15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for ebolt007

So I have a script I'm working on that pulls multiple comments from a database, then puts it in a jquery piece that pulls the data from the arrays I created in my MYSQL Select. [CODE]function get_posts($start = 0, $number_of_posts = 5) { $posts = array(); $comments = array(); $query …

Member Avatar for tokick4

Hello, First let me start of by saying that I am new to javascript and ajax, but I thing I need them to accomplish what I am trying to do and here it is. I have there search forms, 1 search owner, 2 search contractor, 3 search properity. Then I …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i am working on a Asp.net project using C#, now i want to connect mssql server 2008 using JS or AJAX , i am very new with JS so i have no idea where to start .can anyone help me in this . Regards M.Waqas Aslam

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for abhijeet P

Hello all, I have a function in which onclick one window opens and there is logout option on the parent page. when I log out i want the child window to close as well. My native code is in Java and I need something in javascript. Plz help

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dancks

I was given this assignment: Create an html form. Include at least two text boxes, at least one of which must be numeric, a set of at least three radio buttons, a submit button and a reset button. Upload to your account. Make sure the permissions are correct. Name it …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi all i am new to Node.js i followed the tutorial and typed the following [CODE]var sys = require("util"), http = require("http"); http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.sendHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); response.write("Hello World!"); response.close(); }).listen(8080); sys.puts("Server running at http://localhost:1331/");[/CODE] its running fine while i run it through cmd but when i open my …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for atticusr5

Hello everyone, I am having trouble with getting jquery mobile not cache pages on the device. Does anyone know of a way to do this, I am COMPLETELY lost.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for itpragan

Dear all, Link not showing as well not working in a tag with tinybox javascript ... Pls tell me solution ... here the code <a style="cursor:pointer;" target="_self" rel="modal" onClick="return addhospital();"> <img src="images/anh.png" alt="<?php echo $keyword; ?>"/></a> <script type="text/javascript"> function addhospital() { TINY.box.show({iframe:'addhospital.php?action=addform',boxid:'frameless',width:620,height:560,fixed:false,maskid:'bluemask',maskopacity:40,closejs:function(){closeJS()}} ) } </script>

Member Avatar for xuweisen

Hi, sorry for reposting my question, because I wrong place at php thread before.. this is my website [url]www.byouinternational.com[/url] That website is a website that I make with full ajax programming.. I feel my website is quite long time loading the ajax content.. What do you think? Is it slow? …

Member Avatar for xuweisen
Member Avatar for vijayram

Hey everyone. the following are my jquery coding.i maked the code for user onclick the schedule date display schedule.what is the error for following code.onlick no display event. plz help me. correct the code. $(document).ready(function(){ $(".calendar").click(function() { if ($(this).attr('days')) { $.ajax({ url: $("#url_view_schedule").val(), data: "personalId="+$("#personal_id").val()+"&day="+$(this).attr("days"), dataType: "json", success: function(list) { …

Member Avatar for vijayram

Hi all, Iam working on Event Calendar and events are populate from Database inside php Calendar Control now i have to display the details of events on mouse over of selected date and pageloading time dispaly current event . any Idea or code help is apperciated. which appraoch i have …

Member Avatar for vijayram
Member Avatar for Que336

hi I'm having serious problems with this code. It all started when I tried to use functions. The function easy() works fine when the page loads but the button has stopped calling the check() function. could it be because I have that stored inside another function? I tried placing outside …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Punny

What I mean is letting people see the page before linking so they know what's going to be on that page. Picture a small window taking a look at a page before you open it.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for welkam

Hello i am quite new to jQuery. I am trying to insert search results in to page without reloading it, but unsuccessful. Here is the code i am using: [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ $("a").click(function(event){ $.get( "search.php", { query: "intel" }, function(data) { $('#content').html(data); } ); }); });[/CODE] i am using example form …

Member Avatar for mi.mac.rules
Member Avatar for fusionking

I am trying to create a number of panels that can expand and collapse like an accordion, but more than one can be open at one time. There's an image of an arrow that, when clicked, expands or contracts the panel. Each image of the said arrow has its own …

Member Avatar for fusionking
Member Avatar for ganesh641
Member Avatar for mi.mac.rules
Member Avatar for simplypixie

Sorry if the title of this thread doesn't make sense - I didn't know what to write :) I am using jQuery form validation and one of the rules is to check for a valid url. The field isn't required so am just validating formatting. This all works fine but …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for kevindougans

Can anyone help me with "adapt.js" ([url]http://adapt.960.gs/[/url]) to set it up to include 2 css files instead of just 1. For example I need it to figure out I want to include /css/960.css, then i also want it to include /css/<= $pagename ?>/960.css Here is my current code (not included …

Member Avatar for kevindougans
Member Avatar for jstfsklh211

I hate websites that timeout and don't let you know about it this script pops up a message when you timeout and allows you to re-login in place

Member Avatar for Ksrinivas92

I am trying to create a webpage which does the following: 1)Has an image,which has an onclick javascript function f1() and an image map with a link pointing to a javascript function f2(); 2)updateAnim() is an "animation" it changes the image sources some 30 times 3)f2() is any function(trying with …

Member Avatar for Ksrinivas92
Member Avatar for mshdpotato

I got this PHP page where I get data from a database and turns it into a link through javascript. It works well on Google Chrome and IE but doesn't work at all on Firefox. Any idea why? Thanks a bunch :) [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function submitform(action) { document.forms("pSubCategory" + …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ajcoder

I can't seem to get my code to work. What am I missing? I want to be able to call the xml information and put it into a div I created in an html page. I was able to get one of them to show up with similar code to …

Member Avatar for jpknoob

Evening, I am trying to grab information from a PHP script using JQuery when the user enters a value into a text input field. The text input box has an auto suggest function so that when the user begins tying they can see what matches from the database. If the …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Experts I am creating datapicker with the help of following link [url]http://edwin.baculsoft.com/test/calendar.html[/url] datepicker on above link works fine but when I apply code to my page then it does not work. The attachment is my html and other files. Please help me to locate error. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for mombasageek

hi am having a small javascript trouble here pliz help out [ICODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <!-- help out pliz --> <!-- i need javasript that wil return true when the code 12345 is entered in the input field and place an image accept.gif in the div id …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for klatuu

I have [I]some[/I] experience with Java and Javascript and searching this forum has helped me tremendously, but haven't been able to find this exact problem explicitly. In a nutshell: I want to call a java class straight from javascript i.e. use a java class in javascript without OBJECT or APPLET. …

Member Avatar for melbahtoast

So I've done quite a few forms before but I'm running into trouble with this one. I'm not exactly sure what I need to do, but let me explain. I have: Form A Form B Form A collects basic data from a customer. Form B give you the option to …

Member Avatar for melbahtoast
Member Avatar for basamdamdu

Hi all, I am a newbie when it comes to js/jquery. I am trying to have the content of a div (let's call it "quote") added to the body of a mailto. the content of the div "quote" is randomly generated (stored in .js file) by pressing a "next" button. …

Member Avatar for basamdamdu
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hey, I am having some trouble with Google Maps API... I have the following code: [CODE]function geocodePosition(pos) { geocoder.geocode({ latLng: pos }, function(responses) { if (responses && responses.length > 0) { updateMarkerAddress(responses[0].formatted_address); } else { updateMarkerAddress('Cannot determine address at this location.'); } }); } [/CODE] However this shows the full …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Sogo7

Sometimes user interactive [B][I]web fluff[/I][/B] is useful for holding a visitors attention on a site, so here is a little HTML5 canvas demo to create random numbered lottery balls that bounce around a bit. The basic page code is below and the three external javascript files can be [URL=" http://lovelogic.net/support_articles/lottery.php …

Member Avatar for Airshow

The End.