32,205 Topics
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I want to convert a vector into a string array. I have put in my code: criteria = (String []) tokenVector.toArray(); I get a ClassCastExceptionError (I can understand why since Vector holds objects which are 'bigger' than strings) - and yet I cannot understand how to resolve it - any … | |
I am searching for projects done in java.I am a M.C.A student and as per my academic requirements i'm asked to do projects.Please Help me | |
Alright guys.. I'm back in the java forums for help/suggestions. I'm sure one of the Daniweb java programming geniuses will be able to decide if this idea is too difficult or needs to be revised. I was thinking of writing a stock trend analysis program. There will be a stock … | |
I am currently reading about bit sizes or something.. is knowing these bit sizes important? Because I don't really get this, and if it's not important, I won't have to keep rereading this thing. Type Width in Bits byte 8 [B]<-- is knowing this important?[/B] short 16 int 32 long … | |
I am using a servlet, in that servlet I used a doPost() method by extending the HttpServlet. then who implement the all remaining methods( doGet,doPut,doHead,doOptions.......) | |
can anybody tell how to implement a trigger in a jdbc program? | |
guys, i have just joined this forum. I want to ask you if you know where i can find ready-to-use java servlet and jsp code for a search engine. i need this in order to complete my thesis. thank you very muchin advance | |
Hi what are the ways to improve performance of tomcat server. or Tomcat performance tuning.(Tomcat server 5.5) Thanks | |
Hello, I am new at this java thing... like really, 1 day new. I have this book called Java 2: A Beginner's Guide (Second Edition). I got stuck on the second step which tells me to.. use javac to compile Example.java.. I read old posts that were posted here through … | |
Hi, how to make programming for write and read text files with java and netbeans, and that files automatically save in application folder. thanks | |
Hi. I've been struggling with this for about a 3 days now, maybe someone could help. It isn't as specific as it seems. Please read on, i'm losing my mind over this :(. Here's the thing: The Parallax BasicSTAMP1 USB Board was never meant to be used as a front-end … | |
I'm looking for a way to collect hardware/software information from users that visit a site I'm working on (The user will request this action with full knowledge of what is happening of course). You can see an example of what I'm looking for at Crucial where they have a button … | |
Hi I am using jboss server 4.0.4 to run the jsp application. to run i can give the url as [URL="http://localhost:8080/projectname"]http://localhost:8080/myproject[/URL]. if i can give like this, it is properly running. but i can give [URL="http://www.projectname.com/"]www.myproject.com[/URL] like that means, my application to run.(i.e to run my application with out portnumber). … | |
Hi, I'm trying to input a random number of Strings by passing them in as args[]. When I try to use a for loop to determine when there is no more arguments left it gives me an "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10" error. I've tried looking for a null … | |
I keep getting kicked off websites that start up in Java. I have Java installed in a NT unit. What do I look for as the problem. I have reinstalled explorer and Java both and at different times. Help me....except I can't blow up the unit...it belongs to the company. … | |
hi, i am new in java, can anyone guide me with TechQuestions related to java, ie core,jdbc,jsp,servlets,struts,hibernation... along with the list of websites downloading Q &A which provide the TechQuestions. | |
Hi What is the difference between application server and webserver. thanks. | |
Hi, I am writing a program for a bioinformatics class. I have to implement a certain algorithm. I am a biologist and my background in programming is not that great. I have found the algorithm online that I want to implement but I need it explained in regular terms. The … | |
Does anyone know how place an applet in full screen without any kind of bordering or buttons so that the applet starts at 0,0 of the screen and goes all the way to the opposite corner. Now I know how to get a window into full screen using: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().setFullScreenWindow(Window win) … | |
Hi I am using Jboss 4.0.4 server. when i run my application. i.e start my batch file run.bat. it tells Failed to map vhost:mylocalhost1.com did not set the virutal host. so how to solve this problem. Thanks | |
Hi, I am making tic tac toe, and I basically have it all working, except the GUI has a few bugs. Right now, I am not using a layout. I am using "setBounds" instead. When a player wins, an image saying "you win" should be displayed over the title image … | |
I'm using NetBeans 5.5 First :I want to bind data from table from MS Access DB into JTable . Second: Is there any other component in java to do the previous action(e.g. DataGrid ) | |
Hai, I am doing one java struts application. In my Application, i need to generate the report . In the Report display page, i have two buttons named PDF and EXCEL. If i have click the PDF button, all the Report values are generate as PDF file. If i have … | |
Hi to all, I use NetBeans 5.5 and through Library manager I imported a jar file. How can I see the source code of the classes that the jar file contains? I got all classes from the jar file listed, I can see the name of constructors and methods but … | |
Hi How can i create virtual host in JBoss server 4.0.4.in that,how can i mapped to my domain name. i.e [url]www.myproject.com[/url] like this. and how to run in the server. | |
Hii EveryOne Need some advice on the following, I have three war files which work along with each other as there is dependcies in them, Now at the time of deployment i dont want to put three different war files separately but instead want to have only one, I am … | |
hi everyone. am very new to java. can somebody out there help me with tutorials starting from the basics.Thanx | |
Hi , I'm running a batch file which contains the content D:\apps\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\bin\Publisher -Xms256m -Xmx512m -cp .;"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\jdom.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\common_db.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\mail.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\activation.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\log4j.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\oracle12.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\xmlParserAPIs.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\commonclasses.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\classes102.zip";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\jintegra.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\excelXP.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\word.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\powerpoint.jar";"D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\PublisherIIRMIServer.jar";"D:\apps\jsse1.0.3_03\lib\jcert.jar";"D:\apps\jsse1.0.3_03\lib\jsse.jar";"D:\apps\jsse1.0.3_03\lib\jnet.jar"; -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=com.sun.net.ssl.internal.[url]www.protocol[/url] -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=D:\apps\jsse1.0.3_03\lib\dapstore -Djava.security.policy=D:\rc\grt\PublisherIIRMIServer\RMIPOLICY\java.policy -Djava.rmi.server.logCalls=true com.db.grt.server.ImplPublisherServer but i'm getting the error as Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError at com.db.grt.server.ReadServerProperty.setProperties(ReadServerProperty .java:291) at com.db.grt.server.ReadServerProperty.<init>(ReadServerProperty.java:1 24) at com.db.grt.server.ReadServerProperty.getInstance(ReadServerProperty.j ava:86) at com.db.grt.server.ImplPublisherServer.<init>(ImplPublisherServer.java :56) at com.db.grt.server.ImplPublisherServer.main(ImplPublisherServer.java:1 203) all jar files … | |
Hi all, I have a java applet which i embed on a webpage and i got an error of.. "Applet CatchingBubbles.class notinited" what seems to be the problem? spent hours to fix it but i couldn't...any reply would be appreciated. thanks by the way CatchingBubbles.class is the applet. | |
I'm using NetBeans 5.5 : How could I bind data from table from MS Access DB into JTable,is there in java smth like DataGrid ?!! N.P. : I've made an application which reads data from the DB & use [CODE]System.out.append(rs.getString("Blob") [/CODE] to show the data . Now I want to … |
The End.