32,207 Topics

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Public class Prog1 { static final char = BLANK = ` `; static final char ONE 5; public static void main (String[] arg); { a = one + 5; b = a + blank; cc := a + one * 2; ONE = b + c; System.out.println(''a = '' + …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for shantuli

hello, i just start learning java.please solve my following problem: Q: Write a simple program that allows a user to push up to ten names onto a stack as well as popping them off the stack. [B]my code is:[/B] import DataStructures.*; public class StackDemo { public static void main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for agtmulder17

Hi, I am working on a project using Java and embedded SQL in the Java. I have gotten the SQL to successful do what I need it to (In this case, create tables and insert data into them). However, I am having a difficult time with IO. The goal is …

Member Avatar for jerbo
Member Avatar for matt_5104

I'm having a problem whereby I create an instance of a class called Calculations.class in one of my main classes, but cannot access that instance from any other class. Here is the code public class Parameters{ //code// Calculations calc = new Calculations(); //some calculations done using variables in the calculations …

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Member Avatar for Sideshow Bob

I am working on a project which involves a server/client model running over a network. The server is written in Java, and the client is a C++ addition to an existing product (which is written in VB and C/C++). I chose to write my section in Java simply because I …

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Member Avatar for jordanmc31

Can anyone give me a basic script that takes a string and converts it into a characters using the nexttoken command to get the next char for searching purposes.

Member Avatar for MrScruff
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, i need to ask a question which is how does one add a hyperlink in a jtextpane. I am using the default htmldocument class as the default document for the jtextpane. What i need is for example a user enters some text in the jtextpane and the user …

Member Avatar for smalltalk

a ball have radius 20 when i press a button once the radius increase by 5 subsequent clicks have the same effect until a max radius of 30 is reached after this the effect of click is to reduce the radius by 5 until it reach 10. after this a …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rick4324528

I have just started using netbeans4.0, and there is no option to mount filesystem, so how can i import and use the elements package?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for j206

A method i have to write finds and prints "magic squares" which are numbers that are perfect squares and a sum of consecutive numbers (1+2+3,etc.) Ex. the first 2 magic squares are 1 and 1225 it seems simple, but what i have doesn't work and i don't know y or …

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Member Avatar for server_crash

I keep getting a null pointer exception with this code: It's suppose to load a text file into a textArea. [Code] JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this); String getFile = chooser.getName(); if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { FileReader filegetter = new FileReader(getFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(filegetter); …

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Member Avatar for josirucu

WHAT IS WRONG HERE?WHY WON'T THIS SORT? public class bubble { public static void main (String[] args) { boolean Finished; int[] intRand = new int[11]; int[] unSorted = new int[11]; int intStore; int i; Finished = false; i = 1; while (i < 11) { intRand[i] = (int)(java.lang.Math.random() * 100); …

Member Avatar for MrScruff
Member Avatar for ld834

I'm having a bit of trouble working out what sort of loop to use in a program I'm writing. Basically, I have a file with 2 lists of numbers separated by ";" e.g. Name ;Magnitude 2713.0;21.546 2713.0;19.564 2713.0;20.102 2713.0;20.959 2714.0;22.031 2714.0;18.46825 2714.0;15.323 2715.0;22.808 2715.0;19.345 2715.0;21.357 2716.0;21.473 on so on up …

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Member Avatar for Domainstop

I found a cool site to do a few programming assignments for me. My teacher is probably the worse programming teacher on the planet. It's cool because they help teach you in the code they write. I didn't feel like they were just "doing my homework". [url]www.imalamecheaterd00d.com[/url]. Check it out. …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for magnia

can anyone help with this i have to do a project and im running into alot of problems i have to write a discrete simulation to experiment with the performance of this strategy under different timeslice lengths and different dispatcher overhead times [dispatch latencies]. Do this by writing a simulation …

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Member Avatar for paradox814

I am having trouble compiling the following piece of code, it keeps giving me an error talking about an possible loss of precision. I know i could replace the one line to: private float someNum = 0; but i don't like that becuase it is assigning an int to a …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for matt_5104

I'm programming a GUI and some frames require images to be displayed on them. How do I go about importing a simple jpeg onto a Jpanel within the GUI frame?

Member Avatar for MrScruff
Member Avatar for hurdy011

the code that is attached it what i have done so far but dont seem to be able to get the test file to get it to display the informationthe code i have is shown below import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class league{ private static final int MAX_TEAMS = 50; …

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Member Avatar for Dounia

:!: Please look at all my message it is not long as it seems. My question is at the end and thank you in advance. Here is a small class called Record that is a utility class for the InventorySet class. final class Record implements Comparable { /** * The …

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Member Avatar for MrScruff

I guys and girls - im a MrScruff and found your forums when searching for some java problems. It looked like a nice place so i decided to join up! Heres my first java question which has had me perplexed for 2 days considering im sure it should be simple. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Eclipse

[QUOTE]P = R*P*(1-P) Input: R (growth rate parameter) Double values between 0 and 10. Input: P (population) Double values between 0 and 1. Output: P (New population) on the console in rows of five numbers the exit conditions are the population becomes extinct or stable. Extinction occurs when the new …

Member Avatar for jerbo
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I am wondering what is the most effective approach of retrieving key by value in a Java build-in Hashtable. Can anyone provide sample source codes? Thanks in advance, George

Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, Using join can control how much time will we wait for a specific thread to accomplish its execution. I am meeting with a new scenario, which is a little different. My requirement is that I want my main thread starts several threads at the same time, which will …

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Member Avatar for rohit_macharlra

[COLOR=Navy]hello everybody i developed a player using JMF in java. it is unable to play MPEG4 format. any one help me how to make my player to play MPEG4 format files[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for vrc_sekhar
Member Avatar for billfrost

Hi I have this html page in the same directory as the ilookpano.zip file as well as the int.caddy.jpg, why is it not working? I would be most gratefull if some one can help. I found this applet on someone else's site and just downloaded the .zip file which has …

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Member Avatar for vrc_sekhar

Hello EveryBody, I ve Created a JMF supported Audio/Video Player, now i want to set presets like Rock,Jazz,etc. for my player using JMF API. Can anyone help me out in this regard.

Member Avatar for matt_5104

I'm having a problem with a GUI i'm building. I have a separate class called Calculations.class which does nothing except hold certain variables and do calculations with them. One of my classes requires a user to enter numerical data, and when a button is pressed, these variables are set in …

Member Avatar for tozaheer
Member Avatar for joey15

I have to add to an exisitng Java program the code for the DSW algorithm to balance a binary tree. I am relatively new to programming so I dont know where to start. Does anyone know where I can find an example of the code? Thanks Joey :-|

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Member Avatar for grifflyn

Hi i have written a program to identify all the vowels in a sentance and need to output the number as Stars. at the moment it is outputting the number how would i tell the program to output 5 stars instead of the number 5 this is what i have …

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Member Avatar for psylocke

i have a public class named as clsbanking using JFrame, and then this frame has a menubar, that has FILE menuitem in it. the FILE menu has an Exit option which will actually close the whole frame for termination, unfortunately my codes doesnt work, what should be my code then. …

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The End.