32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for eny321

I am trying to write an elevator test program in java. It is suppose to execute the following steps using the methods in the class: 1: Starting from the first-floor. 2: Go to 2nd (update bool GoingUp) 3: Go to 3rd 4: Back to second floor This is what I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Ghost
Member Avatar for anumash

Can you please tell me why is the first code giving me the right answer whereas the second one giving me a logically incorrect answer. Below are the two programs. The logic is the same. I want to know why the second program is not working even though the logic …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for chetanbasuray

I'm completely new to java, would like some help. I have a class named class1 and within the class are 2 functions f1() and f2() I take a number as input in f1(). I would like to have that number in f2() as well. I did this by returning the …

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Member Avatar for Sheni

Please help me with my homework!:) Here's the instruction, Write a java program that accepts ten letters(small letters), then it will sort them alphabetically, using one dimension array. Please help, I'm dead if I won't get this correct. Tnx

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for MrDiaz

Hi, suppose I have something like this on my main method. [CODE=Java]public static void main (String[] args){ Table one = new Table(); }[/CODE] How can I print the name of the object table? Its so that I can print something like this Table one: Color is ... Texture is.... etc

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for coding101

I have a report class that stores information. A report "is a Document", so I want the report class extend document. But how do i store subclasses in the the Document class. I cant super all the info from the report class creates from the constructor.

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for Dupron

Please suggest a good book for learning [B]struts[/B]. I am a beginner with struts, So kindly suggest book keeping this thing in mind. Till now I have heard about [CODE]Struts 2 in action[/CODE]. Any information about this book is very helpful. Kindly reply as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for pmark019

I have a problem with counting the number of input lines and the number of operands. Can someone please tell me what is wrong?... When my input is : System.out.println("\n\nReserved Words: " + ReserveWords); System.out.println("Unique Reserved Words: " + UReserveWords); The number of lines is 11 and I don't know …

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Member Avatar for MasterGberry

I have a pretty solid background on C++. I am interested in possibly expanding to new languages such as Java. I am not interested in reading another 1000 page book on a language when i read that C++ and Java are somewhat compatible. I also read a lot of the …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for davesyourfriend

Hi guys I'm new at JSP, and I've to run an ex-collegue software. It's Java + JSP, usin' Apache Tomcat. When I run Tomcat and I try to open the Default.jsp page, here's what appears: [code=jsp] HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report Description: The server encountered an internal error …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sijothomas

Hi friends... My name is sijo. I have created a desktop application in netbeans 6.9.1.In that i added 2 java table from the palatte of netbeans and through pure java code .But in those two tables , i need to add an image of a person/anything in one cell of …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for kimhj91107

I am trying to write a program which converts numeric row and columns values ino the spread sheet designation Input must be in RnCm format where R is row n is row number and C is column and m is column number So If input R1C1, the output should be …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sj5536

i want to convert following file into table formate how do i do this? i wan to convert it pdf file text file :- 2011012735981481 15:27:29 35235139 15:27:29 LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD. 10 D (DEL) LARSEN & TOUBRO 10 (NET) LARSEN & TOUBRO 10 2011012736007203 15:29:32 35263544 15:29:32 OIL AND …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I received this error when I tried uploading my game to a website (yes I found one). Java Plug-in 1.6.0_15 Using JRE version 1.6.0_15-b03 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM User home directory = C:\Users\Adam ---------------------------------------------------- c: clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for gordsmash

Well basically im creating a game for a school project and I am coding the Main Menu of the game right now but im having some very strange troubles when removing a JPanel and then replacing it with another. Well this actually works when I use a button to switch …

Member Avatar for amtrbz

Hi, I am working on a simple program where in one of the classes i have to add a static method which recursively divides a passed integer by 2 and returns a count of number of calls it takes to reach 1??I also have to Add a static method called …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for sj5536

hi i want read text file and write in such way that each word in the separated by 2Spaces if they are separated by more than 2Spaces keep those 2space as it is and filled remaining space with xxxxxxxx plz suggest to how go to this problem and give some …

Member Avatar for javinpaul
Member Avatar for initialise

Hi all, I could really use some help with a multithreaded server/client application that I'm building. I'm first experimenting with basic concepts and then am going to implement the results within a larger application. However, I find myself stuck on a particular issue. Initially, I transfer a file from the …

Member Avatar for initialise
Member Avatar for macrogeek

Hello everyone, I am a beginner Java programmer and need your help in understanding What are Environment variables? I do not use any IDE for Java programming at present and use Command Prompt instead I would like to know about what is a CLASSPATH Variable and Is Classpath variable same …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for subrat_p

Hello frnds, Please help me on this java program "Implement Generic programming to perform arithmetic evaluation using command line argument."

Member Avatar for javacelibate

I got the below exception when I deployed my application in tomcat 5.The same was working fine in tomcat 6 too. [code=text]java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/el/ELException java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method) java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Class.java:2395) java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(Class.java:1763) java.beans.Introspector$1.run(Introspector.java:1265) [/code] As per the investigation I found.. The ELEvaluator.class of the provided jstl1.2.jar was not compatible with the jsp-api.jar of tomcat 5 …

Member Avatar for gvarma123

Hi, I have a file from which I want to extract values under a particular column and store them in an array This is the file. Could anyone help me to get to read the values under the column k1. fitk2 Date: 2005-08-26 15:37:10 Study: temp2 Data file: k2tis.dft Plasma …

Member Avatar for MALINI JAGDALE
Member Avatar for cretaros

Hey gus can one demontstrate to me a simple way of loading a picture into a panel using JFilechooser.

Member Avatar for naief
Member Avatar for localp

Hello I have been trying to code this for the last few days, and i am unable to come across a solution for this. Would you please mind helping me out on this? There are some records in a notepad, which are as follows [CODE]1 Paul Mac 3 1 222 …

Member Avatar for naief
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I would like to make it so that when a character (picture or shape) moves it leaves a trail behind it that keeps getting more transparent. how would i start. If you jump the trail should follow up then down. Can anyone help me? Thanks

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Member Avatar for phouse512

Hello all, I'm making a simple game in minesweeper, and I have a Mine class with a JButton and some other information, namely an x and y variable for its location. In a class called Board, a constructor creates a multi-dimensional array of Mine objects. I tried adding mouselistener to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! Please, tell me how to make the JDialog close button working in a proper way. Now it does not work. [ICODE]System.out.println(value);[/ICODE] produces 0. But if I write [ICODE]if (value == 0)[/ICODE], then nothing happens. Any ideas? Thanks! [CODE] public static void about() { final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane( …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for draven07

...How to make an Applet using a Panel consisting FOUR different Layouts(FlowLayout, GridLayout...etc...) that shall make an output of 9 Buttons in a 3x3 layout... ...

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for lashbandi

The program must simply ask the user to type in a text since a text is a list of words separated by spaces. i need it..its really urgent..thanks..

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The End.