35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for megha777

hi,sir pls help me to send email using jsp, i see many code thorugh net but its nt working, so pls tell me what r u the requirement files means jar files or wat to add to send emails ,pls give me any code that can very helpful to me, …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for san_fran_crisko

Hi, I am designing a puzzle game and I am trying to use the data that comes back from "getLocation()". It tells me the x, y co-ordinates of a button on the screen but so far I cannot export the x, y data to a String or int. There is …

Member Avatar for san_fran_crisko
Member Avatar for muthumari

Hi , i have some elements in one form(sample.jsp).I want to insert that fields into database.But i know abt, the insertion of form values in to the database using next page(next page contains database connection) .But i don't know how do write the database connection within the same page(sample.jsp). Anyone …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for akash_msrit

hi this is akash i am doing project in java, i have some code in CGI , now i have to transfer that code in to javascript, can any one help me .it is very urget,please help me.

Member Avatar for dogma
Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, So I created a simple game with the use of Applet and I noticed I would get lines going through it as repaint is called. Is there a way to make it work smoother or a way to have layered images so that only a few images have to …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello guys, Firstly I want to thank you for taking time reading my post. Secondly I'll explain my problem... I've got some DAO's (Data Access Objects) These talk to the database and are soley responsible for transfering data too and from the database. I've thought for demonstration purposes it would …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello guys , I'll start with my code: [code] package testapplication; import java.util.HashMap; public class Main { /** Creates a new instance of Main */ public Main() { } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for suigion

Hi All, I want to develope database-driven application using JSP and JRun as the server. THe thing I want to know is how do I connect to the MSSQL Server 2000 database using JSP? What type of JDBC? And how to install the JDBC driver? Thanks in advance... :)

Member Avatar for alimirmd
Member Avatar for Stoney

I'm trying to get the minimum of 3 floating numbers. I believe my minimum3 method is alright but I think the problem is getting 3 numbers that are being entered in the main method. [CODE]public class Methods1 { public static void main(String [] args) { float x = input.nextFloat(); float …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for randomFIRE

Hi. I'm trying to learn about using threads in java, so I decided to try to make a new thread in which an alarm rings while the rest of the program continues. My program is supposed to go about it's business graphing some data, and then if the data exceeds …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for apontutul

hi friends.....I created a folder under webapps put 2 files 1html & 1jsp. though the html one is running the jsp one isn't. the error message: [B]HTTP Status 404 - /helloJSP/hello.jsp type Status report message /helloJSP/hello.jsp description The requested resource (/helloJSP/hello.jsp) is not available. I've set the JAVA_HOME (environment variable>user …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for uninvitedm

Hiya.. i posted before but heres the prob in more detail.. I'm making a JSP page where (ideally) you select files to upload, each selected file is added to a listbox. The form is submit, (along with some other parameters), and the files are uploaded. They arent uploaded (written) tradionally …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mabelin

hi! i am trying to add new features on a third-party webmin module vsftpd.i want to add radio buttons that enables/disables textboxes and i think i have to do this using javascript but i couldn't embed the javascript code into perl, how can i do this please help me!!

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for kahilw

The function below is sending audio that has been converted into bytes and then placed into a byte array, after which it is placed in the DataoutputStream and sent to a servlet. My question is How do I make a servlet that will receive this data and then turn it …

Member Avatar for exit

hey guyz... im trying to convert this formula into java code, im just having difficulty understanding it... ok it goes like this: Given loan amount (denoted by a), monthly interest rate as a decimal number (denoted by r). and monthly payment (denoted by p), the loan duration (in months) can …

Member Avatar for exit
Member Avatar for randomFIRE

I need to load an image in my program, but I keep getting this error: [code=java] C:\Documents and Settings\Remy B\Desktop\programming\Java\Java Projects\NurseGUI\GraphPanel.java:30: cannot resolve symbol symbol : variable danger location: class GraphPanel danger = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "danger.jpg"); [/code] I'm assuming this is because you can only use getDocumentBase with applets? I googled, …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for alimirmd

Hi, My program is something like this: [code] java.util.Vector v1991=new java.util.Vector(30); int f1=1; int f2=10; v1991=mb1.Sel(f1,f2); [/code] // Here,mb1 is the bean and sel is the function where I select the // records between employee number f1 and f2 [code] if(request.getParameter("submitxyz")!=null) { f1=f1+10; f2=f2+10; v1991=mb1.Sel(f1,f2); } [/code] // submit xyz …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for uninvitedm

I've been using Tomcat/local machine to produce some jsp pages for uploading files. Files are selected and added to a listbox on a form, once the form is submitted - the filenames in the list are uploaded. Firstly there is a check to see if they exist. Something to the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for alimirmd

Hi, I think I have already posted this,but may be in some other forum. I need to post this in JSP forum. Here,all I need is a replacement of goto statement.I want to check for a condition,and if that condition is true,I want the compilet to goto if() statement and …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for hegRT

Hi there, I have a class that returns a value based on a calculation with in the class 2 of the variables are called from a database, which is working however when I try to output the result on a jsp page ie. calling the property 'rating' I am told …

Member Avatar for alimirmd
Member Avatar for uninvitedm

Hi. I have a JSP page and I'm having trouble with some parameters... The page has a form containing a listbox, something like... [code]<select name="listnames" MULTIPLE>[/code] Files are browsed for with a <input type=file> object, when this is changed (onChange) the value is added to the listbox. When the form …

Member Avatar for uninvitedm
Member Avatar for Rikardsen02754

this is what I have now. I only know how to manually put them into the program. How do you read in the names? [code=language] import cs1.Keyboard; public class TestName { public static void main (String[] args) { //construct two new objects Name Name1 = new Name("Mike", "Matt", "Jones"); Name …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ashitha

hi....i am write a programme for uploading a fie using multipart/form data in jsp.it's working..but the problem is i want to write the textbox values into that file.if i am changing the multipart/form data as text/plain...then the textbox value is taken...but the uplading is not working..what to do...

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Thendral

Hai.. I need to display one image per day from an array depending upon the day in jsp/servlet. Intially i am having 5 images in an array. Then i want to display sunday --- 1st image monday--- 2nd image tuesday -- 3rd image wednesday--4th image thursday -- 5th image friday …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

Hi everyone... I need to build a file browser for a wireless multimedia device for a Windows PC. The objective is to be able to browse contents of the device. The device defines its own protocols for communication. I have divided the whole project into two modules: the browser and …

Member Avatar for vicky_dev
Member Avatar for MAYYOS

hi everyone, iam an IT student that tried to solve this java programming question but have many problems can anyone help me with it ?? here is the assignment .... using java programming language, write a program that will read a java code and locate all the assignment statements.from each …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jetru

Its pretty standard, why the hell isnt the window showing?? Cant figure it out :( [code] import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GUIpart { //All ze variables required int tempboard[][]=new int[9][9]; SudokuBoard fresh= new SudokuBoard(); JFrame sudoku = new JFrame("Srik Sudoku"); JFormattedTextField guiboard[][] = new JFormattedTextField[9][9]; …

Member Avatar for jetru
Member Avatar for suigion

Hi, I am new to JSP and I am using JRun as my server. But, there is a few things I am not understand about JCS. [LIST=1] [*]When we want to create a JCS file, do we need to install any driver or software? [*]How do I call the JCS …

Member Avatar for Phaelax

Given a JTable which presents 30-50k rows, its responsiveness becomes very slow. Is there anything I can do to improve its speed? I don't see why the number of rows would affect it so much. Wouldn't it stop rendering rows once it passes the a point beyond the size of …

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The End.