32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for staneja

I am trying to create a calss with a constructior that creates connection with MYSql database , i am using database name as dbetch . I have set the path varable but still it id throwing error package login; import java.sql.*; import java.sql.DriverManager; import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection; public class conn { Connection …

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Member Avatar for qasauria

hi out there! can some pliz assist me in knowing the basic steps in using java to develop a system, say a project

Member Avatar for ioillusion
Member Avatar for madhu.garimilla

[B]if (4,2) is given as input we have to list all the 4 digit binary numbers containing two 1s ie, 1100,1010,1001.... etc. i need a java program to implement this. can anyone help???[/B]

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for venomlash

How does one use an interface? The [inlinecode]paint[/inlinecode] interface in particular? ¡Ayúdame, por favor!

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yeah I just can't do it. Help! I tried installing eclipse and it just says error. So I tried installing the sdk. And did the rpm file but it just ain't working. There is no javac recognized. What shall I do?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for no1zson

Of course I have to make things difficult. If I just put 5 cd names in to an array it would not be that hard to set up a sort for them, and get them in alphabetical order, but I have to have the user enter the names in, so …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for jasmin_java

I made code in the first page which consists 4 buttons , each button has program If you select any button the program will run on, but there isn't syntax error but there re some buttons not executed because I use JOptionPane and I don't know where is the problem …

Member Avatar for TheGathering
Member Avatar for vijaygandhi559

Hi I am trying to use xpath and xml parsing through java. I am completely new to this. I have an xml below and I need to extract the text which says ....."cn=GSTDealer,ou=affiliations,dc=tis,dc=,dc=com,ou=portals,ou=spec,o=teds" and also the text which starts with " Group object missing user " This is the xml …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for repole

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but a forum search didn't do me much good, nor did a google search. I want to look into a folder and iterate through the text files in it....how do I do so.

Member Avatar for ksaxena
Member Avatar for soso30

hi , I built an application to update the phone numbers using j2me .but when run the application in real mobiles . it askes the user if he wants to update every record . how can i make the alert shows up once?

Member Avatar for MrScruff

Hi! I have a bunch of Jbuttons which are scattered over each other. Is there a method which will bring the button the user selected to the front of the pack? Thanks!

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for baltazar

I need to implement a Binary search tree in Java (only insert and find) and then should be able to display the tree. This is the code I've come up with so far. But I get the nullpointer exception. I am getting this because the two pointers in my node, …

Member Avatar for TheGathering
Member Avatar for suriname0

I have a current (non-school) project that requires me to update text-files online. (Or at least store data.) I think I need to write a servlet, but am not sure how, and I don't have a good source to teach me. (I tried Applets, but those can't read and write.) …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for no1zson

I have just been using a standard String to input and return information. I am trying to impliment an Array in to this inventory program so that I can store and view more than one item at a time. I think I have done ok until I get to the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for satish.paluvai

can we run a run() method with out using a start() method in a program? public class A extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println(" i will execute any way"); } public static void main(string args[]) { A a=new A(); a.run(); // no start method } }

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Member Avatar for no1zson

Massive thunderstorm here right now, I am trying to get off before I lose power. I have an array that is accepting inventory input from the user. The value of each product is figured as it is entered, simple instock number muliplied by the product value. I simply want to …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for baltazar

How do I implement a red-black tree in java. I am new to Java and have no clue how to proceed. I need to be able to print out the tree as well. Can someone help?!!

Member Avatar for mzd12111
Member Avatar for mzd12111

[COLOR=green][B]Hi friends[/B][/COLOR] i'm trying to write my own language in a file (using RandomAccessFile and sometimes fileOutputStream classes of API) but i can't use Farsi in these files , beacuse they are not unicode and instead of characters , the Elements of them are Bytes , what do you suggest …

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Member Avatar for satish.paluvai

plz help me in writing the logic with out using the util packege classes in java? plz give the code for this program in linkedlists way (not by using util package classees) [code=java] import java.util.*; public class arr1 { public static void main(string args[]) { list l1=new ArrayList(); // or …

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Member Avatar for D_ee

SignIn.html -------------- <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Log In To Your Account</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H2><Bold>Log In To You Account</Bold></H2> <p>To log in, type in your USERNAME and PASSWORD. <br>Then click on the Submit button.</p> <FORM ACTION="Sign.jsp" METHOD="POST"> <br>USERNAME: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME ="UserName"> <br>PASSWORD: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME ="Passwrd"> <br> <INPUT TYPE=Submit VALUE ="Submit"> </FORM> </BODY></HTML> …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for jopal

hi hall, haw can i create a netbeans projects windows like tree in java? tanks.

Member Avatar for jopal
Member Avatar for teklu

when I am trying to run the jar file is give me the message fail to load Main-Class manifest attribute from..... I am programming using netbeans IDE 5.5 any help

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Member Avatar for datulaida

hi all, I want to integrate Python 2.5 with JNI class.. Here my code.. actually, i want to integrate Apple Pie Parser (used C++ language) with Python.. the step is : 1) i build JNI class in Java that integrating with APP JAVA CODE import java.text.BreakIterator ; class Semantic { …

Member Avatar for karlm

Hi guys, first & foremost, my apologies if this is posted in the wrong zone - feel welcome to move it if necessary. OK, and on to my situation... I'm attempting to rewrite my navigation bar (vbulletin) to use images as oppose plain text. I used to frontpage2003 to start …

Member Avatar for karlm
Member Avatar for nhlagumbi

i,m a bit stuck in my project, i need to i dentify some classes for my system and i sofar i have only came up with tow classes like CLIENT and COMPANY. can anyone help me. i have to submit my documat soon.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for genocide

hi guys.. i need help.. can you give me a simple program of games in java except for tic-tac toe? i need it at the end of july.. i want to pass this subject and i want to master this programming language... please do grant my request... thank you very …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for madhu.garimilla

Hi, If any one knows how to implement a binary tree using hashmap collection in java please reply. Thanks a lot in advance

Member Avatar for TheGathering
Member Avatar for vijaygandhi559

Hi, I am using websphere and trying to use javax.mail api . However i am receiving the errors as I am not able to import javax.activation.*; import javax.mail.*; the statements, the reason is Websphere does not recognize them, I am not sure whether i have the javax package. Could any …

Member Avatar for vijaygandhi559
Member Avatar for freddypyther

Hi there! I'm wondering if there is a "package" instruction in python so I can in a directory keep packaging all the classes and I don't have to import them every time. I mean, if in a same directory I have a class DutiesManager that controls an array of instances …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for michael.ngobeni

Good day, I have a PDF file that acts as my template. I know how to use the x, y cordinate to put an image into that PDF file. My problem is that my PDF file has about five pages and I want to put this image in the second …

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The End.