32,200 Topics

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Member Avatar for varunrathi

hello friends, i want to learn java can anyone provide any link to a tutorial or anything else. thank you

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for inzomniac

hi everyone. I'm on the need of using serial ports with a java application. The last time I checked, Sun offered Java Comm as a solution; but now they removed the Api from their site (I'm using winXP). There's an RXTX package as an alternative, but I haven't seen any …

Member Avatar for lucky1981_iway
Member Avatar for thekashyap

A friend in my company recently attended a training titled "LSSD in Java" (LSSD = Large Scale Software Development). The trainer is a guy whom all of us (who attended his other trainings) consider a HUGE SHOT (big shot isn't big enough). Now after 2 days of training guess what …

Member Avatar for EnderX
Member Avatar for dami06

Can someone please help me out here.. I am trying to convert a .xml file to .dtd file.. I got this .xml file from google. <?xml version="1.0"?> <book> <person> <first>Kiran</first> <last>Pai</last> <age>22</age> </person> <person> <first>Bill</first> <last>Gates</last> <age>46</age> </person> <person> <first>Steve</first> <last>Jobs</last> <age>40</age> </person> </book> Please could you help me out …

Member Avatar for ausgezeichnete
Member Avatar for nizam147

I Am Trying To Run A Hello World Application Which I Downloaded From The Net. But I Am Getting An Error Saying That Driver Class Not Found Where I Am Specifying The Driver Name As Follows 'com.mysql.jdbc.driver' Which Is Not Recognising Can Anyone Help In Running My First Hibernate Applciation. …

Member Avatar for lucky1981_iway
Member Avatar for grifflyn

Hi I have written this program to find out how many vowels are in a sentance. What i need to do now is is capitalise the vowels and put a star next to the capital showing how many times that vowel was used in the sentance. so that the output …

Member Avatar for nikkibaby1979
Member Avatar for longihale

Okay I am trying to get an array (a primitive integer array) called a1 which contains integers. I want to return an ArrayList that has the entries of a1? This should be really simple, but it is just one of those days.... like [CODE] public static ? formlist(//a1 is sent …

Member Avatar for lucky1981_iway
Member Avatar for akhilesh.nitt

hi i want to implement auto filter for a column of an excel sheet .. can anybody plz help me.. plz help me.. thanks in advance.. :pretty: :pretty:

Member Avatar for Dhanesh.M

I need some help about ,how to naviagte from one form to another on a button click using java swing:-/

Member Avatar for Dhanesh.M
Member Avatar for farhat
Member Avatar for joshSCH
Member Avatar for teckid1991

Im working on this project for my class and what to make a chat thing for the network of computers in the room... i have everything set up correctly im just having trouble figureing out how to brodcast to all users. I assumed using a Vector and Threads would work …

Member Avatar for pplteo

i need make this program run..anyone can help me? [code=java] import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.net.URL; class Prim extends CompleteEuclideanGraph { private ArrayList remainingPoints; //points not on MST private ArrayList completedPoints; //points on MST private Point[] chosen; //array of chosen points for each step private int bpoint = -1; //pointer …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for ajay_tabbu

hello friends i have write a code(j2me) for mobile game my code is build but on run i got error message: Unable to create MIDlet Jeep.java java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Jeep/java at com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletState.createMIDlet(+29) at com.sun.midp.midlet.Selector.run(+22) Execution completed. 3610981 bytecodes executed 7309 thread switches 1647 classes in the system (including system classes) 18046 dynamic …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for pavani2006

1. Write a java program using following details. You are free to make all necessary assumptions. All the assumptions made should be documented. There are four scientists who need to be ordered according to their smartness (smartest to least smart). There is a text file “smart.txt” in the following format: …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for bmxer84

I have to create a program for class and I am stuck. Basically, the problem is that we need the manager to enter in the number of pizza toppings on hand at the beginning of the day. Then, when a customer orders a pizza with toppings (ie. small pizza with …

Member Avatar for bmxer84
Member Avatar for tripuraneni
Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for invinate

Hi, i'm reading from a URL that has cyrillic content, and when i try to display it, it shows lots of questions marks or sometimes other strange letters. how do i make it work correctly ?

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for varunb4u_05

Can any body help me to solve the problem of How to get integer values using Jtable from database

Member Avatar for varunb4u_05
Member Avatar for hassanmushtaq

hican someone tell me how can i run my j2me application in PocketPC. i tried it but it gives unnatural result. as it work ok in nokia 9300. and also tell me the emulators (open source) that easily integrate in netbean 5.5 having jdk 1.5. plz give me links for …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for qazwsx
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I have RedHat Fedora 4/5/6, they all have IBM Java 1.4 which doesn't do GUI correctly, and is not supported in FireFox browser for Applets. Anybody know how to setup Sun Java 5 and FireFox browser Java on Red Hat Fedora 4/5/6? Thanks

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Jeyasingh.p

hai i want to create 3 separate threads for different tasks in my program . how can i differentiate them in the run() method

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for volscolts16

I have a project that I am doing, but I cannot get my final answer to go into the text field that I want, it keeps coming out in a new terminal window. What did I do wrong?? import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; …

Member Avatar for volscolts16
Member Avatar for Rikardsen02754

// ********************************************************** // Count.java // // This program reads in strings (phrases) and counts the // number of blank characters and certain other letters // in the phrase. // ********************************************************** import cs1.Keyboard; public class Count { public static void main (String[] args) { String phrase; // a string of characters …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Cerberus

Hi, i'm using a JTextPane that i've customized with a method to set up some tabstops. In my GUI class constructor i call the tabstop setup method and it works fine. I'm having a problem though when i load text into the TextPane. Even though i call the tabstop setup …

Member Avatar for Cerberus
Member Avatar for starblaze

Hi everyone. I just started learning Java and did a few application to familiarize myself with it. I wrote an application to output a 2D array table but i can't seem to do it in an applet. Can anyone guide me along here? Problem is when i tried to output …

Member Avatar for starblaze
Member Avatar for nemo

I am trying to make a simple GUI based calculator for my homework. my +,-,*, and sqr functions work fine. i have to implement sqrt function for one of my JButton. am trying but have no clue what to put in event handler here else if(event.getSource() == sqrt) { ....... …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for realnsleo

hey there, could someone please help me with the api for using the flowlayout manager in java as well as a good example..thanks

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for antaryami

Any one doing sever programming with MySQL please let me know , all problems that can occur with connectivity of MySQL with SJSAS 9. There is a connectivty setup in the Admin Console. It is a bit confusing with duplicate Capital and small letter entries. Can we use the XADataSource …

Member Avatar for rpk5000

Hey, this isn't an, "I have an error" post! It's more like I'm taking a basic java course in High School and want to include an image as a background in a project in swing. I found some code online that seems to do this quite well, but I need …

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The End.