32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for stevetook

Hello, I have three classes: Circle, Canvas and GameBoard. When I try to compile this I get the error `'cannot resolve symbol - constructor Circle(int,int,java.lang.string)'` I noticed if I delete the parameters of the Circle it will compile. Please could anyone tell me why it doesnt understand the parameters? Do …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for yatishkarkera

hi everybody i am wrking on my final projrct n am facin problem in dynamic generation of any component on a click of a button.I mean in a frame there is a textbox n a button.Now if the user wants to add another textbox he clicks add button and a …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for BobbyBB

Im REALLY new to Java Programming and wanted to teach myself java. I download the newest version of the JDK from the website and have run into the javac problem. I keep getting the error that javac is not found or its not a operable program. (Something like that.) I've …

Member Avatar for BobbyBB
Member Avatar for fastmike

my program will ask the user his last name and his first name. after that it will do a search to see if the last name and firstname matches with the list. if it does then it prints out the phone number if not then it will say name not …

Member Avatar for fastmike
Member Avatar for mahul000

String serverName = ? String portNumber = ? String sid = ? Plz answer my above queries , while conecting with oracle 9i and Java.... its urgent !!!

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for gracin

I am trying to link a class from the book “Core Java” that has worked for years. The class is called “Format”. When I try to compile, I get the error message: cannot resolve symbol symbol: method atof (java.lang.String) location: class Format The code that generates this error is: fYrDefol[j][iDay] …

Member Avatar for gracin
Member Avatar for Dawnb

I understand that JAVA has upgraded or changed their modus of operation and one of my applications - HP C3500 Scanjet can no longer be accessed. It gives the following message:- Unable to start the application. The Java Virtual Machine cannot be loaded - Class not registered. I have deleleted …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for karmelody

Hello Everyone, Ild just like to take this oppertunity to introduce myself, Hi, im Kar'Melody! Hows it goin? and anyone has a code for a java vending machine I would really appreciate looking at it. Ive allready been working on it all day but I keep getting an annoying error …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shobha

Hi friends, i want to know good books that are present to learn J2EE(java). can u please suggest me.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for eeswari

Hi, can any one please help me . how to do web services using REST. please give an detail example. i am using JAVA technology. my id is <email snipped>. THanks in advance.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Covinus

import java.util.*; public class al{ public static void main(String[] args){ List l = new ArrayList(); Object a = "hello"; l.add(a); l.add("asdasd"); l.add("hgdfsdfshjk"); System.out.println(l.isEmpty()+""); System.out.println(l.get(0)); for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ String b = (String)l.get(i); System.out.println(b); } } } i still havent figured out how to solve the warning it gives. can someone esplain to …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for deepak_gurav22

Here is the code that I have written please check what is wrong, as I am not able to display Images on canvas. I am trying to create game. package PuyoPuyo; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import …

Member Avatar for deepak_gurav22
Member Avatar for samaru

Microsoft does it again! After having a court trial with Sun, about WindowsXP's problem with Java, Microsoft has come up with a good idea. Make its own version of Java and screw Sun. http://news.com.com/2100-1001-937053.html?tag=fd_top

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for plasticfloor

Hey, I've created a small rich client eclipse application from the wizard. now i changed my mind and i want it to run as a plugin. it should be fairly straight farward but i can't seem to find where on the manifest to make the change. please help

Member Avatar for peter_budo

Just have small program to practice with Calendar. However I come accross something unusual. Once you set date for 1st April 2007 or 1st June 2008 for example you get wrong number of the week. example bellow show code set to date 1st June 2008 [code] import java.util.*; import java.text.DateFormat; …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for itchap

Hey, I came across this question, this is the 1st time I write a XML file, and I have no idea if my work is correct, or if thats how its supposed to be.......please give me your feedback: Consider the following XML file that describes a pizza: An order for …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Mix

Ok I have a program that accepts input from a file. it reads in inputs and is supposed to close automagically when it sees the number '42'. Only problem, I can read the input just dont know how to look for 42. Here's the code? HELP plz. [code]import java.io.* ; …

Member Avatar for zorr
Member Avatar for Colin Mac

This is an example from a book to explain using the WhoWins type for three possibilities. But when I go to compile, I get the error, "cannot find symbol - class WhoWins". Any suggestions? Thanks [code]import java.util.Scanner; import static java.lang.System.out; class Scoreboard { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for shortone

first of all I run on microsoft XP, I have a toshiba satellite laptop 1415-s173. I think i'm running using IE 6 I'm not sure I do'nt know how to find out. I think it's either 6 or 5.5 and AOL version 9.0 This is a fairly new computer, purchased …

Member Avatar for asmqb
Member Avatar for kimbokasteniv

I've never actually ran a CLI based program outside of bluej. And after exporting one of my programs to a jar, I noticed I was not able to get any results when double clicking the jar. So, I'm guessing CLI based programs are run by a different method, or require …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for bluebird

hello, What problems will I encounter if I use Array although I don' know how many elements need I store? If I set the array size very large than I expected, can problem arises anymore? I tried to use Arraylist. But when there are many attributes, I always declare a …

Member Avatar for aviasoorya
Member Avatar for John P.

Hello, im trying to compile few .java files but i'm geting error message: GraphicsHandler.java:62: ';' expected for (Player p : server.playerHandler.players) { GraphicsHandler.java:67: illegal start of expression }}} I just don't know what to do... ----------------------There is my GraphicsHandler.java-------------- public class GraphicsHandler { public static int[] GFXspot = new int[5001]; …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

hi all, i got this example from a website, but unfortunately i cant understand some cording in that source. the green color lines are the difficult points that i could not understand. also the database name, user name and password has not specified at anywhere in this cord. how can …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Cudmore

So I've run into this situation a million times in my "learning career" and I've always found a long way around the issue so as not to risk throwing unnecessary exceptions.. Let's look at a simple example... [CODE=java]boolean IsEnabled (JPanel MyPanel) { return MyPanel.isEnabled(); }[/CODE] Throws java.lang.NullPointerException if null is …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Colin Mac

Just started reading 'Beginning Programming in Java for Dummies' and when I got to the first example below, I'm getting errors when i try to compile? I have the JDK 5 update 9 and the Jcreator IDE installed. Thanks in advance. [CODE]class MyFirstJavaClass { /** * Method main ** * …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for anukool

Hi everyone iam trying to learn awt and applets. The code below has compiled well but when i run it iam getting an Exception in thread main "Java.lang.NoSuchMethodError". Could any1 pls tell me where i have gone wrong. import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ButtonTest extends Applet { …

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for caduggins

I am writing a code for class that calculates 3 different mortgage rates with 3 different time periods and then displays the monthly payment. What I am getting for the output is on 2 of the payments is a negative payment amount. I am at a loss to understand why. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Joncamp

Taking a Java test I found a for{} loop which had a : character in it?... like this... for { : } I was supposed to fill in some objects, but I have no idea how a : character does in a for loop? Any comments? JON

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for itchap

Hi Everyone, I'am currently working on this question: Write a producer-consumer problem that uses threads and shares a common buffer. However do not use semaphores or any other synchronization primitives to guard the shared data structures. Just let each thread access them when it wants to. Use sleep and wakeup …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for DaveNY

Hi I wrote code for Java program to simulate the rolling of 2 dice. The application should roll the dice 36,000 times. In a tabular format it should show the frequency of rolling 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and also the percentage. It compiles alright but I am not getting the output. Can someone …

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The End.