32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for muloki

I,ve set up a JTable and want to populate it from an Access database useing jdbc odbc. The data returned is placed into an array but my problem is how to use the array results with... jTable1.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel( new Object [][] { {list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4]}, }, new String …

Member Avatar for vealparry
Member Avatar for forfreaks

[code] class trans { int m,n,l=0,k=-1,total,no=0; void det(int t) { total=t; } char[][] s5=new char[total][total]; char[][] s6=new char[total][total]; //rot90 public int rot90 (char[][] s2,char[][] s3) { for( m=0;m<total;m++) {l=0; for(n=total-1;n>=0;n--) { //[B][COLOR="Red"]line33[/COLOR][/B] s5[m][l]=s2[n][m]; [COLOR="Red"][B]\\Exception in thread "main" \\java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 \\at trans.rot90(gift1.java:33) \\at gift1.main(gift1.java:208)[/B] [/COLOR] l++; } } if(s5==s3) { return …

Member Avatar for vealparry
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hi, i know how to read specific line form a text file but if we want to delete lines by specifying the line number. here is the code, but it's not working: i want to delete line 1 and 2 of the text file. [CODE]import java.io.*; public class ReadSpecificLine { …

Member Avatar for Neversleepin
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hi, Can anyone tell me what is the problem with the below code: [CODE] String eleSrc=srcEle.toString(); String srcdata_list[]=eleSrc.split("-"); String eleDest=destEle.toString(); String destdata_list[]=eleDest.split("-"); int found=0; for(int i=0;i<srcdata_list.length;i++) { for(int j=0;j<destdata_list.length;i++) { if(srcdata_list[i].equals(destdata_list[j])) { found++; System.out.println("matches"); System.out.println("after matches"); break; } else { System.out.println("in else"); } } System.out.println("out of first for lopp"); if(found==0) …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for i4ba1

Hai all, I'm being create a dictionary. In the dictionary have feature search the word. if user entering the character "g" the word view in JList will show the word begin with "g". i try this first using Linier Search, it found the word, but linier. i mean if i …

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Member Avatar for register86

Hi all, I installed jdk 6_23 and set the path of jdk in system path properly. And then I could run any jar file by command line, but when i double-clicked on the jar file, a message of Java Virtual Machine Launcher occured : " could not find the main …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for AA54377

Hi all, I need help with the save button of my java inventory program part 6. It compiles and runs but then it get the error message stating C:\data\inventory.dat"(access denied) and then general output field shows: [code=text] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:599) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:269) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:184) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:174) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:169) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:161) at …

Member Avatar for Metal1616

I created a program that will display a question, then the user has to answer the question within a time limit. I want to make it so for long questions, the question will just go to the next line instead of cutting off. Is there another way to display the …

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Member Avatar for AaronLLF

So, I'm making a new game in Java. I am trying to add networking code. I'm using the code at [url]http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/networking/sockets/clientServer.html[/url] but I want it so that when the player moves in my game, it updates their location in the server and then updates it to everyone on the server …

Member Avatar for javinpaul

Hi Guys, I am a relative new member in this forum , My name is Javin Paul and I am Java programmer. I have question related to garbage collection in Java Does garbage collection occurs in PERM Area of Java Heap ? As per my knowledge PERM area is used …

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Member Avatar for draven07

...i'am quite confuse about event-driven programming in java applet... ....i have been using a "TextField" for creating an applet that would require a password ... ...my goal is to make an error_message saying "SystemBlocked" whenever I entered 3 wrong passwords and would terminate the applet at the same time... ...how …

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Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I would like to make transparent my two JScrollPane components. Could please someone explain me why the code [ICODE] scrollPane1.setOpaque(false); scrollPane2.setOpaque(false); imagePanel.setOpaque(false); beads.setOpaque(false);[/ICODE] does not work? Thanks! [CODE] public SelectablePanel() { beads = new BeadsCollection(NR_OF_BEADS); imagePanel = new ImageSelectionPanel(0, NR_OF_BEADS_SIZE); p = new Point(); JInternalFrame jif = new JInternalFrame("Title", …

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Member Avatar for Hakoo

Hello, I am new in J2ME, I have created one application which stores Name, Qty, Price and Total. I can manipulate RecordStore in this application. Now, I want to send this data to some other Remote Place, i.e server or through SMS. Is there any way to do this?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for vin24

Hello guys! I just want to ask if how can I use java file reader? I badly need this for my program... Thank you in advance! :)

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for system analysis

- (The [COLOR="Red"]Fan[/COLOR] class) Design a class named [COLOR="red"]Fan[/COLOR] to represent a fan. The class contains: 1. Three constants named SLOW, MEDIUM, and FAST with values 1, 2, and 3 to denote the fan speed. 2. An int data field named speed that specifies the speed of the fan (default …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for techalerts

hi frnds, i completed mca 5th semister. now i want to do a project on java. could any one help me what are the current best projects on java?

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for Dharni.Gurnani

I am currently working on a project in which I need to check the similarity between images... I have started of trying the cosine similarity.. the formula available online needed to be modified since it was only for text and in images the 1st pixel of one image will have …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rusl07cl08

Tires don't have to have exactly the same pressure. Modify the program for exercise 2 so that the front tires can be within 3 psi of each other, and the rear tires can be within 3 psi of each other. Input right front pressure 35 Input left front pressure 37 …

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Member Avatar for amr321

[B]Hi everyone I would like to take your advice about my situation This is my second year in university and my major is computer science and my programming skill is very weak:'( and I finish data structure by Miracle :icon_cry:and until now I can’t solve any assignment by myself:icon_sad:, so …

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Member Avatar for Coyboss

Hey all, I have been working with this for about 4 days and pulling my hair out. I can't figure out why I am getting the error messages in my code, when I compile. Here is my code. [CODE]// Week3 Dwight Welsh import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class Mortgage { public static …

Member Avatar for Coyboss
Member Avatar for Darren76

/**This program is a simple number guessing game using the random class */ import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public class numGuessing { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); Random rndm = new Random(); int num = rndm.nextInt(50); int numGuess; System.out.println("Please try to guess a number 1 …

Member Avatar for Darren76
Member Avatar for k4it0xtr3me

hi, I am new here... I am currently facing some trouble in pulling out the Attribute as in its types and names. My program purpose is to read the Java file and display all the String into tokens. Then, it must be able to pull out the class name, attribute …

Member Avatar for k4it0xtr3me
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hello every one, is it possible to get files from a file list display with System.out.println. I mean for example if you code something like: System.out.println("file.getName"); Then you get a file list. After how could we use this file list to for example copy or move or anything else with …

Member Avatar for Neversleepin
Member Avatar for plasticfood

ok so the program gets a list of numbers, and it counts how many times a number is entered. [CODE]for(int i = 0; i < numList.size(); i++){ for(int j = numList.size() - 1; j > i; j--){ if(numList.get(i) == numList.get(j)){ count++; numList.remove(j); } } System.out.println(numList.get(i) +" " + count); count …

Member Avatar for plasticfood
Member Avatar for hellotata

I am currently working on this graph "thingy" were I am told to produce 4 types of graphs. [LIST] [*]y=x2 [*]y=x3 [*]y=x*sin(x) [*]y=x*cos(10*x) [/LIST] Now basically, I have the GUI/Interface ready. I seem to have a problem linking the [B]y=x*sin(x)[/B] button in the PlottingWindow class to the PlottingPanel where it …

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Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys and girls(?), I have created a 2d turn based board game game like chess, in java but my problem is that I wanna add some kind of walk through or tutorial system to explain the controls and features of the game. I was wondering if anyone had any …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Translucentbill

So I have started learning Java for my senior project at school and I would really like to make a tower defense game as my project. I have been looking for tutorials that would help but I am having trouble finding some. I have been using [url]www.javacoffeebreak.com[/url] and I've been …

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Member Avatar for Monkeeboy

Hello, i'm justarting out with OOP with Java and i'm looking for a bit of help with a bit of code as i can't quite work out why it wont work as i'm still learning. Here's what im being asked to do [I]write a public method called requestPositionsAndMove() which takes …

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Member Avatar for AaronLLF
Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for bhakki

hi all, I developed j2me, android and blackberry based applications. I need to showing the demo for clients through my own website. Is this possible for showing the demo using micro emulator through my website?. For example user can choose the both type of mobile and type of application and …


The End.