Hey, I am tutoring this kid in java and he has to use TurtleGraphics and BreezySwing, neither of which I have used in a while. I am having trouble figuring out some of his problems. I will post both his code and how I altered his code. I am wondering about a couple of things, one is he uses the method addLabel(), which I cant get to work and am wondering if that is really a method?
Also, he need a main method and I'm not sure what to put in the main method to make it all run.
Here is his code, below this will be how I altered the code:
//"Math is our Game" - A math testing program for First through Fourth grade students
//Import GUI packages
import javax.swing.*;
import BreezySwing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
import TurtleGraphics.*;
public class Math extends GBFrame
//declare variables for the window objects
private JLabel greetingLabel;
private JLabel additionLabel;
private JLabel subtractionLabel;
private JLabel multiplicationLabel;
private JLabel divisionLabel;
private JLabel randomLabel;
private JLabel grade1Label;
private JLabel grade2Label;
private JLabel inputLabel;
private JLabel gradeLabel;
private JLabel questionLabel;
private JTextField greetingField;
private JTextField additionField;
private JTextField subtractionField;
private JTextField multiplicationField;
private JTextField divisionField;
private JTextField randomField;
private JTextField grade1Field;
private JTextField grade2Field;
private JTextField inputField;
private JTextField questionField;
private JButton greetingButton;
private JButton additionButton;
private JButton subtractionButton;
private JButton multiplicationButton;
private JButton divisionButton;
private JButton randomButton;
private JButton grade1Button;
private JButton grade2Button;
private JButton grade3Button;
private JButton grade4Button;
private JButton inputButton;
private JButton quitButton;
private JButton questionButton;
int generator1=0;
int generator2=0;
int generator3=0;
int generator4=0;
public Math()
//Open greeting screen with welcome and Start button
greetingLabel = addLabel ("Greeting" ,1,1,1,1);
greetingField = addJTextField ("Welcome to Math is our Game, a math skills program by Nine Fingers and Ten Toes Software, Inc. ,2,1,1,1);
greetingButton = addButton ("Start" ,1,3,1,1);
//Button clicked to start game
public void buttonClicked (JButton buttonObj)
//Select grade level - Instantiate and add window objects to grade level window
gradeLabel = addlabel ("Please select grade level of math problem." ,1,1,1,1);
grade1 = addButton ("First Grade" ,1,2,1,1);
grade2 = addButton ("Second Grade" ,1,3,1,1);
grade3 = addButton ("Third Grade" ,1,4,1,1);
grade4 = addButton ("Fourth Grade" ,1,5,1,1);
quitButton = addButton ("Quit" ,1,6,1,1);
//First grade selected
public void buttonClicked (JButton buttonObj)
if (buttonObj == grade1)
//Generate numbers for First Grade problem
generator1 = generator.nextInt(10);
generator2 = generator.nextInt(10);
//Select type of problem
//instantiates and add window objects to the window
additionLabel = addLabel ("Addition" ,1,1,1,1);
subtractionLabel = addLabel ("Subtraction" ,1,2,1,1);
multiplicationLabel = addLabel ("Multiplication" ,1,3,1,1);
divisionLabel = addLabel ("Division" ,1,4,1,1);
randomLabel = addLabel ("Random" ,1,5,1,1);
additionField = addJTextField ("0" ,2,1,1,1);
subtractionField = addJTextField ("0" ,3,1,1,1);
multiplicationField = addJTextField ("0" ,4,1,1,1);
divisionField = addJTextField ("0" ,5,1,1,1);
randomField = addJTextField ("0" ,6,1,1,1);
additionButton = addButton ("1+1" ,3,1,1,1);
subtractionButton = addButton ("1-1" ,4,1,1,1);
multiplicationButton = addButton ("1*1" ,5,1,1,1);
divisionButton = addButton ("1/1" ,6,1,1,1);
randomButton = addButton ("Random Equation" ,7,1,1,1);
public void buttonClicked (JButton buttonObj)
//local variables
Math1 Math = new Math1();
//determine which button was clicked
if (buttonObj == grade1Button)
//setting and getting the numbers for the equations
subtractionField.setNumber (Math.getsubtraction());
divisionField.setNumber (Math.getdivision());
multiplicationField.setNumber (Math.getmultiplication());
randomField.setNumber (Math.getrandom());
//1st grade
generator1 = generator.nextInt(10);
generator2 = generator.nextInt(10);
if (input == additionButton)
additionLabel = addLabel ("Addition Problem" ,1,1,1,1);
additionField = addJTextField ("Please Input the two numbers to add together:" ,1,2,1,1);
additionButton = addButton ("+" ,1,3,1,1);
if (input == generator1 && input == generator2)
questionLabel = addLabel ("Addition Problem" ,1,1,1,1);
questionField = addJTextField ("You got the problem right, CONGRATULATIONS!!" ,1,2,1,1);
questionButton = addButton ("1+1=2" ,1,3,1,1);
public class Math2
private double Mathsubtraction;
public void setaddition(double Math)
Mathsubtraction = Math;
public double setsubtraction(double math)
return Mathsubtraction;
public double getsubtraction()
return Mathsubtraction;
public double getaddition()
double Mathaddition = 0;
return Mathaddition;
Here is how I altered the code:
//"Math is our Game" - A math testing program for First through Fourth grade students
//Import GUI packages
import javax.swing.*;
import BreezySwing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
import TurtleGraphics.*;
public class Math extends GBFrame
//declare variables for the window objects
private JLabel greetingLabel;
private JLabel additionLabel;
private JLabel subtractionLabel;
private JLabel multiplicationLabel;
private JLabel divisionLabel;
private JLabel randomLabel;
private JLabel grade1Label;
private JLabel grade2Label;
private JLabel inputLabel;
private JLabel gradeLabel;
private JLabel questionLabel;
private JTextField greetingField;
private JTextField additionField;
private JTextField subtractionField;
private JTextField multiplicationField;
private JTextField divisionField;
private JTextField randomField;
private JTextField grade1Field;
private JTextField grade2Field;
private JTextField inputField;
private JTextField questionField;
private JButton greetingButton;
private JButton additionButton;
private JButton subtractionButton;
private JButton multiplicationButton;
private JButton divisionButton;
private JButton randomButton;
private JButton grade1Button;
private JButton grade2Button;
private JButton grade3Button;
private JButton grade4Button;
private JButton inputButton;
private JButton quitButton;
private JButton questionButton;
int generator1=0;
int generator2=0;
int generator3=0;
int generator4=0;
Random generator = new Random(5);
public Math()
//Open greeting screen with welcome and Start button
greetingLabel = new JLabel("Greeting");//greetingLabel.setText("Greeting"); //= addLabel ("Greeting" ,1,1,1,1);
greetingField = new JTextField("Welcome to Math is our Game, a math skills program by Nine Fingers and Ten Toes Software, Inc.");// ,2,1,1,1);
greetingButton = addButton ("Start" ,1,3,1,1);
//Button clicked to start game
public void buttonClicked(JButton buttonObj)
//Select grade level - Instantiate and add window objects to grade level window
gradeLabel = new JLabel("Please select grade level of math problem.");// ,1,1,1,1);
grade1Button = addButton ("First Grade" ,1,2,1,1);
grade2Button = addButton ("Second Grade" ,1,3,1,1);
grade3Button = addButton ("Third Grade" ,1,4,1,1);
grade4Button = addButton ("Fourth Grade" ,1,5,1,1);
quitButton = addButton ("Quit" ,1,6,1,1);
//First grade selected
//public void buttonClicked (JButton buttonObj)
if (buttonObj == grade1Button)
//Generate numbers for First Grade problem
generator1 = generator.nextInt(10);
generator2 = generator.nextInt(10);
//Select type of problem
//instantiates and add window objects to the window
additionLabel = addLabel ("Addition" ,1,1,1,1);
subtractionLabel = addLabel ("Subtraction" ,1,2,1,1);
multiplicationLabel = addLabel ("Multiplication" ,1,3,1,1);
divisionLabel = addLabel ("Division" ,1,4,1,1);
randomLabel = addLabel ("Random" ,1,5,1,1);
additionField = new JTextField("0");
subtractionField = new JTextField("0");
multiplicationField = new JTextField("0");
divisionField = new JTextField("0");
randomField = new JTextField("0");
additionButton = addButton ("1+1" ,3,1,1,1);
subtractionButton = addButton ("1-1" ,4,1,1,1);
multiplicationButton = addButton ("1*1" ,5,1,1,1);
divisionButton = addButton ("1/1" ,6,1,1,1);
randomButton = addButton ("Random Equation" ,7,1,1,1);
//public void buttonClicked (JButton buttonObj)
//local variables
Math2 math1 = new Math2();
//determine which button was clicked
if (buttonObj == grade1Button)
//setting and getting the numbers for the equations
//divisionField.setNumber (math1.getdivision());
multiplicationField.setNumber (Math.getmultiplication());
randomField.setNumber (Math.getrandom());*/
//1st grade
generator1 = generator.nextInt(10);
generator2 = generator.nextInt(10);
/* if (input == additionButton)
additionLabel = addLabel ("Addition Problem" ,1,1,1,1);
additionField = addJTextField ("Please Input the two numbers to add together:" ,1,2,1,1);
additionButton = addButton ("+" ,1,3,1,1);
if (input == generator1 && input == generator2)
questionLabel = addLabel ("Addition Problem" ,1,1,1,1);
questionField = addJTextField ("You got the problem right, CONGRATULATIONS!!" ,1,2,1,1);
questionButton = addButton ("1+1=2" ,1,3,1,1); */
class Math2
private double Mathsubtraction;
public void setaddition(double math)
Mathsubtraction = math;
public double setsubtraction(double math)
return Mathsubtraction;
public double getsubtraction()
return Mathsubtraction;
public double getaddition()
double Mathaddition = 0;
return Mathaddition;