15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for shaan_046

Hey guys. I am getting an error in this jsp code in line13 ( PopulateTextbox obj = new PopulateTextbox();). What is wrong in my code. Am i declaring the function at wrong plae or missing braces anywhere. Please help. ? [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <%@page …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, I'm using scrollintoview to scroll to the element but it's very quick, do you know anything like this but smooth?

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for zackh123

Hello, I am currently helping my BI team convert a Cognos Tree Object into a Javascript tree object. The part where I am stuck is using javascript to parse the XML data file that would normally fill up the Cognos tree. Here is an example of the XML data file... …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Violet_82

HI there, I am attempting a crossfade based on [URL="http://www.simonbattersby.com/blog/simple-jquery-image-crossfade/"]this[/URL] but needless to say it is not working as nicely as it should. What I have done was to run through the code in the above example, understand it - or at least attempting to do so with a bit …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, I am a little stuck with a slideshow I am developing. On this site [url]http://antobbo.webspace.virginmedia.com/petras/home.htm[/url] the slideshow is working fine, it is a javascript slideshow: [CODE] <script type = "text/javascript"> var imageList = new Array( "images/homepage/home_0.jpg", "images/homepage/home_1.jpg", "images/homepage/home_2.jpg"); var frame = 0; var image; function init(){ setInterval("animate()",1000); image …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, I want to upload a file the way input type=file does, but I want to upload it as a client to a remote server. Any ideas please?

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for skald89

I have external links opening with the "fancybox" jquery plug-in when clicked on. I want to be able to have the web page in the fancybox scroll down when it loads. (Any place on the page is fine, this is just a learning exercise) I have marked my code to …

Member Avatar for aynamohol

Suppose fields: id, uname, ufullname, upass, uemail I would like to add an option for users to update there profile. Users will update profile which make changes without reloading page. Every field will show once user clicked on Update profile. My needs little different than others tutorials i have searched …

Member Avatar for soft_coder

Hi! I have the following scenario: [CODE] <html> <head> </head> <body> <iframe id="iframe_page" src="https://www.samplepage.com"/> </body> </html> [/CODE] Please see the html above. Here I have an iframe loading a page in another domain. What exactly happening is, first the iframe loads a page in our domain then that page redirects …

Member Avatar for kenng

Hi there, I was trying to create this code to put in my wordpress post. I've no idea how and need help it. When the user click on the iphone 4s, it will load content below table to choose firmware, and computer's operating system, and it will link to the …

Member Avatar for kenng
Member Avatar for hallianonline

Hello i have a js file named as get.js I have a variable which have base64 encoded string in it and now I want its decoded values which writes in document.write function but I am getting blank results when I include this file in body of my html plz help …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for davy_yg

[URL="http://ocklaw.com/new/"]http://ocklaw.com/new/[/URL] Can anyone help me fix the navigation. 1)I would like a horizontal navigation botton NOT vertical like in the link. How to create a horizontal navigation button. 2)I would like to erase the numbers. If anyone could help me answer one of the question you are welcome to answer …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for kutchbhi

user types text in a text box, the text is sent to a php script with ajax. The response is used to populate a select menu. I am getting a xmlResponse is null error with some browsers. Steps to recreate problem: 1. Goto [url=http://kutchbhi.x10.mx/choose.php]Example page[/url] , in firefox/chrome. 2. type …

Member Avatar for kutchbhi
Member Avatar for kurtzky123

I have a Parent window with two radio buttons (Yes and No) and a Submit button. If the user selects No and clicks the Submit button, a popup child window will appear. Is there a way to dynamically close the child page if let's say, the user clicks the Yes …

Member Avatar for ajcoder

I need to do a name game for class. I'm clueless where to start. I'm so new at Javascript, I just don't know what to do. Can you help? I want to know how to do this and understand why. You will create JavaScript code that will allow a user …

Member Avatar for jmichae3
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

How to get the parent node for all selections? this just give one selection out of 4 iframes: [CODE] self.parent.frames[i].getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode.outerHTML=self.parent.frames[i].getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode.innerHTML; [/CODE]

Member Avatar for bhuvan83

hi every1 i m new to website development. just learning it. i have made a code in which i access my database(MS Access). i m able to print the first record of the database on the page. but i m not able to go to next record which i want …

Member Avatar for Vetha
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, how can we replace the getSelection HTML in an iframe? I want to getSelection() and the replace selection's html with simple text.

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

I'm getting xmlHttp.readyState 1 when sending these parameters and it only happens when parameter 'text' is very big. [CODE] var url="replaceText4.jsp"; url=url+"version="+version+"&work="+actualWork+"&secName="+secName+"&text="+text; xmlHttp.open("POST",url,true); xmlHttp.send(url); [/CODE] Could you help me on this?

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for Milutz94

Many people are searching for this code, and not all codes are working for them :) So, this is a bit easyer, ussualy a .js and/or .css file are required, but this one is simple! [B]STEP 1[/B] Paste this into your page header: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"><!-- function setFirstChildImgDisplay(el,vis) { if(!el || …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, I want to send big amounts of data, like a very big text with 3 Mb from an iframe to a database. For this I send the text from javascript side to JSP and from here to MySQL. When the text is big like this the text is …

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for xilix

I am trying to start a daemon on a server with Ajax PHP and JQuery. The following code executes without any errors an opens all the html files in separate browser windows like it's supposed to. I receive the alert message . However, the daemon never starts. Can anyone see …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Altarium

Hello! I may be posting this in the wrong section (in which case I apologize), but is it possible to detect (using javascript or other web language) if the person using a computer has admin rights? I have a feeling it would not be possible (security and all), but I'm …

Member Avatar for Altarium
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi Guys, This is the image I am animating (The html surrounding it): [CODE] <div class="index_top_left_img"> <img src="products/wrangler-jeans.gif" width="198" class="IndeximgOpa" /> </div> [/CODE] I have this few lines which fades the images in and out: [CODE] $(function() { $('.IndeximgOpa').each(function() { $(this).hover( function() { $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500); }, function() …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lkkkeith

I'm working on a card game with javascript and CSS but I am a complete newbie of both languages. I wanna ask whether I can make all card images as buttons and have an "overlapping" effect which looks like this [URL="http://www.crazyeights-cardgame.com/"]http://www.crazyeights-cardgame.com/[/URL] Attached is my source code but the images are …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dremes

Hi could anyone advise what I should change with the code below to stop these been treated like a pop up windows, it would be best if it openned in new tab or second use of browser on top of current window. $chat = "window.open( '" . SK_Navigation::href("private_chat", array("userKey"=>$pr_key, "oppUserKey"=>$opp_key, …

Member Avatar for dremes
Member Avatar for winnzor

When i click a button [CODE]<input id='delete' type='button' name='delete' value='Delete' onclick='deletePost(<? echo $id;?>);'>[/CODE] I want it to go to this function which is sent to my delete php code [CODE]function deletePost(id){ $('.content-num' + id).hide('slow'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/func/delete.php", data: "id="+ id, success: function(){ }}); alert(id); } [/CODE] Im new …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for tarunfuture

I am using javascript for form validation but after click on submit its showing me the alert but after cancelling the alert box it is processing and sending me to the next page

Member Avatar for tarunfuture
Member Avatar for martin11ph

Hi good day. I am currently using Spry Textfield Validation on my forms. Whenever there is an error, the error message does appear and the field goes red. However, the entire form is shifted to the left a couple of pixels. If the user corrects the value in the field, …

Member Avatar for martin11ph
Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

[CODE]<script> //function PlaySound() { var sound = document.getElementById(sound1); sound.Play(); alert("ok");} function playSound( url ){ var s=document.getElementById("sound").innerHTML="<embed src='"+url+"' hidden=true autostart=true loop=false>"; s.play(); } </script> <!-- <embed src="sound_5.mp3" hidden="true" autostart="false" loop="false" width="0" height="0" id="sound1" enablejavascript="true"/>--> <input type="button" onclick="playSound('sound.wav')" value="Play"/> <div id="sound"></div> [/CODE] Hi friends, I want to play sound from above code …

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The End.