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Member Avatar for nizam147

Hii there, I hope you can help me out here. I have two webapps in my tomcat that is app1 and app2 in my app1 i am doing this ServletContext sc=getServletContext().getContext("/app2"); But the above statement is returning me null. I am stuck here where i am unable to figure out …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for fr3shman

Hello guys, My name is Hamad and I am from United Arab Emirates. I am a new student in programming and I just finished c++ course. What should I do to learn java language. Please advise me what do I have to do to teach java before taking this course. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mayank_03_arora

hi. i need to read csv files which will come as input. I am not able to do this using String tokenizer for two reasons: First StringTokenizer doesn't handle empty strings and second it doesn't have a way to easily get Strings in quotes that have commas inside them. So, …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi Is there, any way to improve jvm memory size in tomcat 5.5 server. how to increase the performance of tomcat server.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for 4zlimit

I can't seem to resolve these errors. I have had people compile these codes on their computers with no problem, but I keep getting errors...can anyone help???? Here are the errors: cannot find symbol method setItemNumber(java.lang.String) cannot find symbol method setProductName(java.lang.String) cannot find symbol method setNumOfUnitsInStock(int) cannot find symbol method …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

So here's my list of questions 1. Is there a class where it takes an audio file as a constructor and has methods that allow me pause, play and continue from any selected part of the song? 2. How do you get video to work on an applet and have …

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Member Avatar for doel.jangkrik

I am trying to make text based blackjack game. I already made : - Card class which create new card based on integer - Deck class which consists of Deck LinkedList populated by Card. I also made 2 new LinkedLists for gambler and dealer. I already managed to remove elements …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi i have one doubt. apache and tomcat are same are different server. why normally called as apache tomcat server? that means both are combined works. what are the possible ways to improve performance of tomcat server.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Kashif
Member Avatar for Kashif
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi what is mod_jk in tomcat server. why it is used.? where it resides? using this one, the tomcat server performance should increase or not.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Jishnu

Hi, I am trying out a bank account program using the corejava package. I am getting a run-time eception when I create a new account & am unable to trace where the error is. Plz help. I am giving the code below. import corejava.Console;/******************************************************************cLASS bANKaCCOUNT REPRESENTING THE RUN-TIME MULTI-USER SYSTEM******************************************************************/public …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for nizam147

Hii everyone, I have a j2ee webapplication, for which i have two database that is Training and Production. So on the login page after entering the login credentials the user will select either Training or Production depending this the user will logon. The new scenario now, i want to have …

Member Avatar for nizam147
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi I am using jboss server 4.0.4 to run the jsp application. to run i can give the url as [url]http://localhost:8080/projectname[/url]. if i can give like this, it is properly running. but i can give [url]www.projectname.com[/url] like that means, my application to run.(i.e to run my application with out portnumber). …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rollan

Recently I updated my IE6 to IE7. Everythings looks fine but my program using java plug-in doesn't works anymore. I though this only happen in my pc but my friend faced it too. I have been searching this case thru some search engines but cannot find why? Any suggestion? P.s: …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for 4zlimit

I am using NetBeans for my java class. I am trying to run the ever popular inventory program. My issue may be elementary, but I am still not quite grasping it. I am apparently not compiling it correctly. I set up three programs (?) - "Inventory", "Products", and "TestDriver". My …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi what purpose of HttpSessionContext? all the session information are stored this place. Thanks inadvance arun

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for amtallah

hi all , i want to make function that remove any space before sentance (i.e if user enter multi space before your comment remove it ) and if enter multi space only this function return empty string .

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Jishnu

Hi, I am trying out a bank account program using the corejava package. I am getting a run-time eception when I create a new account & am unable to trace where the error is. Plz help. I am giving the code below. [CODE] import corejava.Console; /**************************************************************** **cLASS bANKaCCOUNT REPRESENTING THE …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for arun_daniweb

Hi, I have setup connection with GLUE directory. and getting some attribute also, which i am specifying in search array parameter, but not all. i need to fatch all attributes and their value. even i m not able to fetch the schema also. I don't know what is problem, as …

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Member Avatar for ssimkhan

I've tried to run the BankServer.java class for several hours and this is the error it gives me: G:\Distributed Objects\Exercise 3\BankServer.java:11: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor BankImpl() location: class BankImpl BankImpl b = new BankImpl(); I have other classes orf the Bank interface, BankImpl and BankClient but they're all …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi In any project we can set values to the session.and get value from the session. which place or path the session information to be stored. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for karthic_victory

Respected Seniors & dear friends I want to know which tutorial is the best one to learn from basics of java. Please give me any links

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for dajiebuda

I have a code generated with netBeans. It use org.jdesktop.layout. I have the file swing-layout-1.0.jar. But I don't know how to compile and run mycode.jave with that jar file. Please write full comands if possible. I'm so new to java that every step use me 2 hours - 2 days. …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ssimkhan

I've tried to run the code below for several hours and this is the error it gives me: G:\Distributed Objects\Exercise 3\BankServer.java:11: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor BankImpl() location: class BankImpl BankImpl b = new BankImpl(); I have other classes orf the Bank interface, BankImpl and BankClient but they're all …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for dajiebuda

I copy and paste code generated from NetBeans into a java file. To run it, I got message "package org.jdesktop.layout does not exit" What should I do? Thanks ahead.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mrark
Member Avatar for dotcom123
Member Avatar for mrark

i want a calculator project just use applet not swing or frame i hav but i took just input through mouse but dont perform any operation

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Member Avatar for randomFIRE

I'm trying to add an image to a button instead of text. I looked at some examples, and I can't figure out what I am missing. I've imported this because the ex. had it. Don't know if it is needed. [code=java] import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; [/code] Then this …

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Member Avatar for chihwei

Write the definition of a class Telephone . The class has no constructors, one instance variable of type String called number , and two static variables. One is of type int called quantity ; the other is of type double called total . Besides that, the class has one static …

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The End.