32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hello, I am trying to add audio files to my program. I am using a desktop application and not an applet. All the code that i have found online is for an applet. Is there a way for me to add audio code to a desktop application and not an …

Member Avatar for z00t

I'm trying to construct a rectangle & compute its area using the getWidth & getHeight methods.. but i cant figure out for to construct a freakin rectangle!! I keep getting the same error when i go to complie it.. no matter how hard i try :p "Cannot find symbol" [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for oppie204

I need help making a code usig bluej to make a program that throws 2 dice for you and if you get a 2 or 12 you lose and a 7 or an 11 you win on the first roll only. And after that they have to roll the same …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for FlavaK

[CODE] public class ProcessResults { private static int[] PayNum; private static String[] Surname; private static String[] FirstName; private static String[] DoB; private static String[] Dept; private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); private static int NumStaff; public static void main(String[] args) { final int MAX_STAFF = 10; PayNum = new …

Member Avatar for FlavaK
Member Avatar for warlord902

I configured a logger namely "My Log" in my main class which can write errors in a log file named mylog.txt Now I want to use this same file for all packages and classes there in. I tried to put this in other class Logger.getLogger("My Log") //Did nothing Now what …

Member Avatar for DragoDraco

I could sure use some help. Here is what I have and it shows a problem which is : int tempCelcius = (int)((Double.parseDouble(tempTextField.getText())) (5 / 9) × (Fahrenheit – 32)); and here is all that I have: /** * * @author TJ */ public class FahrenheitConverterGUI extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

so i'm created a program that display the name and grade of students from a file, and also a boolean that checks to see if the names are in alphabetical order. The problem is that i've created a files that has a name in alphabetical order but it still returns …

Member Avatar for Gsterminator
Member Avatar for Poonam Mehta

hi i m doing thesis work and the title is to make a simulator for process schduling in any language. if anybody knows anything about it then plz help me.

Member Avatar for chadz mutia
Member Avatar for haribasker

[CODE]public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getSource()==clear) { tname.setText(""); tpass.setText(""); } else { if(ae.getSource()==Admin) { try { a=tname.getText(); b=tpass.getText(); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:vote"); Statement st= con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; rs=st.executeQuery("select * from votelogin where tname='"+a+"'and tpass='"+b+"'"); while(rs.next()) { aa=rs.getString(1); bb=rs.getString(2); } if(a.equals(aa)&& b.equals(bb)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"INVALID USER.TRY AGAIN"); System.out.println("invalid user"); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"VALID …

Member Avatar for naief
Member Avatar for Sparky_

Greetings - I'm new to JAVA. I'm using NetBeans. I've been going through tutorials and examples - with some frustration. Question - when I find an example / tutorial to attempt, how do I "create" correctly the setup before I simply paste the code? Meaning if the example has: [CODE]public …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for basketball8533

Hey guys can you help me convert this code into java... i started a little... [CODE] def minEditDistR(target, source): """ Minimum edit distance. Straight from the recurrence. """ i = len(target); j = len(source) if i == 0: return j elif j == 0: return i return(min(minEditDistR(target[:i-1],source)+1, minEditDistR(target, source[:j-1])+1, minEditDistR(target[:i-1], …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for javanoob101

Hello! I have to make a "Dice Applet" for school. It is all finished but the dice pictures do not display properly. It only appears in a line (not the full image.) But they seem to display fine if you maximize the applet then restore the applet to its original …

Member Avatar for javanoob101
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hello Everyone. I am trying to use a string to set a color. i have tried Color is the string which says a color like black or red [code] g.setColor (Color.color); [/code] and [code] g.setColor (Color."color"); [/code] lets say the string color was red it should have this effect [code] …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hello, in java, if we want to extract all values between 10 and 100, how could we express between in java. Is there any symbol like && || ..? Thank you

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I need my own file extension for SWING desktop application (image processing tool). In fact, I want a user to be able to save locations of JLabel components on a screen. Please, give me a hint on how to implement this task. Thanks!

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I'm trying to create borders around JLabel components. However, the line [ICODE]c[i].setBorder(border)[/ICODE] cannot be compiled. Please, help me to improve this code. Thanks! [CODE] public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (Menu.getgroup()) { Component[] c = getComponents(); Border border = LineBorder.createGrayLineBorder(); for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for basketball8533

Hey guys can you help me convert this code into java... i started a little... [CODE] def minEditDistR(target, source): """ Minimum edit distance. Straight from the recurrence. """ i = len(target); j = len(source) if i == 0: return j elif j == 0: return i …

Member Avatar for DecreaseEntropy
Member Avatar for lexflash

I m planning to create a web based system in which I need to allow users to upload videos and photos into my database and to display that video or photo which they request. I m more comfortable working in java, so i have placed my query here. I would …

Member Avatar for lexflash
Member Avatar for hanslim77

I'm trying to run audio in a different thread but I have no idea why but when I call wait(), my entire program seems to wait or hang.. not sure if it's deadlock since all it does is wait(), though if I set a time period, after that period it'll …

Member Avatar for hanslim77
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi all. I'm having a problem to represent or use a variable as an int. [CODE]Color c = new Color(255, 0, 0); int y = c.getRGB(); for (int v = 0; v < h; v++) { for (int u = 0; u < w; u++) { int x = image.get(u, …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hello, here is a code for retrieving some lines from a text file. i'd like to extract data from line2 to line4 ---> this is working but in the same time i want to data from Line10 to line12 here is the code, my conditions is not working: Thank you …

Member Avatar for Neversleepin
Member Avatar for Climber Ty

I am working on an ATM machine project for my college class. It's in its early stages but here what I have so far. [CODE] /** * * @author Ty */ import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { private double currentBal =1000; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); public void mainMenu(){ int …

Member Avatar for Climber Ty
Member Avatar for lisaroy1

Java is very interesting language and important language To learn JAVA roseindia.com is also a very good site

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for nizam27391

hi.. i just want to know.. is there any shortcut key to run the main apps of java in bluej.. if compile i can use ctrl+k.. but what about to run it? i'm tired having to right click and pick [CODE]void main(String[] args)[/CODE] Thanx in advance guys...

Member Avatar for nizam27391

well.. back to c and c++,we can used pointer to access the memory address of data. But how to access memory address in java? i do search at daniweb and found this post.. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread140991.html[/url] but it not happen with my program.This is my program. [CODE]Node x = new Node(new Integer(4)), …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for saveme123

How do you write a method that switch a space " _ " with a letter, the example my teacher gave us to work with is: [CODE]public static int seqSwapSearch ( int[] list, int item) { int location = -1; int temp; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; …

Member Avatar for code learner
Member Avatar for Sonny101

Hi all, I am currently attempting my first project for programming using Java. One of the classes I have made contains 3 constructors, now I remember learning a little about the [I]this[/I] keyword and thought it may be appropriate here, however, I am not completely sure on how to use …

Member Avatar for lisaroy1
Member Avatar for Latvija13

I don't understand how to check for non-alpha characters in a string that has more than one word. I'm basically asking for a retype if the string has more than 3 words or if it has non-alpha characters. I'm wondering if Character.isLetter is not what I'm looking for since it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

hi, lets say i have 2 classes 1 is to process the data and another 1 is to connect to mysql. P.java to process the data and Connection.java to connect to mysql.i use JDBC to connect and pass the data through constructor P way=new P(String side).after process the data, i …

Member Avatar for ubi_ct83
Member Avatar for reyarita

ALGORITHM TO LOAD A JOB IN A FIXED PARTITION 1. Determine job's requested memory size 2. If job_size > size of largest partition Then reject the job print appropriate message to operator go to step 1 to handle next job in line else continue with step 3 3. Set counter …


The End.