32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for vinod_javas

What is mean by precasting in java can any one give me simple example please...

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jjt

I am totally new to java, but i understand java is the appropriate for my project. i am not sure where to start? and how to use the java packages. I know programming but JAVA is my first time approach. Can any one guide me on the visualization java tools? …

Member Avatar for jjt
Member Avatar for tinamary

can anyone give me an explanation about static class in java Thank u

Member Avatar for tinamary
Member Avatar for SpaceDog

Hi there First off I don't want you guys to tell me the answer that way I learn nothing., but if you could give me a pointer to what I am doing wrong it would help alot cheers :D What I am trying to do is get a dice to …

Member Avatar for SpaceDog
Member Avatar for militant880

hi all! i'm having difficulties with arrays in java. i've got a few questions that i'm kind of stuck on and their really bugging me! i'm new to java so if anyone can help with the following questions, i'd REALY appreciate it!!!! 1) Write a loop that creates an integer …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for java_starter

I am having trouble calculating the discount rate in java, I have the formula and equation but cannot figure out, what the problem. and my program would compile and work but would display the wrong amt of discount. here the a part of the program.. [code] public void setDiscountRate(double discountRateBeforeTaxes) …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

Hy, I have a JFrame main window and a Dialog window, how can i use the method [I]setPositionRelativeTo()[/I] so that my Dialog window positions centered on the main window ? Thanks

Member Avatar for claudiu_is
Member Avatar for sakura_fujin

Hi. I'm new with Java's GUI Components and I'm having a hard time with my program design right now. My program deals with manipulating database elements (i.e. fields and records) and I'm stuck with asking the user to add a new record into the database. My program originally works in …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for degamer106

Hi, I need help with drawing an ellipse that is bounded by the window it is drawn in. I have to use the Ellipse2D API. Maybe I'm overlooking something but I can't seem to get the circle to fit the window. This is what i have so far: [CODE]import java.awt.Color; …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sakura_fujin

******I need help with my project. Here's the specs********** CS123 MP2 Database Table 1. On Load of the program it will read all files and put its data to the memory. a. Data file - this must be in CVS (Comma Separated Values). The first line is a header that …

Member Avatar for sakura_fujin
Member Avatar for arkaprava

I want to upload an Image into a Jpanel .. Actually I want to do the following: 1.Thw User Clicks a jButton 2. A window will be opened by which he/she can choice a image 3. The selected image will be positioned into the Jframe provide me some tutorials or …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for anousha

hi ive to implement a priority queue with 3 queues in java. its function are insert,delete,reset,search and display but i dont understand i know i have to use vectors to do it since it is easier.the 3 queues should be created in main? or in the constructor of the queue …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kpssivam

Hello all, how to remove a selected row in Java swing(JTable). If any one knows this please help me...

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for BABSYOMMY

I need to a have a CHAT WINDOW in my business website. Please how can I achieve this?

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for onsir

hi all, how to detect program is running in my computer. etc: i have open my program application name is myProgApp, in computer jhon, so if i open again the program that in computer jhon will show message 'file already open' . thanks, for your help.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for alsoumhi

How are you guys, I need your help in java could someone know how to change from character to string what I mean is that let's say I have a variable x with char type and it has a value a. so how I can change that value (a) from …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for ixenocidei

hi, 've been working on a game that worked over the internet using Sockets, but the program doesn't seem to work with Servers behind routers, is there any way around this? I tried using the router's IP with port forwarding but it didn't quite work. Any tips are appreciated.

Member Avatar for ixenocidei
Member Avatar for maheshmohan

explain me about programming in exception handling and threading and synchronization

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for alapick

I’m working on a project that includes comparing XML files and I need a source code on Java to compare XML fragments. I’m using ExamXML from [url]http://www.a7soft.com[/url] to compare XML files but I need the Java source code.

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for jjt

I was wondering is there any algorithm, method, concept, idea for "Reverse Calculation"? Basically I provide an output/Answer , and 1 or more inputs, then it will result the math formula/pattern. For example 1: I provide, Dynamic Output: 30; I provide, Dynamic Input Value A: 2 I provide, Dynamic Input …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kaarthikvr

hi i m going to start a new project centre for that i need java latest project titles for develop any body have means kindly help me.

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for aruna_k_2006

hi ,i want to print e.printStackTrace in File using log 4j but its giving error ........ these r my files web1.xml [COLOR=green]<[/COLOR][COLOR=green]context-param[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]<[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-name[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR]driverName[COLOR=green]</[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-name[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]<[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-value[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR]com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver[COLOR=green]</[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-value[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]</[/COLOR][COLOR=green]context-param[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]<[/COLOR][COLOR=green]context-param[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]<[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-name[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR]log4j1[COLOR=green]</[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-name[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]<[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-value[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR]WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties[COLOR=green]</[/COLOR][COLOR=green]param-value[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]</[/COLOR][COLOR=green]context-param[/COLOR][COLOR=green]>[/COLOR] MyListener.java [B][COLOR=green]public[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=green]class[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=green] MyListener [/COLOR][B][COLOR=green]implements[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=green] ServletContextListener{[/COLOR] Connection [COLOR=green]con[/COLOR]; [B][COLOR=green]public[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]void[/COLOR][/B] contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) { [B][COLOR=green]try[/COLOR][/B]{ ServletContext sctx=sce.getServletContext(); String log1=sctx.getInitParameter([COLOR=green]"log4j1"[/COLOR]); sctx.setAttribute([COLOR=green]"log1"[/COLOR],log1); } [B][COLOR=green]catch[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=green](SQLException e)[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for ivatanako

[code] System.out.println("Enter new name: "); String stdName = input.readLine(); st.executeUpdate("UPDATE Customers SET stud_name='"+stdName+"' WHERE stud_ID='45698'"); [/code] Ok, this is my problem, this command should update\replace the existing column stud_name with a new name. But it wasn't able to replace it. There were no sql errors. Did I miss anything? Or …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Catgirl

My inventory program was working until I got to the part where I have to incorporate GUI functionality. I have my code and incorporated some GUI code at type, but unable to get them to work together. My code compiles, runs, but acts as if I never added the GUI …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for upstream

currently im studying Java 6, and im using Notepad++ for programming, im just wondering if in this way, i could learn programming with java better than using a full blown IDE? :confused: i have a JCreator but i dont want to use it, cuz i decided to use Notepad++ instead, …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I have some questions about how to work with urls in java. Any help would much appreciated. When I execute the following code from my app it executes just fine. But when I move my app to a different directory and change the url accordingly, it fails. original code: …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for java_starter

[code] public class Customer { private String name; private String address; private double totalPurchase; private double invoiceAmount; public Customer(String name, String address) { this.name = name; this.address = address; totalPurchase = 0.0; invoiceAmount = 0.0; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getAddress() { return address; } …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for challa.kamal

hay please any body can give me the code how to implement [B]forums [/B]using java

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ialnima

I have a 2d 9x9 int array as follows 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 but im trying to extract every box of 3x3 into an array using only a nested for loop, i.e. ---------------- |000|000|000| |000|000|000| |000|000|000| ---------------- |000|000|000| |000|000|000| |000|000|000| ---------------- |000|000|000| |000|000|000| |000|000|000| ---------------- …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mcd200

Hi everyone, I'm running WinXP SP2 on my laptop, and I have the latest versions of Mozilla and IE. Whenever I click on certain links I get java script errors, and the window I'm trying to open never opens. I know that the problem is local to my laptop, and …


The End.