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Member Avatar for ranindu

here is the code.... below is my problem............. /* <applet code="Assign2.class" width=350 height=350> </applet> */ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /* Class Name - Assign2 PRIVATE FEATURES private JButton buttons[] // array to store buttons private String labels[] // array to stoer the department name private JPanel thePanel; // …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for roketto

Hi there... I'm pretty new to java, just learning arrays now. I've written a program that deals a "poker hand" to 4 players, using methods, but the problem with that is sometimes the same card gets dealt more than once. I'm now trying to use a boolean array of size …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Dhanesh.M

help! I have made three UI forms to accept inputs from the user (it is about airline reservation for my academic project),I want to open these forms in succession following the inputs from the user so how do i manage to open up these forms...Help me

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mojeze3

this is an example of the file: Caldwell E.,CSC,25,5,500.00,250.00,100.00,20.00,1000.00 there are 18 of these entries in the file consists of : last name and first initial,department,miles walked,number of pledges, and the pledge amounts. I have to : 1. display the file content 2.compute the total pledges obtained by each person …

Member Avatar for antaryami
Member Avatar for ranindu

hi, When you are using the Jprogressbar the % completed is usually printed in the middle of the bar. Can you change it to be printed at the end of the completed % . is there a method for that??? can anyone help me with this please..............:((

Member Avatar for antaryami
Member Avatar for MimieIdayu

how do i "hide sheet and hide window" like in spreadsheet.please help me in java swing code...a.s.a.p.thanx:pretty:

Member Avatar for antaryami
Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for vinod_javas

Hi guys.., I am working on RMI Application... server client communication, while running my application in DOS mode i am getting this error can any one help me out for this error? C:\javas>rmic serverimpl Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/java/Consta nts at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:12 4) at …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I am using RandomAccessFile, to create a log file. The log file gets created fine, when I open it in UNIX (I mean the display layout). However, when I open the file in Windows, in notepad, then I see instead of '\n' a little square. So all the …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for dualcore93

For those of you interested in having a messenger for your cell, I downloaded an application called MiM done in java with witch you can access your MSN and Yahoo! Messenger contacts. It seems that is in a promotional period and its download is completly free, without need of sending …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, When i press "end" button on keyboard, i want to see "pressed on end button" message on screen. How can i do this. I am new in Java. Thanks

Member Avatar for akhilesh.nitt

[B]hi all[/B] The Microsoft Jet database engine has an internal limit of 255 fields per query. but my Excel sheet containg more than this. and i have to fetch all the fields of the excel through JDBC. plz help me how can i fetch the data .. [B]thanx in advance …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for l0stb0y2008

hey, I'm a beginner in Java programming. I'm trying to do the vending machine program. And I'm having difficulty doing the do while loop. The scenario is if the user entered invalid input 3 times, it will loop back to the first menu using do while loop and switch case. …

Member Avatar for thuyyeu
Member Avatar for JavaNewbie07

Hi all, How do I create a bar graph in Java to hold a passed array of units and frequency? Thank youin advance for helping.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for javageak

I need help in figuring out how to make the code for sentences by determining that there is ., ?, ! in the sentence at the end. And the paragraph where you find each paragraph by the spaces between the lines. If you could just help me start, I'll finish …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for javageak

[COLOR=#fa6400]I really need help with this code...I have to display statistics from each and use Scanner and Tokenizer. For displaying each character I have to use Character.isLetter(). Please help me figure out how to display all of these things from a file. //TextFileStats.java //Print out Statistics using StringTokenizer. [/COLOR][COLOR=#941edf]import[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] java.io.*; …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for countrygirl1970

I have a question I am writing this program for class where all of the output goes into one JOptionPane.showMessageDialog for instance I have the The sub total price displayes, the sales tax displayed, and the Grand total displayed in this I also want to display a message if the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for realnsleo

hey there, could someone please tell me how to align the cursor to go to the left when someone clicks inside the textfield

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for JavaNewbie07

I need help figuring out how to put the following logic into code: I have a text file that I am reading from, I have been able to code so that it reads four seperate columns; now I need to make one of the columns read (into an array) the …

Member Avatar for lucky1981_iway
Member Avatar for JavaNewbie07

Hello, I have the following line that prints a year and the matching fruit consumption; however I have 35 elements in each array that this line is got from. I need help creating a loop that will parse rhe arrays and return the figure for each year. //Display for one …

Member Avatar for new_2_java
Member Avatar for rugae

I would like to make so that when you have a int and prompting user to enter some number for calculations... if the number entered is larger than a 10digits, my program wouldn't just crash or if the user enters a string... I havn't be taught any error catching stuff …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for honeysmiles

[COLOR=#000000]Build a hash table using chaining as the collision resoultion technique. Insertions into the hash table will correspond to declarations of variables and values in a program, searches will be requests for the value of a variable. Some variables will be local and have a narrow scope while some variables …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for realnsleo

hi there, how can i display an error message in java and stop compile program at that point of the error?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Rikardsen02754

I only need help with 1 of the programs now. It says to list all the postive integers less than 400 that are divisible by 3

Member Avatar for fraogongi
Member Avatar for aruna_k_2006

hi everyone, i am doing a project .............i have a problem 1.when i press F4 key i need to get a pop-up window and i need to search names in that poup window . For Example : All the client names start with A 2.when user types A & preees …

Member Avatar for vinod_javas
Member Avatar for Shakejuhn

i have a problem and i would like to knwo if some one can explain the directions in a simpler form because i have no idea what i am really supposed to do like how many classes i need if i need any and what should go in main. the …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I would like to know what is the difference between OutputStream and BufferedWriter objects? Can I use them interchangeabally? Reason is because I created a job that has to run every, lets say, 5 minutes. The problem is that when I run my java program manually from the …

Member Avatar for new_2_java
Member Avatar for realnsleo

okay..could someone tell me how to check if someone put in a float value in a text field. and if not how can i generate a dialogue box with an error. This is how it looks [code]marks1 = Float.parseFloat(tf1.getText().trim());[/code] i stored the contents of the textfield into marks1. How can …

Member Avatar for realnapster
Member Avatar for bondo

Dear god. this is driving me crazy. I'm working on an assignment involving inheritence, multiple classes, etc. I'm stuck at one stupid part. I have to write a toString method that formats the text. Is there a way to return a string with formatted text? I know about the printf …

Member Avatar for bondo
Member Avatar for realnsleo

hi people...please help me with this..i writing a program with textfields that a user is supposed to put data in, how can i create an error message and/or a beep to pop up when the user has not entered a value in a textfield..

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.