15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for DAZL

Hey Guys, I'm struggeling with an idea of mine and hope there's someone here who can help me. **My idea:** A small gallery package, consisting of as few files as possible (html, css, javascript) that can read the /images folder in the same folder, and output those files to the …

Member Avatar for DAZL
Member Avatar for dany12

Are thyere any security issues that can affect data integrity or theft by other party and si there a solution to avoid this using the cool efects of jquery and json?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vijayram

Hi,everybody, i have this code,what is the problem.button clcik nothing to display, i want to button click display label and textbox. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#planbar").click(function() { var html=""; var i=0; var display=" "; /*var numitem = $(this).val; if(numitem>5) numitem=5; alert(numitem); for(i=1;i<=numitem;i++) {*/ html+="<div><b>Planbar</b> </div>" + "<div class='field'>" + "<span style='width:115px;float-left;text-align:right'>Where:</div>" "<div>" ; …

Member Avatar for suneel.gupta
Member Avatar for vijayram

Hi, i created fileuploader using php and jquery.user one click same time upload 20 images. i need each 3 images automatically arrange in 3 different sizes.first image width:120, 2 image width:192,and 3 one is 280. all the uplaoded images grouping 3 images. This is the my index page code. anybody …

Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey This is a stupid and very noob question but lets say I have something like: <script type="text/javascript"> /*javascript up here*/ var variable = new object("bla", "morebla"); variable.dosomething("evenmorebla", function(key, value) { alert("key is '" + key + "' and value is '" + value + "'"); }); alert ("alert 2 …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for glycerine

Hey guys im creating a weapon comparison script for the new game the secret world. A excel spreadsheet has already been created to do this (attached)(i have permission to replicate) but I wanted to give it ago via a php script. See what I currently have attached. What I need …

Member Avatar for glycerine
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, I am looking for Javascript API's on the internet but I couldn't find one that has all built-in functions and stuff. Is there a downloadable version of the documentation or a website that I can search what function is available? something like php.net Cheers,

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for cereal

Hi! *Minimize HTTP requests*. One of the suggestion I always read is to combine files, so I made a little Class that merges files on the fly, the supported formats are CSS and Javascript. With little efforts, I think, it can work fine also with JSON and CSV. Usage is …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for lemur

Hi there, I wrote code that reset search settings, code is: function formReset() { var fields = document.getElementsByTagName( "input" ); for ( i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { if ( fields[ i ].type == "checkbox" ) fields[ i ].checked = false; } document.getElementById( 'rrpmin' ).selectedIndex = 0; …

Member Avatar for lemur
Member Avatar for FutureDev86

I am tryin to put to display the elements of an array, with each element of the array on a seperate line. <script type="text/javascript"> var names = prompt("Enter Names:","Enter names here."); var names_array = [names.split(" ")]; var array_length = names_array.length; var i = 0; var array_display = names_array.join("<br>"); for (i;i<array_length;i++) …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for codeblock

Hi all, I have a registration page which allows the user to open up separate windows to include additional information. But for some reason it freezes the page and doesn’t allow data to be submitted into the MySQL database table. I’m mot sure whether this is a php or a …

Member Avatar for codeblock
Member Avatar for codeblock

Hi all, I have a registration page which allows the user to open up separate windows to include additional information. But for some reason it freezes the page and doesn’t allow data to be submitted into the MySQL database table. I’m mot sure whether this is a php or a …

Member Avatar for codeblock
Member Avatar for technoknol

Hi friends, I have designed some files in XP using HTML and javascript and run on IE 6. Everything was fine, but when i run this files in IE 10 and in firefox 11 & 13 it's not working. can anyone tell me what is the problem? Thanks...

Member Avatar for technoknol
Member Avatar for deepthianns

Hi, I want to execute some java script code when I close the browser. The following code is executing in I.E. But I want to execute in Firefox and Netscape. <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> function doUnload(evt) { var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; if (e.clientX < 0 && …

Member Avatar for alleen
Member Avatar for bo0ga

Please explain to a complete noob and please help me in regular javascript not jquery. I want an image to be shown and when clicked another image to show up right underneath

Member Avatar for bo0ga
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, I tried testing this code if it is true or not. But,apparently, it is indeed true. So, it is not like referencing an element in array and changing its value. Can someone explain it why this is exceptional with numbers, please? var a = 3.14; // Declare and …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for Coderunner

Hello, I have a problem with setting a cookie. People can hide or show background but when they go to another page of the website this needs to be remembered so I need to save it in a cookie. My code so far is <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 …

Member Avatar for Coderunner
Member Avatar for riahc3

I have this line: document.cookie =textbox+this.getParameterByName("idProd")+'='+document.getElementById('name').value+'; domain=mydomain.com; expires='+dia.toGMTString()+'; path=/'; This cookie should work on the mydomain.com and all of its subdomains to read and write, correct??? Doesnt work online but works on local thats why I ask. Thanks!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for adige72

I have an input text and want it to suggest **custom taxonomy terms** as soon as i type on it. These codes below i found after some googling, gives the idea about how to use autocomplete method in WP but i can't figure out how to achieve custom taxonomy terms …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a few buttons to manipulate selected text in textarea but cannot work out how to do it. I mean I tried some examples on web but they are not really cross-browser compatible. If one work then another wont etc. Can anyone help me modify what I have …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for baig772

i have an alert box which i want to show some icelandic text but its not showing it <script> function check() { alert("Þú verður að vera skráð/ur inn til þess að senda skilaboð"); } </script> it is showing the alert box but the text is messed up :( **Þú verður …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for trektrak

I have this qoute.. how am i going to refresh only the php out;.. which generally generate xml.. <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Example: Common Loader</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="util.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var infowindow; var map; function …

Member Avatar for jpadgett230

Hello, I can't figure out how to pass the values from dojo to a new php page. This is the meat of the dojo code that I did not write, I don't know dojo. I have another page that includes libraries and has the code that creates a form for …

Member Avatar for zahidpugc

Hi All, I have 1000 divs and 20 are visible and remain all are hidden ,onclik jquery event, I want next 20 divs are visible and so on.Can anybody hep me? Thanks! Zahid

Member Avatar for rvcT
Member Avatar for dany12

Hello I want to chnage the background to the latest radio btn clicked like in the atached image I have made somecode but this is not doing the job I have strated like this `jQuery(':radio:last:checked').length`I thought that by this way I will get one result and I was right then …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for teedoff

Ok, I have some sorting/drag and drop code that works fine as far as that basic functionality goes. I need to be able to serialize and save the sorting order to send back to the set method for the database. Here is my js: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("ul.droptrue").sortable({ …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for TheVendor

Hi there, I am trying to customize a Woothemes shortcode toggle in their 'Canvas' theme, and in my particular case I have two toggles on my Wordpress page. One toggle shows by default, the other is hidden. What I want to do is switch those toggle states around (open the …

Member Avatar for TheVendor
Member Avatar for mogaka

function name_loop(){ var names_array = []; $('.name_class').each(function(index){ names_array[index] = $.trim($(this).val()); }); return names_array; } the problem with the above code is that it returns only the first element and not the specified array. can someone solve it for me

Member Avatar for JJenZz
Member Avatar for helenc

Hi there, I'm having trouble getting a rotating image script working on a site. Unfortunately it's not displaying correctly in Firefox or IE9 and I need some help to fix that and wondered if anyone would be kind enough to help please? It seems to get stuck on the Sharpie …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for willjohanz

<html> <head> </head> <body> <img src="blue hills.jpg" name="slide" width="350" height="300"/> <script type="text/javascript"> var image1=new Image() image1.src="Sunset.jpg" var image2=new Image() image2.src="Winter.jpg" var image3=new Image() image3.src="Blue hills.jpg" var image4=new Image() image4.src="turf.jpg" var image5=new Image() image5.src="white.jpg" var step=1 function slideit() { <!--if browser does not support the image object,exit.--> if(!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") if(step<5) …

Member Avatar for Troy III

The End.