32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for komox

Good evening everyone. Im now going to do my final year project and its about creating mobile application for a university student.I would like to use the java platform to create the application. I need some advises and also the right tools to create the application. So programmers i really …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ajcornwell

I cannot make my code loop.... Anyone please help! /* PRG420 Week 2 Individual Project Amanda Cornwell September 10, 2007 MortgageProgramCornwell.java This program will calculate and display the monthly mortgage payment amount, given the amount of the mortgage, term of the mortgage, and the intrest rate of the mortgage. Next, …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for sarath.koiloth

Hi, i want to get an xml file from a web application. what are the procedures to access the file.

Member Avatar for sarath.koiloth
Member Avatar for doreigon

This is a lab I am working on. I think that I am on the last step. My problem/question is highlighted in bold. 1. Create a constructor that allows you to specify the 2 endpoints of the line being created. Leave the original constructor alone. Your program should have 2 …

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Member Avatar for vinod_javas

hi everyone i have a very a very basic question in mind .. i wanted to discuss .. Difference Between these? String s1= new String("java") ; String s2="java" ; and also what for 2 different classes are there in garbage collection? System.gc and runtime.gc ( both are doing the same …

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Member Avatar for 9Mark9

Hello all just signed up and this is first thread.I am currently learning java and as a means to this i am writing the mastermind game in java.Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding getting the board facr on the grid and manipulating it. cheers

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for rohit83.ken
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for volscolts16

I having a small problem with the output on the Your CD's side, they are only viewable if I double click inside the pane, then they show up, almost like the pane is on top. How can I fix, I have tried moving things around and changing the TextArea to …

Member Avatar for volscolts16
Member Avatar for KimJack

Can anyone provide any suggestions on how to copy an ArrayList of integers to an Array? Thank you

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for abar_sow

For my proje i want to remove a unwanted paragraph in a text file. For example my text file may have acknowledgment in between sum useful data so i want to remove the acknowledgment paragraph fully...can anyone tel how to do tat

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for a51himself

Hi i am having trouble with a html web page. I am trying to add a Java chat program to my web page. Can i please get some advice Thanks A51himself Nigel Chan

Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I am wondering if I want to debug JNI application (upper layer Java and lower layer C), are there any tools to debug through Java code to C code and return back from C code to Java code. I am using Eclipse. But I do not find such …

Member Avatar for vvl
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello all, I have a text file with columns of words Boat Car Van Sue Bird Hue Billy Don Yoe... How do I read each separate column into separate arrays. Array 1 will read: Boat Sue Billy Array 2 will read: Car Bird Don... Any suggestions on how to accomplish …

Member Avatar for KimJack
Member Avatar for bluebird

Hello! I am trying to add new data into a database. What is the mistake in my code? I got the error message such as "general error". [code] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; public class AddRecord implements ActionListener{ private ScrollingPanel fields; private JTextArea output; private Connection connection; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Rashul

Hi. Please help. I can't seem to get this program to run. Tips.java Modify the exercise shown below so that it will loop, calculating a new tip each time until the user enters a value zero or smaller for the amount of the bill. Make sure there is a nice …

Member Avatar for Rashul
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

[code] public static Connection getConnection(){ if(connection==null){ try{ Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"); connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:8084","root","ceyesuma"); }catch(Exception exc){ connection=null;} } return connection; } [/code] Here is the bean to get connected. Should this work? [code] package db; import java.sql.*; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Connection; /** * * @author James */ public class DBConnection { static String dbdriver; static …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I made more progress ong CreditCard program I am trying to insert a row into mysql from a creditcard account number. Could I get some feed back on why it as a problem with the url it looks like it wants to insert a record. [code] package creditcard; import db.DBConnection; …

Member Avatar for kohuke

I have a program that will find the certain ammount of fibonacci numbers. And now i have the question which is the best code for counting time in fibonacci algorithm? I have to find out how many numbers can my algorithm count in 1 minute? the code: [code]//rekursiivne algoritm public …

Member Avatar for kohuke
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Can someone give me pointers on what needs to be done to get these classes to INSERT INTO acctData VALUES (99999999, '2000-7-3',30,'food',50); a deploy.txt is included containing the following. thanks [code] package creditcard; import db.DBConnection; import java.lang.Object.*; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Date; import tio.*; import java.io.File.*; import java.io.IOException; class …

Member Avatar for MxDev

hi guys, i wonna to code simple program that could control the system threads in the system by block or start a new job, how to do this in java, or from where i can start to acheive this. thx,

Member Avatar for ksaxena
Member Avatar for alsoumhi

Exuse me gys, I am a biggener in java and I would like to know how to use the data file in java such as taking data from the file and printing the data in new file is there any class library carring out this task please reply to me

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Icetigris

Hey everyone. This is pretty lame of me having to do this, but I haven't done Java for about a year and this algorithms class I'm taking assumes we remember all the details. Anyway, I'm trying to implement a method from an interface in another class's main method. Here's the …

Member Avatar for jtonic
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I would like to return a connection to a Bean to make statements to mysql database "ccdb" I'm really not sure of [code] public static Connection getConnection(){ if(connection==null){ try{ Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"); connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:8084","root","ceyesuma"); }catch(Exception exc){ connection=null;} } return connection; } [/code] Here is the bean to get connected. Should this work? [code] …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello all, I wondering if anyone could tell me how to go about extracting a single field from a text file. The file is all follows: Jeff 8.00 8.9900 hadk Kim 234.0 234 hak Him 444.8 1.11 john... How would I extract only the first column without using tokenizer or …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Notsogood.java

(I'm not even close to being sure that this is even a valid approach to what I want to accomplish. Still, all input is welcome. What I was trying to do was create an applet that reads): "Please pass the butter." A quote by jack padron ------------------------------------------- Can you think …

Member Avatar for lookof2day
Member Avatar for KimJack

Can someone tell me why my data is not printing to my file. It will create the text file but it will not write to it. Here is a snippett: out = new PrintWriter("completeAuto.txt"); while ((car = br.readLine()) != null && (van = br1.readLine())!=null && (truck = br2.readLine()) != null) …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for CurtisBridges

/*Please help. I'm trying to throw an IllegalArgumentException. *If any test score in the array is negative or greater than 100 *using a try block, but am having little if any progress after 9 hours of work. * I am still getting an error mesage saying illegal start of expression …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hi, I am writing a desktop application. It would make my life easier if the application can save all it's data in a database software. Do typical desktop applications come packaged with 3rd party database software or do they rely on internal serialized data structure? If 3rd party database applications …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for abar_sow

How to write these file datas in the new file...It should be done by wrting bytes into characters import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; public class fileread { public static void main(String[] args) { File file = new File("E:\\ir_Proj estimate_out.txt"); byte[] b = new byte[(int) file.length()]; …

Member Avatar for abar_sow
Member Avatar for sasidhar1229

I want to develope a project in java . How companies developes projects. What are the different stages in development a project from initial stage to product delivery stage. For example SRS,UML Diagrams(please tell me the articales which are good to know these). Is there any sites which gives sample …

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The End.