar for nickliutw
Member Avatar for carlitosway17

Hi I am supposed to modify class employee to implement interface Payable(another class) and declare method getPaymentAmount to invoke method earnings. Method getPaymentAmount would then be inherited by the subclasses in the Employee hierarchy. When getPaymentAmount is called for a particular subclass object, it polymorphically invokes the appropriate earnings method …

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Member Avatar for thedalek

Everything about this code works fine, except the while loop won't end, even when the strings are perfectly matched. Help, please? [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class SecretPhrase { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Congratulations! You won! Thanks for playing!"); } } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for thedalek
Member Avatar for semccarthy

Hi, I'm currently designing a software application for teaching, it will have a large backend database, short animation videos(basic 2d of people talkin). I'm just looking for some advice in what is the best language to code this type of project in. I have done several projects in both java …

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Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am having some trouble with the coding for the api. games4j.com has all of the codes and files, but when I insert the api codes into my doe I get an error. Please help me. I am getting the error with these two lines [CODE]loggedIn = Highscore.isLoggedIn(applet);[/CODE] and [CODE]Highscore.save(applet, …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for gedas

hey, i have a for loop that is infinite, it runs till i terminate the program. inside of the loop there is a value(lets call it X) that keeps on changing all the time till i terminate the program. when the program is executed i want to store the first …

Member Avatar for gedas
Member Avatar for TheWhite

Is there a way, using java's standard library to replace characters like: " with '"' and &# 39; (i put a space so the site doesn't change it) with ''' in a string? For example, change from: [CODE] String message = ""This &# 39;is&# 39; a test&quote"; [/CODE] to: [CODE]message …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jemz

Hello can you help me please how can i get the leaf in the Binary Tree.I Dont have idea on the leaf?...can you help me please thank you in advance hoping for your positive response... here is my code... [CODE] public void insertNum(int n) { Node temp=null; Node current=null; Node …

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for monesh.infy

Create a class Computer that stores information about different types of Computers available with the dealer. The information to be stored about a single computer is, - Company Name - RAM size. - Hard Disk Capacity. - Processor Speed. - Processor Make. - Price . - Quantity of the Computers. …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Prosper92

So I've been giving a number of assignments to do but I'm stuck on one in particular now. I've to create a 2D array ([5][2]) and then say how many times ou of the 5 rows that the first row was bigger than the second. I imagined I would need …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for zach&kody

Once again, my friend Kody and I have come to a dilema. We made a Hopper class which makes 2 feet hop forward by our int stepLength. We placed a stop method to stop the feet at the end of the screen, but our instructor wants the feet directly in …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Amillia89

hye..I have 3 classes 1.Welcome 2.Admin 3.User At Welcome classes, [CODE]public class Welcome extends javax.swing.JFrame { public Welcome() { initComponents(); } private void initComponents() { jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton2 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jLabel1.setText("WELCOME TO"); jButton1.setText("START"); jButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void …

Member Avatar for Amillia89
Member Avatar for sj5536

hi, thankx for solving all my previous thread right now my problem is that i have to get width and height of pdf file

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

how can i get java to enter/type text into a textbox for me once i select it(click inside it) so the cursor is there. Also how would i get it to send the enter key or other "non-text" keys.

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for bharath54321

Is there any chance to create a report using swings which is similar to crystal report in .net......... Pls help me if it is available

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Acklox

How about a list suggestions of a beginning to a end of projects for instance: Start at HelloWorld document found at Sun.java.* to learn how to setup Java then try this project ...... to learn basic foundation of syntax then try this project ...... to learn basic classes then try …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Amillia89

hye...I'm having a problem to retrieve data from Jcombo Box... the combo box have a list from A-Z..for example when the user pick 'A' from the list,it will get all the A% data from MySQL this is the code that i have right now.[CODE]JButton Edit = new JButton ("EDIT SYNONYM"); …

Member Avatar for Amillia89
Member Avatar for ccaatty

Basically, I have a panel containing a bunch of buttons. I'm trying to add some keylisteners to the buttons and/or the panel so that when I type the corresponding keys on the keyboard, the buttons will be clicked. Any idea how to to do this? Thanks,

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for sharathvcool

Please guys , Please share the code to implement gutmann algorithm , to erase data in hard disk,. Please share (sharath198@gmail.com) Thank you.

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for itsmylife

I have a question here.. i have 2 files with me list of usernames and a list of passwords i need to write a program to check each user name with the list of passwords. Then need to go to a website and see if it logs in. I am …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for kaylee10

I have been interested in Java for a while but I am having trouble finding a platform to use. When I started c++ a few years back we had bloodshed and visual studio. My question is what is the best platform for a Java beginner? I would prefer a free …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for burningflower

Hello people, I seem to be having executing and compile a program. I am using a jar file and i was told to put the jar file on to the library. The jar file is htmlparser.jar I have placed on to the java build path. But i keep getting errors …

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Member Avatar for flyingcurry

So the assignment is to make a Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard Player that plays against another student's player without using any Random generation for 100000 trials. We are supposed to be able to detect the patterns/sequences in the other player by storing their past moves and looking for any …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for 24x24

Ok, I have three main tasks. One: I need to create a 2 dimensional array that is 8x8 and consists of randomly generated numbers that range from 0-3. I'm assuming the Math.random will be used inside of a for loop with a limit set for length(8) and range(0-3) somehow? Two: …

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Member Avatar for clapclash

Hi guys! Well I'll be quick, I just want to know how the formula below works. Ls = least significant bit; Ms = most significant bit; Ls | Ls1 << 8 | Ls2 << 16 | Ms << 24 This formula is intended to turn four separate bytes into a …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for kiko11

I want to update a data in my row in the database but it will only add it to the existing data where this existing data is a integer.. example i have a existing data of 100 and my update data is 200.. so the result should be 300... please …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for blahbla

hi i have a lab to do and i'm stuck on how to start a method i have 10 coins and i want to write a method that tells me the fewest amount of coins needed to add up to 100 - 1 dollar coins are randomly generated - values …

Member Avatar for blahbla
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hello people. I have the following class. [CODE] public class Model{ private Kutia[][] c; public Model(Kutia[][] x){ c = touch(x); } public void touch(Kutia[][] k){ for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++){ if(k[i][j].occupied()){ touchHorizontal(k, i, j); touchVertical(k, i, j); } } …

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The End.