15,688 Topics
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Hi, Does anyone know if Bing translator is still available, or has it gone the same way as google, and converted to 'paid'? I'm trying to use jquery translate on a website that I'm building, but despite 3 days of searching I cannot find how to get a Bing Appid … | |
I cannot find the mistake in the following code function doArray(n){ // test with n > 1000 var str, i, j,arr=[], cnt=0, q=0, re; str = ["one two three","two three four","three four five", "four five one", "five one two"]; for(i=0; i<n; i++){ j = Math.round(Math.random()*(str.length-1)); arr.push(str[j]); } re =/two/g; for(i=0; … | |
I have written my first javascript block which functions correctly in IE, however nothing executes in FF or chrome. have I missed something. Also is there a way to stop IE from prompting to run it? TIA Javascript function getCondition() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for ie7+, firefox, chrome, opera, … ![]() | |
I would like to alter the example provided [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_database.asp"]here [/URL]so that there is a second dropdown input for 'Male/Female'. I know the example itself does not provide a 'Sex' field in the MySQL db, but let's just pretend it does. Furthermore, assume we have a new in out select for … | |
Dear All, Please suppose that I have this line of code, and that my selection range goes from div element with id=1, starting at '2', to div element with id='2', ending at '8'. `<div id='1'>1`2`3</div>456<div id='2'>7`8`9</div>`. I'm using chrome, I would like to get the position of the cursor inside … | |
I'm populating a chained linked dropdown box with the following code: $(document).ready(function() { var data = <?php echo $arr;?>; var id; function getData(passCatID){ var content = ''; var content = '<option name="specify id="specify" style="background: url() right no-repeat; width: 20px">------SPECIFY-----</option>'; var product_desc = ''; var invt = ''; var qty = … | |
Hi: I was wondering if it is possible for an click() element for jquery to call another document.ready() element from within. Here is what I mean: I have: $('#addrow').click(function(){ $('.item-row:last').after('<tr class="item-row"><td valign="top" align=center style="border-left: 0px solid #cccccc;" width="100%" class="item-name"><div class="delete-wpr"><?php echo $dd2;?><a class="delete" href="javascript:;" title="Remove row">D</a></div></td><td valign="top" align=center ><select id="service_subcat_1" … | |
I'm trying to upload an Image to PHP. The most common method I found out to do this was using FORM/POST; But that doesn't help me for what I am about to do. What I actually am trying to do is upload an image to PHP, the PHP Script will … | |
# How to access $_SESSION in jQuery ? # I'm developing a existing chat using jQuery with PHP. here is the code function createChatBox(chatboxtitle,minimizeChatBox) { if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).length > 0) { if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display') == 'none') { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display','block'); restructureChatBoxes(); } $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").focus(); return; } $(" <div />" ).attr("id","chatbox_"+chatboxtitle) .addClass("chatbox") .html('<div class="chatboxhead"><div class="chatboxtitle"><a … | |
The following script adds my affiliate extension to every url on my page. For example, if http://www.Google.com/ is on my page somewhere... Adding this script to the page will automatically change the url to- http://adf.ly/xxxxxx/http://www.Google.com/ - this goes for every url on the page... This script works great if the … | |
i have this code where it computes for the time entered by the user. it doesn't have yet the limitations or the conditions regarding the time to be entered . it successfully computes for the time and the hour increases based on the minutes, but the problem is when you … | |
Hi In my application I have a test for distance using google maps api. As you can see above if the postcode is within range the page is redirected to the menu page. I have created a very simple lightbox using css and the onclick function. I want that div/lightbox … | |
Hi This is either really simple or completely impossible :) I have a table like the following: [CODE] <table> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>9</td> </tr> <tr> <td><<SUM OF THIS COLUMN (8)>></td> <td><<SUM OF THIS COLUMN(11)>></td> </tr> </table>[/CODE] I hope you understand what it is im asking. This is … | |
I have div. <div>This is text in div1.</div> How do i get the text written in div to variable in javascript ?? | |
Hello, How can i replace a button by an image? Here is my code: <INPUT TYPE="butt <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="insert" VALUE="Gras" onClick="this.form.area.value=this.form.area.value.concat('<b>Ajouter votre texte en gras ici</b>');">insert" Thank you, Sanchixx | |
![]() | NotiOpened = '0'; if (NotiOpened == '0';) { $("#notification").slideDown("slow"); $('#notification').load('notification.php'); NotiOpened = '1'; } else { $("#notification").slideUp("slow"); NotiOpened = '0'; } what's wrong with it? |
how to automatically refresh a dynamic web page after 1 second at once(not continually) using javascript ? | |
Does anyone know of a function that can check all or uncheck all checkboxes with one click barring in mind i have multiple forms on one page. function checkAll(formName, status){ for (i = 0; i < formName.length; i++) formName[i].checked = status.checked? true:false } I have tried the above it works … | |
Hi, Im trying to save a change value to the database from an autocomplete textbox. I have 2 scenarios 1) Add a new value without selecting any option from the autocomplete list. I want the oblur or any similar method of the textbox to hit whenit loses focus to call … | |
I have a table of data with hostnames in column two of my table and other data such as location, type, etc. in the other columns. I would like to have a button that will filter any hostname that ends with an H. So far I have the code below … | |
Guys please give a simple code (specific syntax) on how can I integrate a jquery in my PHP site using codeigniter. and what configuration should be made in my other php files to make it work. I also cannot display any image in my php files inside the views folder, … | |
Hi, I'm very new to javascript, if someone could help me I would really appreciate it. I'm adding this floatable jquery menu to my site [jquery-floating-menu](http://manos.malihu.gr/jquery-floating-menu). What I'm trying to do is get the menu to expand when clicked. I have tried to add .click instead of .hover but it … | |
hi i need to add button thath allow to print out list my script display on the screen, i try few thing but button always dissapear after i display list. can someone help me? this is my script code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script> var teams … | |
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Hi, i'm new to javascript and I'm just wondering why this isnt displaying the alert messages.. can anyone shed some light? <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#username").keyup(function(e) { var usr = $("#username").val(); var allready= 0; if(usr.length > 3) { allready= 1; $('input[type="submit"]').removeAttr('disabled'); } else $('input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true); allready = 0; }) … | |
I am learning jQuery from thenewboston. I have learnt about ID selectors (#) and element selectors (<html element>). They have also used the colon selector (:). What is the colon selector for? Can somebody please explain in an easy way? | |
Hello I am working on a web page(php based). I want to put a `like` button, so that when a user clicks it, he is added to the likers list in my database.(like in the facebook). I wrote a php funtion to execute this database insertion, but since the event … | |
Hey guys, I've been stuck on this problem for quite some time now. I'm trying to have someone type some text into CK editor and then I want to count how many bold, italic, or underlined words have been typed. I've managed to count the number of tags there are … | |
I have this code: <?php foreach ($_options as $_option) : ?> <input id="xyys" type="hidden" name="xyys" value="<?php echo($_option['value']);echo ($_option['option_id']);?>" /> <?php if($_option['label'] != 'Corte'): ?> <?php $_formatedOptionValue = $this->getFormatedOptionValue($_option) ?> <dt><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_option['label']) ?></dt> <dd<?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> class="truncated"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $_formatedOptionValue['value'] ?> <?php if (isset($_formatedOptionValue['full_view'])): ?> <div class="truncated_full_value"> <dl … | |
Hello there, I have been looking on the internet for the past week or so but no luck. I have come accross few bits and pieces but nothing that really worked or too much for what I am looking for. I am looking to have a Accordion Menu with 3 … |
The End.